Dear Christian,
If you are looking for mentors in the kingdom, please do not hesitate to follow the like of pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze, who’s a definition of great kingdom material wrestling against principalities and powers.
December last year I made it a duty to intentionally begin my new year with God, immerse myself in prayers and instead of the yearly ritual of just jotting down your new year resolutions without actions; I changed the narrative, followed up and backed my list with prayers.
The whole of January was a feast for me in God’s presence with NSPPD and I can’t quantify the joy I had each day just to commune with God in prayers. I made sure I joined both the morning and the evening prayer sessions with fasting.
Truth be told, it was a sweet experience and a journey I’ll want to have over and over again. All thanks to our Nigerian pastor for starting a platform like this. This is beautiful.
So, here are some of the lessons I’ve learned from him ever since I started following him…
Firstly, I learned about the importance of seeking divine direction in my life, I realized that God has a unique plan and purpose for every individual which has reflected in his life through his calling. I knew it was my responsibility to discover my purpose through prayers and do them.
Secondly, I learned the importance of prioritizing my relationship with God, seeking His direction through prayer and meditation on His word. He teaches that when we align ourselves with God’s plan, we can experience a life of abundance, peace, and fulfillment which he is enjoying.
Thirdly, the importance of acting on the divine direction we receive. Faith without works is dead, and it is not enough to simply hear God’s voice without obeying His instructions. I’ve learned that I need to balance my Christian life not just by praying alone, but also doing the necessary things required for me to break those limitations.
Fourthly, the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges and adversity. Through him, I’ve come to realize that there’s power in starting small. I believe he has faced various obstacles in his life and ministry, but he has remained steadfast in his faith and committed to his calling. Today he’s name is ringing bells on the lips of men, angels, and demons as well. I mean, God announced him peacefully, what a glorious service.
Fifth, the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in the midst of challenges. I’ve come to understand that attitude determines our altitude, and a positive mindset can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. His attitude towards negative energy is topnotch, as in he has zero strength for online dramas
He has a calling and had resolves to keep it regardless, he’s all about integrity and authenticity.

5 Great Lessons I’ve Learned from Pastor Jerry
Finally, I’ve learned about the importance of living a life of purpose and impact. Known for his passion, he has used them for empowering and helping people discover their God-given potentials, using their talents and gifts to make a positive impact in their communities. This they do both on their knees and by the works of their hands.
So tell me why I should not follow kingdom materials who have not only given me fish but also shown me how to catch my desired fish. Living their lives only for the kingdom. Tell me what your excuse is, I mean what are you still waiting for, to start that project today!
Abeg! In all they followings wisdom, Dear Christian follow who knows and understands the map, so in case you’re lost, that person can help you find your way out. Thank you so much sir for all you do for the kingdom.
5 Great Lessons I’ve Learned from Pastor Jerry