Thank You Father!
Well, let’s lift our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name.
Let’s worship the King of Kings, the Lord of lords, The Ancient of days. Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration.
The Bible says, Bless the LORD, O my Soul: and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name. Bless the LORD, O my Soul, and forget not all His benefits: (Psalms 103:1-2)
Let’s bless Him! Give Him all the Glory, all the Adoration. Praise His Holy Name.
Praise Him for He is Worthy – He is Worthy to be Praised. Give Him Glory, Worship Him.
Thank you Father, Thank You Lord!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.
We give You all the Glory,
We give you Honour:
We give You all the Glory,
We give you Honour
Our Father and our God we want to say Thank You!
King of Kings and Lord of lords, we say Thank You.
Ancient of Days, we say Thank You.
The Unchangeable Changer, we say Thank You.
The I AM THAT I AM, we say Thank You.
Thank You for the Past Holy Ghost Congresses; Thank You for what you are going to do this week.
Thank you for our Past, Thank you for our Present, Thank you for our Tomorrow.
Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name.
Tonight all we have come to do is to Praise You. And as we Praise You Lord God Almighty, we ask that You kindly accept our Praises.
And as a result of our Praising You, whatever You choose to do, Please go ahead and do it.
Thank you Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Let Someone shout Hallelujah – Halleluyah!
I thought I heard Somebody say that: If you want your Blessings to be Greater than that of your Neighbour, then your Hallelujah will be louder – Hallelujah!!!
Amen! Now I want to to shake hands with at least Seven (7) People, say – Welcome to DOUBLE PORTION!
Now, if you received that Prophecy, shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Welcome to the Greatest week of your Life thus far – Amen.
Tonight we will be talking about: “THE SACRIFICE OF PRAISE”.
Because that is just what we want to do tonight – We just want to Praise Him.
It is going to be in Two (2) Parts – We are doing Part One (1) now.
Part One (1) would conclude with this Short Word of Exhortation.
Then, Part Two (2) would begin and go on till you are tired.
Tomorrow (Day 2, Tuesday 6th December 2022), by the Grace of God (in the Evening) I will be talking about: “THE OIL OF GLADNESS”.
The Opposite of Joy is Sorrow – There is an Oil that can put an end to Sorrow.
As the Lord lives, that Oil will flow tomorrow – Amen.
I believe God that by the time you go to bed tomorrow, Sorrow will have been terminated in your Life – Amen.
… So I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
For tonight – Jeremiah 17:26;
It is a Prophecy from the Most High God, that I believe is going to be fulfilled here tonight – Amen.
Jeremiah 17:26:
And they shall come from the Cities of Judah, and from the Places about Jerusalem, and from the Land of Benjamin, and from the Plain, and from the Mountains, and from the South, bringing burnt Offerings, and Sacrifices, and meat Offerings, and Incense, and bringing Sacrifices of Praise, unto the house of the LORD.
When you put it in Modern Language, God is simply saying, People would come from all over the world, they would bring all manners of Sacrifices to this Special Mountain of God.
And one of the things they will bring is: “SACRIFICES OF PRAISE”.
Now, there are many Possible Offerings you can bring; many Possible Sacrifices that you can bring to God. But which of them is likely to be the most Acceptable to God?
He will accept Offerings and Sacrifices of any type but there is a Particular one that is most Acceptable to Him;
… And that is the SACRIFICE OF PRAISE.
And the reason is Simple:
I. When you bring money to Him, He accepts it. But we all know they don’t spend Naira in Heaven. Neither do they spend Dollar, Pound, Euros or any other Currencies in Heaven.
And in any case, if you are bringing money to God, you must remember according to Haggai 2:8 – He says, Silver is Mine, Gold is Mine.
So if you are bringing money to Him, you are bringing money to the One who owns all the Silver, all the Gold.
I mean, in His City in Heaven, the Streets are Paved with Gold. He walks on Gold.
II. You want to bring Clothes to God – You want to bring Clothes to the One who is Clothed in Light? Who wears Fire?
III. You want to bring food to Him – You want to bring food to Someone Who says: even if I Am hungry I won’t tell you.
He says because, the Cattle upon a thousand Hills are Mine. All the fowls of the air, all the animals. If I want to eat, I know where to get my food from.
IV. You want to build a house for God so you can brag that, ‘Yeah, I built a house for God.’ Oh! That would be Wonderful.
But don’t forget that you are building, a house for Someone Who says, “In my Father’s House there are many mansions.”
… So, what exactly can you give Him that will really excite Him?
