TEXT: JOHN20:1-31
MEMORY VERSE: These are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name – John 20:31
CENTRAL TRUTH: The Christian faith is based on the historical evidence of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The evidence of Christ’s resurrection simply put is the proofs that Christ resurrected from the dead. These proofs clearly substantiates that He, indeed arose from the grave otherwise(His) disciples wouldn’t be surprised at the report of the women if they had stolen his body as purported by the people in counsel, nor would Thomas have doubted until he saw Jesus for himself. Neither would the living Jesus have been seen by more than five hundred people at one time as recorded in 1 Corinth 15:6. These proofs was written that we might believe that Jesus is the son of God because that believe guarantees our life in the now and life in eternity. Based on this, today’s lesson, shall be examining these evidence(or proofs) which is the centerpiece of our Christian faith or Christian life; thus it is divided into the following major outlines;
1. The Empty Tomb
2. Jesus Appears To Mary Magdalene
3. Thomas Sees And Believes.
One major proof of Jesus’ resurrection is that the disciples saw the empty tomb as Jesus’ body was missing, and as the investigation begins by the disciples to ascertained his resurrection.
Lessons Derived: This Scripture records these three(3) witnesses who first saw the empty tomb – Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, and John. They saw that the stone was rolled away, the white linen wrapped round Him was properly arranged inside the tomb. Amidst all doubts and plots to denounce(or fault) Jesus’ resurrection by the people; God brought out these three witnesses to affirm Christ’s resurrection. REM: Scripture says, in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established(2Corinth13:1, Heb18:16). So the lesson derived here is that, the Word of His resurrection has long been established. They saw the empty tomb and believed that He had arose; we too must live our lives as people who believe His resurrection. Our love for Him is very important because Love brought out these three disciples or stewards to the tomb. Though the event of Jesus’ crucifixion had cast them into confusion and despair; their love for Him surmounts every despair and fear, thus they make bold to go to the tomb. Genuine love fears no fear. Perfect or true Love casts away all fears(1John4:18).
Another proof of Christ’s resurrection is the encounter Mary had with Angels and the conversation with Jesus.
Lessons Derived: Mary had an angelic visitation as a result of her love in looking for Jesus. This is another proof that Christ resurrected as heaven released angels to minister to Mary. She was left alone in the open when she saw the angels – that was a strong perseverance amidst her grief to see Jesus and the Master himself appeared unto her. And when Jesus spoke to her, her dismay and fear gave way to Faith and she believed that Christ has resurrected. Whenever fear, doubt or any circumstance arises we should not forget His promises because He deeply cares for us, we should rather trust in him for He is standing by our side. As Mary was so happy to see Jesus, He gave her the charge to go and tell the other disciples that He is alive and would be returning to the Father. Mary’s experience and testimony are an example to us. We must listen to Jesus’ words and do what He says: Go and Tell. Our personal testimonies of God’s Power gives evidence to the world that Jesus has indeed risen from the dead.
Christ’s resurrection was further validated or proofed when Thomas struggled to believe until he saw Christ. As Thomas believes and was counted as one of the witnesses, so are we Christ’s witnesses today if we do away with all forms of unbelief and trust in His resurrection Power.
Lessons Derived: Though Thomas finds it difficult to believe the report of the good news, the good Lord(Jesus) was on hand to clear all doubts in Thomas, and deal with all manner of unbelief(which causes peacelessness) that His children may indulge in. And thus;
*He appeared to Thomas and all others in the room where they gathered to strengthen their faith through signs and wonders, though some of the signs were not recorded in the Bible. v30.
* He instructed Thomas and every believer struggling with doubts to desist from being faithless; instead be full of faith.
* He declared that there are blessings for those who have not seen; and yet have believe – that is being full of faith in all circumstances.
* All of these was written for us to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, because faith in Him gives us life through Jesus name.
Lastly, the testimonies of His disciples or followers are all undeniable proofs that Christ rose from the dead. He is alive and that life has birthed more lives, and has kept us living the Christlike life now till we meet with Him in eternity.
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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.
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