BIBLE TEXT: Matthew 5:1-12
MEMORY VERSE: Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.”
LESSON AIM: Children should know how to behave well.
CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: Blessings come from Almighty God.
INTRODUCTION: It is important to start by acknowledging what Jesus meant when He used the word “blessed” throughout this teaching. The original Greek word used for blessed” was makarios. This word can also mean happy, joyful, or blissful. An easy way to
explain what Jesus was trying to say to a child could be to point out the difference between being happy and being joyful. Being happy is
like eating a piece of candy. It’s wonderful while the candy is in our mouth, but once the sweet flavor is gone that’s it. Being joyful is like
being full after eating your favorite meal. Not only did you enjoy eating the food, but now you feel full and satisfied. When Jesus uses the word “blessed” He’s talking about being full and satisfied with the contentment that comes from knowing God.
PROGRESSION OF EVENTS: Matthew 5: 1-12. Blessed are:
1. Poor in spirit means those who humbly accept their need for Christ.
2. Those who mourn shall be comforted because Jesus is our comforter
3. The meek, those who are gentle, slow to anger, and having controlled strength
4. Hunger and thirst for righteousness means longing more to be like Christ
5. The merciful who responding with compassion for others when they deserved to be punished.
6. Pure in the heart is having the right motives and being blameless before God
7. Peacemakers seek to bring peace among oppositions or bad circumstances
8. Persecuted for righteousness sake is been mistreated for being obedient to God
9. When you are wrongly accused of evil for God’s sake
CLIMAX: Rejoice and be exceedingly glad may be difficult to do but Jesus promises us great reward for doing the right thing.
CONCLUSION: Blessing is God’s gift in our lives, even when we don’t deserve it. Because God loves us, He wants to give us good
*BIBLE TEXT: Luke 15:11-32*
MEMORY VERSE: Acts 3:19 “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.”
LESSON AIM: The children will know that God can forgive their sins if they genuinely ask for forgiveness
CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: God is happy when you say you are sorry
The Bible describes repentance as a profound realization of our sins and resulting sorrow that leads us to change our thoughts and actions: “For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death” (2 Corinthians 7:10).Godly sorrow allows us to see how totally selfish, corrupt and far from God we are and causes us to place our hope in Him. It leads to a deep, life-altering commitment. Worldly sorrow, by contrast, is shallow and superficial, producing no real and permanent change.
1. Jesus told a parable about a man with two sons
2. The younger son was very impatient and did not want to wait for his father to die to get his inheritance
3. He asked his father to divide all of the properties up and give him his part and the father did.
4. The younger son took all of the money and he left home, went to live in another country that was very far from his home, and spent his inheritance on a riotous living
5. The problem was that soon the money ran out and he had no more money for parties. People stopped liking him.
6. There was a famine in the country where the younger son lived and could no longer feed himself so he got a job working for a man feeding his pigs.
7. He was so hungry that he wished he could eat the food the pigs were eating.
8. Finally, he began to think about what he had done, he knew that he had been wrong to ask his father for the inheritance and wanted to go home but he thought his father would never forgive him.
But God does forgive us! When we tell God we are sorry, He is so happy. He is happy because He loves us and always wants us to do the right thing. He sent Jesus to die for us by given His lifeblood on the cross. When you accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour and confess your sins, He will forgive you and make you His child. (John 1:12)
9. The son went back home and would just ask if he could work for him as one of the other workers.
10. As the son got close to his father’s house he noticed his father running to meet him and was so happy to see him that he threw his arms around him and gave him a big hug.
CLIMAX: The son said he was sorry for what he had done and told his father that he did not deserve to be his son but the father loved him so much and was so happy to see him again that he want celebrate. He was happy to forgive his son.
CONCLUSION: He put a beautiful robe on his son and put a ring his finger and special sandals on his feet.
*BIBLE TEXT: Daniel 1:1-21*
MEMORY VERSE: 1Corinthians 6:19 “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which have have of God, and ye are not your own?”
LESSON AIM: The children will know that God can give them the power to say NO to things that are not of Him
CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: God wants you to rely on Jesus to say No.
INTRODUCTION: God warned his people over and over that if they did not obey Him then He would not protect them from their enemies.