I have heard one of my children say, ‘Daddy I went Abroad. I don’t know what to bring for you because you seems to have everything.’ I said, Amen, keep on Prophesying.’
What do you give to God who has everything? – PRAISE!
I. Psalms 22:3 says: He inhabits Praise. He dwells in Praise.
II. Revelation 5:11-14 tells us that He has a Mass Choir that is made up of Billions upon Billions of Angels. And they just keep on singing nonstop!
And I am telling you, Angels can sing better than you: and yet, He enjoys your Praise! He is still seeking for more People to Praise Him because He loves Praise.
Like I have always said, because He has such a massive Mass Choir, if for any reason whatsoever you decide not to Praise Him, Nobody would Notice you.
As few as we are today: when I say ‘few’ I know it’s relative.
If I ask that Somebody would shout Hallelujah, and there is Somebody in the crowd who says, “I am tired, they have been asking me to shout Hallelujah” – who will Notice?
Now, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
When we talk about Praise – And many at times we confuse Praise and Thanksgiving. I will explain that one as we go on.
Thanksgiving means, you are Thanking God for what He has done for you.
1. I mean, after He has given you a Victory, He wants you to Thank Him.
After He drowned the Egyptians in the Red Sea in Exodus 14, the Children of Israel in Exodus 15 sang – They were Thanking Him for Deliverance.
2. He expects you to Thank Him after He has given you a Miracle.
You know, in Luke 17:11-19, when He Cleansed ten (10) Lepers and one (1) returned to say Thank You, he was Pained. He said, “where are the other nine (9)?” And then He gave Extra Blessing to the one that came to say Thank You!
3. When you Thank Him even before He gives you a Miracle, Oh! You Please Him. Because you are Thanking Him in Advance. And it shows that you have Faith.
Thanking Him in Advance is an Act of Faith. Like in Joshua 6:20, when the Children of Israel shouted even before the wall fell, they did it as an Act of Faith.
If you believe that God is going to do something for you that He has never done before, this week; let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Now, that is an Act of Faith. And when you do something like that, you Please Him.
Hebrews 11:6 says without Faith it is impossible to Please God.
4. But the kind of Thanksgiving He likes the most is the one you give Him when you are in the middle of a Battle.
You are fighting a battle, you haven’t won, yet you are Thanking Him. He hasn’t even given you a Prophecy that He is going to give you Victory; but you just choose to Thank Him in the midst of the battle.
When you do that one, you have summoned Him to come and fight for you.
For example, in Psalms 18:1-3, David told us that he will continue to Praise God. He says, then will my head be lifted up above my enemies.
So, there are Three (3) Categories of People that I am sure are here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC:
1. Those who have just won a Victory;
2. Those who are believing God for a Victory;
3. And those who are in the midst of a Battle – The battle is really hot.
Whichever Category you belong to, let me hear you shout hallelujah- Hallelujah!
Now very briefly, I am not going to Preach too long because I don’t want to take time. We want to Praise Him.
Praise is not Thanksgiving, and Praise is not Worship.
Worship is when you are telling Him, “You are the King of Kings, the Lord of lords, there is none like You.” – That is Worship!
What is Praise? Praise is when you are Boasting about Him – When a child is boasting about his father.
That is why the Book of Matthew 21:15-26 tells us, out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, Thou hath Perfected Praise.
So, we are going to be Babylike for some Minutes tonight. And I hope you don’t mind, because I can’t see anybody here who is not a Baby in the hand of God.
I think that the Oldest Person here among us is less than hundred years Old. And as you are going to discover as we go along, my Father is Older than Man.
So, how many Babies are here tonight? Let me hear a “Babylike Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!
You will Please, allow me to Boast a bit about my Father tonight. And as I boast about Him I will be calling on you to join me on Singing.
The Sermon tonight is going to be (I think the Scientists would call it) “Interactive.” – I will tell you about my Father, I will sing a Song to Him.
And if my Father is your Father, then you will join me in repeating that Song – It is a very Simple Song.
1. Let me start by saying: MY FATHER IS THE HIGHEST.
Unless your Father is my Father, then my Father is Higher than your father.
How do I know that?
It is written in Psalms 91:1 – He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High God …
My Father is the Most High – Ecclesiastes 5:8 says He is Higher than the highest.
So, if there is anybody in the world who is saying, ‘I am the highest’ let him or her listen to my Father and He would tell him as written in Isaiah 66:1, “Heaven is my Throne, the Earth is my footstool.”
