



UNIT 4: Practical Christian Living (James)

LESSON 17: April 28, 2024.




Memory Verse: James 1:12 – Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him (KJV).


Lesson Bible Text:

James 1


Lesson Central Truth:

Christians can stand firm and grow spiritually during trials.



Suffering is a fact of life, even Christians. Whether it involves illness, finances, relationships, or personal safety, all believers will face hard times. But there’s hope in the middle of these struggles. God promises that we can endure–even thrive–as we look to Him during the most difficult seasons of life. Suffering is part and parcel of the Christian life.


Jesus said, “In the world you have trouble; but cheer up! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). This truth prepares us for all types of suffering. God is sovereign over all the “various trials.” By telling us that we will suffer means the Lord is giving us grace. It keeps us from going into shock and asking foolish questions when suffering comes upon us. When we know that suffering is part of God’s plan, we will be better prepared to trust His sovereign goodness.


We are reminded that God knows that we are going to suffer, but He also knows that our suffering has a purpose. Our response in the face of suffering will determine the level of our trust for Him.




A. Trial Teaches Perseverance – James 1:1-8

B. Trial Teaches Humility – James 1:9-11.



A. Remember God’s Promise – James 1:12

B. God Gives Only Good Gifts – James 1:13-18.



A. Accept The Word – James 1:19-21

B. Do What God’s Word Says – James 1:22-25




James 1:1-11

Trials are situations or circumstances that test our faith. Many times, trials come from external sources, such as persecution from where we stand as Christians. But trials also take the shape of internal, moral challenges, such as the temptation to sin by compromising godly standards. Trials give us a chance to prove our love for God through action.


It is often easy to say we love God and to be faithful to Him when things are going very smoothly. But what about when things become difficult? These are the times that require faith and show our true character. It is during challenging periods that many people turn away from God.


Instead, we need to view trials as a chance for us to grow. Though trials are not easy, they are meant for our good. Whenever you face trials of many kinds–trials come in all shapes and sizes. We are not only to have a good attitude in certain kinds of trials, such as the ones that are relatively easy or very short term. But we are to have joy even during challenging trials or trials that go on for a very long time. We are commanded to be joyful even amid trials because it increases our perseverance and total trust in God.


Think about a trial that you are facing. Spend some time in prayer and thank God for the good He is bringing about in your life through that trial. More importantly, God is the given of true wisdom, and He will give it to us when we ask Him to handle any trials that may come our way. Don’t be double minded when passing through any trials. Put your trust only in Him.


✅️ James went on to teach us that those who are poor in this world should not focus on their lack of material things. Rather, they should focus on their abundant spiritual blessings.


The rich person should realize that, in the end, he is just like the poor person. His riches will fade away. His life itself will be as short as many of the poor people around him. His riches and materials can not buy long life. Trials have the capability to teach us humility. Whatever we have here on earth is temporary.


Let’s be humble and apply our hearts unto eternal glory that is in Christ Jesus. If you have little, don’t focus on that, but set your mind on the things above. If you have much, don’t focus on that either (though you should be thankful). Instead, put your mind on things above and be thankful for your blessings in Christ. As believers, we are to understand that we are all equal in God’s eyes. He is our only source of help for today and hope for eternity.



James 1:12-18

✅️ A genuinely joyous life is not a life without trials. It is a life that perseveres. Trusting God through our trials pushes us toward the Christ-like maturity of trusting God more, and more deeply, and with greater endurance. That choice to keep trusting God in the midst of the trial brings His blessing.


Our circumstances may be hard, but we have His approval. God is on the side of those who trust Him through life’s most difficult moments. We must adhere to God’s Word to always remember His promises towards us. God is faithful. He will always provide a way out in any trials that are passing through. “God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12).


Those who maintain trust in God during hardships will receive “the crown of life.” James reminds us that it is really worth it to endure under the temptations we face. Our steadfastness will be rewarded as we demonstrate our love for Jesus (to those who love Him) by resisting temptation.


✅️ Trials and temptations are really different. James makes an important distinction between trials and temptations, as well as their source. He makes it clear that God is never responsible for tempting people.


Temptation comes from evil, but God is pure and holy, not evil. It is essential that we know that God is not the source of temptation. He is not the author of evil. And He never tempts anyone. It is important to note that Satan may use a situation in your life to try to tempt you to give up.


God could use the same situation to encourage you to persevere and, therefore, strengthen your faith. Temptation spawns from our own flesh, i.e., our selfish desires–this will lead to sin and then death if left unchecked. We are to be watchful and be sober at all times. We must trust God whether temptations or trials, He will surely make us victorious. When tempted, remember that God is good and knowing His goodness will always keep our hearts on check. The truth is that everything good comes from God.


He has our good at heart. When God gives us commands and rules, they are to help us, not harm us. People who reject God’s commands in pursuit of pleasure will find themselves farther and farther from joy. God’s plan and purpose for you are for good and not for evil (Jeremiah 29:11).



James 1:19-25

✅️ James proclaimed that salvation comes through the Word. He then listed two hindrances to receiving that Word: Unwillingness to listen and a lack of self-discipline with regard to anger. Receiving, understanding, and growing in the Word come through listening.


We can’t hear the truth if we spend all our time talking. This principle is just as true in our relationships with other believers. We humble ourselves by listening to others–Christians are to be humble like Christ was. Part of humility is not thinking too highly of ourselves or our opinions. Wise men listen to others, while foolish men just want to share their opinion and show everyone how much they know (Proverbs 18:2). We must be teachable.


We must be slow to speak and eager to listen if we must deal with trials as believers. To live a life that pleases God, we “lay aside all moral filth” and accept the Word of truth into our lives, which can transform us. Sin can not be restrained; it must be removed from our lives.


✅️ Be a doer and not a hearer only – I think this is one of the most important principles in the Bible, being a doer, not only a hearer. We should study and obey! Christianity is not about head knowledge. It is not about how many doctrines you know, how many verses you have memorized, how well you know Greek or Hebrew, or how many times you have read the Bible.


Christianity is all about putting the principles we learn in the Bible into practice. It is worse than worthless for us if we learn the Bible front to back and back to front, but don’t do what it says. Sincere acceptance of God’s Word demands action because the Word calls us to action. Hearing is important; Romans 10:17 declares that faith comes by hearing the Word, but we must also obey its teachings. Jesus used this same point to conclude His great Sermon on the Mount.


He said that the one who heard the word without doing it was like a man who built his house on the sand, but the one who heard God’s word and did it was like a man whose house was built on a rock. The one who both heard and did God’s word could withstand the inevitable storms of life and the judgment of eternity (Matthew 7:24-27). May God help us to become both the hearer and doer of the Word. Amen!


🎤Lesson Action Word🎤

No trial or suffering needs hinder us from following God’s plan for our lives. Through Christ, we have the power the power to live above any circumstance and to honour God by how we live.


🙏Lesson Prayer Point🙏

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Father, we ask for Your grace and power to rejoice and trust you in the midst of trials and suffering in Jesus’ Matchless Name. Amen!


Remain blessed as you join us in our Sunday school both online and at any Assemblies Of God Church close to you as we study together under the Feet of the Master.


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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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