Open Heavens Today
Open heavens is a daily devotional written by Pastor E. A Adeboye of the Redeemed Chirstian Church of God. It is one of the most read devotionals in the world. It is actually an annual devotional book that Christians from all parts of the world can utilise to grow spiritually every single day.
As we all know, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is a Man of God indeed. He is someone we are assured of his calling, and he is someone who keeps walking in the precepts of God. He hears from God, and he shares the will of God with us. Therefore, making it a habit to study the open heavens devotional everyday means you are open for directives from God, which will ensure your dominion in all spheres of life.

Have you read open heavens today? You have no excuse not to study open heavens today. A website like has made it easier to access; and you can read open heavens online irrespective where you are in the world. It can be read with your mobile devices – be it Android, iPhone, and even Windows, or your computer. With an internet-enabled device, anyone can read open heavens on the go.
Make Open Heavens (January – December) A Habit
Don’t forget that open heavens 2020 is here already, and we are advising that studying open heavens today, you should continue doing that every other days in the year. The Bible says: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God…” (2 Timothy 2:15)
To grow in your faith, you must cultivate the habit of studying powerful Christian materials like open heavens. The devotional will help you get an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ through the word of God, daily open heavens prayer, Hymn and Open Heavens Bible reading in one year.
God doesn’t want stagnancy. You must keep growing in the Spirit. It is dangerous to be spiritually shallow in this end time. You must not remain a baby Christian who can’t always discern between good and evil. No parents want their children not to grow. Stagnation is not good, growth is beautiful. Of course, if you must grow, you must be ready to take conscious and intentional steps towards the aim.
And so, you must cultivate the habit of reading devotionals like open heavens daily. Remember, by so doing, you are feeding your innerman with the Word of God, getting strengthened and nourished, and you won’t find time for things that can get you dirty.
At the beginning of the year, open heavens January will help a lot to start the new year positively well, and you will get the needed directions that will ensure your victory all through the year.
The problem with many people is issues that has to do with consistency. When some people get to February, they won’t be faithful in terms of studying the open heavens again. That is why we are admonishing that you do all you can to adequately train yourself to be committed, so you can actually be faithful to the study of your open heavens January to December.
It is actually possible to study the open heavens devotional everyday in the year 2020 and beyond. What you need is just consistency. One easy way to achieve this is to always think about the numerous benefits attached to studying the devotional. You get to withness an increase in wisdom and knowledge. The more you know, the more you can do. The more knowledge you have, the more expoits you can do – physically, spiritually, in your career, in your business, in your marriage, and so on. So, actually, it is for your own good!
We are not forgetting that the open heavens devotional is being used by Redeemed Christian Church of God centers all over the world. Redeemed churches in USA, in UK, in several African countries, and other places of the world, placed big value on the open heavens devotional. Of course, the confidence is there that the Man of God – Pastor Adeboye, is an appropriate vessel of God that delivers God’s mind to the world.
So, start with open heavens January, read open heavens in February, by the time you are faithful with your pace, that you can keep on going with open heavens even in March, things will get easier for you. In April, make sure you don’t relent even as you keep studying open heavens in May, June, July, August, September and October. When it is the end of the year, you should already begin seeing results of some of the knowledge you have acquired. Of course, we should at this point stress it out that you are not just studying open heavens for reading sake. As you get the insights, you are meant to apply them in your daily life.
You shouldn’t just read the texts to fulfill all righteousness. Please, take note of the messages God is telling you through it, and go with it. Apply the principles in your day to day activities. It is easy for we humans to forget things – so, please, don’t forget the lessons derived from open heavens daily. Be serious with the daily open heavens prayer and let God hear your desire. Sing the open heavens hymn too. Hymns are powerful and precious. As for the open Heavens Bible reading in one year, be faithful with it too. Before you know it, you have read the Bible from Genesis to Revelations, and you grow in your wealth of wisdom in the Word of God.
In conclusion, you have everything to gain when you make the open heavens devotional an everyday affair, and utilise the anointing to the fullest. As you key into the blessings daily, you will keep seeing great changes in all that concerns you. In your life, in your family, in your business, in your career, in your ministry, you will experience a great change that will keep you at the top, and help you fulfil destiny.