He would tell that fellow, “Whichever President he may consider himself to be, that even when you are sitting in your Throne, you are still under my feet. Because my Own Throne is in Heaven, your Throne is here on Earth.”
Is your father the same one as my Father? Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
I have told you the Story before of four (4) children who were Playing in the State House. And the son of the President said to the other three (3) “my father is the highest.” And they all said, why? He said, my father is the first Man of the State.
The Second one said, “my father is higher than your father.” He said, how come? He said, my father is your father’s Physician. If he tells your father not to leave his bed for one (1) week, your father must obey.
The third one said, but my father is higher than your fathers. They said why? He said, because my father is your fathers’ Witch Doctor.” He can kill your fathers without using a Cutlass.
And the fourth one said No, No, No! My Father is the highest of them all – And he happened to be the son of a Messenger over there.
They looked at him, “your father of all People?” He said Oh yes! Because, not only can my Father kill, He can raise the dead.
They all said, but we know your father?
He said No, you don’t know my Father: I am not talking of the one here on Earth. I am talking of Jesus Christ, the One Who can kill and make alive.
If Jesus is your Father, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah
So, you’ll sing with me the First Verse of my Song – And it simply says:
My Father is the Highest,
My Father is the Highest,
He’s Higher than the highest
My Father is the Highest.
Thank you!
Now, let me keep Boasting about my Father. My Father is not just the highest;
My Father is Greater than the greatest.
You say, how do you know? Sometimes ago in Daniel 3:15, a King said, “who is that God that can deliver out of my hand? I am greater than your God.”
My Father decided to reply him in Daniel 4:29-36. My Father said, you are greater than I Am, okay! I want you to do something – Go and eat grass for seven (7) years. And after seven (7) you come back and we can talk again.
That was King Nebuchadnezzar: he ate grass for seven (7) years, stacked naked! After that he came back to my Father and apologized.
My Father is the Greatest,
My Father is the Greatest,
He’s Greater than the greatest,
My Father is the Greatest.
So, the next time Somebody in the Office is threatening you, telling you he is going to show you Pepper, smile and sing this Song!
3. Do you know that MY FATHER IS THE OLDEST?
In Daniel 7:9, the Bible calls Him the Ancient of Days.
Meaning what? In Psalms 90:1-7, one of the Major things it says there is that, before the Mountains were brought forth, my Father had been around.
Meaning what? – That if you really, really believe that anytime you come face to face with a Mountain, tell the Mountain:
My Father is the Oldest,
My Father is the Oldest,
He’s Older than the oldest,
My Father is the Oldest.
And as you sing that Song, it will amaze you that Mountains will begin to move – Amen!
… Do you know that my Father is not just the Oldest?
Job 12:13 tells me that Wisdom resides in Him. Wisdom belongs to Him.
Daniel 2:20-22 tells us, He is the One Who gives Wisdom to the Wise.
When you read 1 Kings 5:12, He is the One Who gave Wisdom to Solomon.
Oh, I can tell you several Examples of how God has shown that He is Wiser than those who think they are the wisest. Particularly, those of us who are one time or the other had come across situations we can’t handle, that we don’t know the way out!
Remember, you have a Father, He is the Wisest. And He will show you the way out of your tight corner.
After I became Born Again (I am saying this with all Humility) I dazzled my Lecturers. Because God would just give me some Solution to Problems that will defile even my Professors.
So, I have Good News for those of us who are Students – As we Sing this Song tonight, maybe you will get a New brain (Amen).
My Father is the Wisest,
My Father is the Wisest,
He’s Wiser than the wisest,
My Father is the Wisest.
5. And you know what: MY FATHER IS THE RICHEST.
He is Richer than the richest.
Why? Psalms 24:1 tells us, The Earth is the LORD’s, and the Fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Do you know that all the Crude Oil in the world belongs to my Father? – He owns it all.
Not only that, like I said earlier on, according to Haggai 2:8, He owns all the Sliver, He owns all the Gold. Which is Good News!
Because, you will see that all the Gold right now, they are in the hands of the Unbelievers.
And I believe that as we sing this Song, Wealth will begin to Change hands- Amen.
Some of you are Old, you would remember me telling this Story years ago – I was travelling Abroad, First Class Apartment of the Plane (because somebody bought the Ticket for me).
I was sitting next to a Man who must be “Stinkingly Rich”. Because the rings on his fingers, the jewelries he was wearing alone, if I were for sale, he had enough money to buy me.
… Thank God I wasn’t for sale!
And I wanted to Witness to him because if I sit next to you in the Plane, that is an opportunity to win a Soul.
