RCCG DIGGING DEEP 31 June 2022 lesson 31

Topic: Pregnant with Jesus
Text: John 1:8
8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
INTRODUCTION: One may ask the question: What is the difference between the Light and the witness of Light? A simple answer is that the Light has light in itself but the witness has no light in himself but merely reflects the light he gets from the light. A good example is the relationship between the sun and the moon. This observation leads us to some interesting questions that will aid our digging deep to earth the hidden meanings of John 1:8.
a) What is the difference between John the Baptist and a born again Christian?
b) When can two people be totally part and parcel of each other and what are the implications?
c) How can I be the Light instead of a mere witness of the Light?
d) How can I be pregnant with Jesus?
RCCG DIGGING DEEP 31 June 2022 lesson 31
In this world, there is a major difference between us and John the Baptist. He is a witness of the Light but the Light called us light Matthew 5:14-16. He is a reflector of the Light but we are expected to be much more than a mere reflector. We are to be transformed to the Light – II Corinthians 3:18. We are expected to wear the Light Romans 13:12. The light is to finally spring up in our hearts – II Peter 1:19.
In heaven, we are greater still than John the Baptist. He is the Bestman and we are the Bride – Matt. 11:11.
Two people can only be totally part and parcel of each other when one is pregnant with the other. The implications are (i) the same blood – John 15:5, (ii) the same breath – Genesis 2:7, (iii) the same food John 4:31-34 and (iv) the same life and death – Galatians 2:20 are shared.
The only way I can be the Light is to become part and parcel of the Light i.e. to become pregnant with Jesus.
RCCG DIGGING DEEP 31 June 2022 lesson 31
CONCLUSION: Which would you rather be: The Light or the reflector of the Light? Are you willing to pay the price of a total surrender?