3 Reasons You Should Read Open Heavens Daily Devotional
Open heavens daily devotional is written and published by Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, who is the
General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. Pastor Adeboye is a blessed man of God
who is being greatly used by God for great things.
Pastor Adeboye has been serving the LORD for many years now. He started following the LORD JESUS
and has given himself totally to the LORD. The man of God is first a son of God who is submissive to the
LORD. This is the first thing in place before any other thing.

Pastor Adeboye has been touching a whole lot of lives all around the world through various channels. He
is the Pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, which is one of the biggest churches you will find
around. His sermons and preachings are being watched on TV and other online channels.
And one of the major ways he is blessing many lives all around the world is via the open heavens daily
devotional. The open heavens daily devotional is one of the best you can ever find around. It is being
read by many people all over the world on a daily basis.
You know, the open heavens daily devotionals takes care of each day of the year. This is because the
devotional is written to cover each day of the year. Meaning, there is always a devotional from January
1st to December 31st of each year.
One of the superb things about the open heavens daily devotional by Pastor Adeboye is that it is not just
a blessing to the members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God alone, but to the whole world. It
gets easier to even get blessed by this devotional now with the presence of social media and the
Hence, you can always read the open heavens daily devotional regularly on your phone or computer.
You can get them from facebook, whatsapp, and so on.
3 Reasons You Should Read Open Heavens Daily Devotional
Now that you should know already that you can always read the open heavens daily devotional
anywhere and anytime, you can be given these good reasons why you should try to always read this
1. It Is Beneficial To Your Spirit
First of all, you must understand the fact that you are really a spirit who has a soul and is living in a body.
You are not your flesh. Your flesh will die at some point, and it will return back to the ground. However,
your spirit remains and abides, and it will be for eternity.
Therefore, it is very necessary that you give great priority to your spirit well above your flesh. Of course,
it is unfortunate today that many people are giving more attention to their body and outward
appearances than their spirits.
However, you should be more interested in blessing your spirit. Doing so will be beneficial to you for
eternity. Of course, it is necessary to inform you that this can be done as you give yourself very greatly
to spiritual activities.
One of the best spiritual activities that will help your spirit is to engage spiritual materials. And one of
the best spiritual materials that can help you is something like the open heavens daily devotional.
The open heavens daily devotional is a rich spiritual material, and it will be really beneficial to your
spirit. Don't forget, the author of this Devotional (in the person of Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye) is a
very spiritual man who walks in the Spirit. Daddy G.O is a man of the Spirit, yielding to the Spirit and
following Him. Therefore, it is easy for him to fetch spiritual things from the realm of the Spirit and bless
the people of God.
Therefore, the blessings of God are in the open heavens daily devotional. In fact, don't forget that this
man of God is a man attached to the Word of God, the LORD JESUS. The Word is his Source. Therefore,
he writes from the Word of God, in scriptures. The Word of God is his guide and compass, and it is from
here the words of the open heavens daily devotional are from. Therefore, the open heavens devotional
is rich in spiritual blessings, and they will bless your spirit.
2. It Is Beneficial To Your Soul
As you should know already, your have a soul. Your soul is made up of your mind, will and emotions.
Your mind is a very important faculty and part of you that is like a doorway to your spirit. What passes
through your soul (your mind) can get to and reach out to your spirit.
You have an obligation to ensure your mind is not infested with rubbish that will harm your spirit. Your
spirit is harmed when it is not in perfect alignment with God your Source. Therefore, you have to avoid
the rubbish always flying around today (rubbish songs, rubbish movies, rubbish entertainment, and so
The bible in Proverbs 4:28 admonishes that you guard your heart above all, for everything you do flows
from it. Hence, you must see to it that you keep feeding your mind with God's Word and important
spiritual materials like the open heavens daily devotional.
3. It Is Beneficial To Your Body
When your spirit is enriched and your soul is always nourished by the Word of God as well as other
spiritual materials like open heavens daily devotional, it impacts your body, and you flourish on earth.
This is God's Will for you.
In Conclusion
While there are many daily devotionals out there, one of the best that we can recommend is the open
heavens daily devotional by Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye who is the General Overseer of the
Redeemed Christian Church of God, which is one of the biggest churches in the world by the grace of
3 Reasons You Should Read Open Heavens Daily Devotional