So, I started saying: Sir, when you return from this journey I will like to introduce you to my Father. Instead of asking, ‘who is your father?” He said, “What does he do?” He was only interested in Business.
I said, Oh my Father is into Oil and Gas Business. He sat up Straight, he knew that mean money! I said, not only that, my Father also does some Jewelry Business too: Diamond, Gold, Silver – because I was looking at all he had on.
He asked, “What does your father do?” I said, He is also in Cattle Ranching. He has Plenty of Cattles because Psalms 50:10 says the Cattle upon a thousand Hills belong to my Father.
It was at that stage that he said, “who is he?” I knew I have got him. But if I said JESUS at that Point, he might get off the hook. So I said, my Father’s Name is Chief Emmanuel.
Do you know that as you sing this Song tonight, Chief Emmanuel can cancel your debt?
You came here by Bus tonight, Chief Emmanuel can make sure that by the time you are coming for January 2023 Holy Ghost Service you would come in your own car – Amen?
At least you have heard several Testimonies of Someone who came to Watchnight Service and the Almighty God said: There is Someone here who is having a Problem Paying his house rent. By the first week of next year, he will be a Landlord.
Let me hear you Sing:
My Father is the Richest,
My Father is the Richest,
He’s Richer than the richest,
My Father is the Richest.
You know, when we talk about beginnings you have heard People boasting that their father was the one who first established their Village; their father is the first one to be President of a Nation.
To talk about beginning, you know my Father is the Beginning of beginnings. Because in Genesis 1:1 the Bible says, In the beginning God created…
In other words, before the beginning, my Father was there.
In John 1:1-3, the Bible says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
It went on to say it was the Word that created all things.
So, there are beginnings and beginnings. But my Father is the Beginning of beginnings. Because the Bible tells us in Revelation 1:8,He says, “My Name is Alpha.”
Do you know the Implication of that? If you look at Jeremiah 1:4-5 He said: before you were formed at all He knew you. When you were still in your Mother’s womb He knew you.
Anybody who is threatening your Destiny is wasting his time. Why? Because my Father had settled it even before you were born.
My Father is the Alpha,
My Father is the Alpha,
The Alpha of Alphas,
My Father is the Alpha.
Occasionally, you hear People say to you that you are finished! They just look at you, consider everything and say, “you are finished.” They don’t know anything because:
Until my Father says it is over, it is not over – No! My Father decides when you end, because He says it in Revelation 1:11, “I Am the Omega.”
My future does not depend on anybody. Nobody can control when I end. The only one who can control my ending is the One whose Name is Omega. And that is my Father.
I have Good News for those of you that one fellow or the other has been threatening with death; you know what? – Long after they are gone, you will still be alive Praising my Father (Amen).
Let’s just Sing:
My Father is Omega,
My Father is Omega,
Omega of omegas,
My Father is Omega.
I get excited when I am Boasting about my Father. People don’t know how Great my Father is, but one thing about Him is that:
He doesn’t Change! – He is the same Yesterday, the same Today, the same Tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8)
And the beauty of that is, if there is anything in my Life that I don’t like and I talk to Him, because He doesn’t Change, He can Change anything.
That is why we call Him the Unchangeable Changer.
My Father is Unchanging,
My Father is Unchanging,
Unchanging – Changer,
My Father is Unchanging.
Everything that needs to be Changed in your Life, my Father would Change it this week – Amen!
… Then there is one beautiful thing, and that is:
Revelation 22:11-12 says, He that is Unjust, let him be Unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is Righteous, let him be Righteous still: and he that is Holy, let him be Holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my Reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
There are some People who think that they are in Control of this world and they are in Control forever. But my Father is coming – and He is coming quickly!
And when He comes, He is coming to take me to go and be with Him; to come and live with Him in His House; where there are many Mansions: Mansions built with the Purest Gold.
My Father is Coming Again; He is Returning!
My Father is Returning,
My Father is Returning,
He’s coming back for me,
My Father is Returning.
May be you now Understand why I am always Singing and Shouting Hallelujah because of the kind of Father I have + The Highest, the Greatest, the Oldest, the Wisest, the Richest, the Beginning Of beginnings, the End of endings, the One Who is Unchanging, the One Who is Coming again.
That’s why I SING:
Hallelujah to my Father,
Hallelujah to my Father,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah:
Hallelujah to my Father.
So, when the Second Session of Praising Him comes, do it with all your heart. Boast about your Father.
– Boast about the One Who is the Highest and He will Promote you.