One of the enemies was King Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of the powerful country of Babylon. Four good young Jewish boys were taken as prisoners during King Nebuchadnezzar’s raid. Their names were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishacl, and Azariah. They were good boys who loved God. They obeyed God’s laws. They worshipped God and prayed. They were also careful to obey all of God’s rules about which foods they could eat and which foods they could not eat. Now they were prisoners! They had to leave their parents and go live far away in the city of Babylon.
1. While Daniel and his friends were living in Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar decided to choose all the smartest and healthiest young prisoners to be his special helpers.
2. Daniel and his three friends were chosen and the king wanted them to learn to like Babylon and to help the king.
3. They were taken to the palace and taught all the laws of Babylon and their names were changed to Babylonian names; Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
They learned science and maths and all about the stars.
4. While the boys were learning, the king put an official in charge of them and told him to give the young men the best food in Babylon.
5. Daniel told the king’s officer that they would not eat the king’s food because it was sacrificed to idols
GOSPEL CONNECTION: God said in Exodus 20 that He is a jealous God and will not share your love for Him with anyone or thing. God’s love is so great that He sent Son as a sacrifice for our
sins to be forgiven (John 3:16). Jesus shed His lifeblood on the cross so that when you believe in Him as your Saviour, He can give you
the power to say NO to things that are not of God
6. The officer liked Daniel and his friends but he was afraid that the king would get mad at him.
7. Daniel had a good idea that he and his friends would only eat vegetables and drink water for ten days and at the end of ten days, the officer could judge to see if they were as healthy as all of the other young men at the palace.
CLIMAX: At the end of ten days the officer noticed that these four boys were healthier than all of the rest of the young men at the palace.
CONCLUSION: The king decided that Daniel and his friends were the best of all the young men in the palace and they were ten times
better than all the magicians and wise men in the entire kingdom.
*BIBLE TEXT: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18*
MEMORY VERSE: 2 Corinthians 7:1 “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”
LESSON AIM: The children will know the meaning and how to be separated unto God
CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: God wants you to rely on Jesus to be separated unto Him
What is consecration? Consecration simply means separating oneself for a particular purpose or dedicating to a divine purpose. The Bible tells us that God has created us for His pleasure and we cannot be truly fulfilled until we begin to fulfill this particular purpose, However, we cannot do this without being separated unto God.
PROGRESSION OF EVENTS: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18
1. It is making God the number one in our lives Matt 6:33.
2. It is letting God occupy the center of our hearts Prov 23:26.
3. It is the desire to always please God above all else Phil 1:21, Rom 8:35-38.
4. It is living a holy life and saying bye-bye to sin Heb 12:14.
5. It is having a hot love for God in us (Rev 3:15-16)
CLIMAX: Consecration is essentially being separated unto God Joshua 24:1 5.
CONCLUSION: Love God with all your heart.
*BIBLE TEXT: Matthew 24:36-44; John 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:51-55; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18*
MEMORY VERSE: 1 Thessalonians 4:16 “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:”
LESSON AIM: The children will prepare for the return of Christ
CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: Jesus is coming again
Children! How do you feel when mummy or daddy or both of them went on a long trip? (give room for answers). Did you miss them? When they came back, what were your feelings like? (give room for contributions). We miss our loved ones when they go away, we are happy when they come back. What preparations did you make for their homecoming? Did you wear special clothes, clean and decorate the house, help make special foods?
PROGRESSION OF EVENTS: Matthew 24:36-44, John 14:1-3, 1 Corinthians 15:51-55, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
1. When Jesus lived on earth, He had some special friends who loved Him very much
2. These friends followed Him and listened to His teachings and were called the disciples because they did what He taught them to do
3. Because Jesus loved the disciples, He taught them what they needed to do to live with Him and God in Heaven
GOSPEL CONNECTION: Jesus wants you and me to live with Him and God someday in heaven because of the love They have for us. We know that sin cannot enter heaven so God sent Jesus to earth to take the punishment for our sins so that when we believe in Him as Lord and Saviour, we can someday be in heaven with Him (John 3:16)
4. Before Jesus went to heaven, He told His disciples that He will come again (John 14:3)
5. When Jesus returns, it will affect everyone, both the dead and the living, and our bodies will be raised or changed (John 5:28-29)
CLIMAX: The Children of God will be together with the Lord in Heaven praising and serving Him while others will be separated from Him forever (1 John 3:2)
CONCLUSION: The Bible says that God will make the new Heavens and new Earth for the old ones will pass away (Revelation 21:1)