– Boast about the One Who is the Greatest and He will make you Great.
– Boast about the One Who is the Oldest and He will move all your Mountains.
– Boast about the One Who is the Wisest and He will give you the Wisdom to Succeed.
– Boast about the One Who is the Richest and very soon you won’t know Poverty again.
Go ahead, Boast about this your God; this Father of mine, Who I believe is also your Father:
– Who is the Beginning of beginnings and He will make sure anyone trying to tamper with your Destiny, he will deal with them.
– Boast about the One Who is the End of endings and Nobody can terminate your Future, Nobody can terminate your Life.
– Boast about the One Who is the Unchanging Changer and whatever needed to be Changed in you – In your body, in your Future, even in your Marriage; He will Change it today.
– Boast about the One Who is Coming Again very soon, and when He arrives, it would be to take you Home where there are many Mansions.
So, when it is time to go to the Second Session, make sure you do the Praise much more than that of the first Phase.
But before we go to the Second Session, there might be some people here who have never tasted this my Father.
You know the Bible tells us that you can’t begin to offer Sacrifices to this God when you are not His Child.
The Bible says in Proverbs 21:27 that, The Sacrifice of the Wicked is an Abomination:
So, when you see others Praising God and you join, if you are not a Child of God you are wasting your time – You are irritating God.
So, if you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ, do so now, wherever you are or reading this Message on the Label of DMC – Surrender your Life to Him and let Him save your Soul.
When you become one of His Own, then you can sing His Praise, and your own Praise would then become Acceptable to Him.
Surrender to Him now, and I will Pray for your Salvation. And then we can go to the Second Session and you too will be able to Praise God Acceptably.
Oh, my Father is the Greatest, the Highest, the Oldest, the Wisest, the Richest, Unchangeable Changer. He is the Beginning, the Ending, and He is Coming Again very soon. He can become your Father too.
I hope those People who are Clapping for my Father, you know how Great He is – So, if you want to Clap for Him, do so very well.
Thank You Father!
Now, those of you who are ready to Genuinely surrender your Life, cry to Jesus Christ and say: Please, save my Soul. I want to become one of Your Children.
Forgive all my sins, receive me into the Family of God. I want You as my Father. Save my Soul today and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.
… Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God.
And the rest of us, Please let’s Stretch our hands towards these People and Intercede for them:
That the Almighty God would save their Souls. That He would receive them into the Family of God today.
Let’s go ahead and Pray for them.
Thank You Father. Thank You Saviour. Thank You the Most High God, the Alpha of Alphas, the Omega of Omegas.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Father, I want to Thank You for Your Word.
I want to give You all Glory and Honour for those surrendering their lives to You.
Father Please, receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, write their names in the Book of Life and receive them into the Family of God.
From now on when they call You, Father Please answer them by Fire. So that when they cry to You for any Miracle at all, you would answer them by Fire.
Thank You Father!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, I want to rejoice with those of you who have just surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ.
I Promise you that from now on, by the Grace of God, I’ll be Praying for you.
All I need from you would be your name, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
God bless you – Amen.
Let us clap for my Father – He is the Saviour, the Highest, the Greatest, the Oldest, the Wisest, the Richest, the Unchangeable Changer, the One Who is Coming Again.
Thank You Father – Amen!
We will Sing the Song, Verse by Verse before the Choir will take over for the Second Session of this Day 1 Program.
… And we shall sing is very proudly:
1. My Father is the Highest,
My Father is the Highest,
He’s Higher than the highest
My Father is the Highest.
2. My Father is the Greatest,
My Father is the Greatest,
He’s Greater than the greatest,
My Father is the Greatest.
3. My Father is the Oldest,
My Father is the Oldest,
He’s Older than the oldest,
My Father is the Oldest.
4. My Father is the Wisest,
My Father is the Wisest,
He’s Wiser than the wisest,
My Father is the Wisest.
5. My Father is the Richest,
My Father is the Richest,
He’s Richer than the richest,
My Father is the Richest.
6. My Father is the Alpha,
My Father is the Alpha,
The Alpha of Alphas,
My Father is the Alpha.
7. My Father is Omega,
My Father is Omega,
Omega of omegas,
My Father is Omega.
8. My Father is Unchanging,
My Father is Unchanging,
Unchanging – Changer,
My Father is Unchanging.
8. My Father is Returning,
My Father is Returning,
He’s coming back for me,
My Father is Returning.
9. Hallelujah to my Father,
Hallelujah to my Father,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah:
Hallelujah to my Father.
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.