UNIT 5: The Gospel By Luke
LESSON 25: December 17, 2023.
Lesson Memory Verse: Luke 1:31 – Thou[Mary] shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
Luke 1:26-55
Lesson Central Truth:
Christians rejoice in the birth of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.
Today’s lesson examines an important time in the life of a major figure in the New Testament and the story of Jesus: Mary. Some Christians, often out of theological concerns, deny Mary the respect that is due to her. We note that Mary was selected from among all women who have ever lived to give birth to and raise God’s Son. Christians can learn a great deal from her example.
This lesson examines Mary’s response to the invitation from God to be the earthly mother of Jesus and reminds us that we are to praise God for the gift of His Son, Jesus.
A. Gabriel’s Appearance – Luke 1:26-27
B. Gabriel’s Message – Luke 1:28-33.
A. The Son Of The Most High – Luke 1:34-38
B. Elizabeth Blesses Mary – Luke 1:39-45.
A. Mary Praise God For Her Privilege – Luke 1:46-49
B. Mary Prophesies God’s Blessings To His People – Luke 1:50-55.
Luke 1:26-33

Mary was betrothed or engaged to Joseph as at the time of angel’s visit. When God was ready for His Son to be born into the world, He exercised great care in selecting those who would be His earthly parents. Joseph was a godly and pious man, a descendant of King David, and Mary was as pure and chaste as Joseph was prudent and wise. She also was a descendant of David.

Mary was greatly troubled by Gabriel’s greeting and could not comprehend what his appearance might mean. Zechariah also experienced considerable doubt when he received the announcement regarding John six months earlier, but Mary seems simply to have wondered, not to have doubted. Devout and spiritually sensitive as she was, she was hardly prepared for such an experience. Mary had found favour with God by her deep piety, her sense of responsibility, her mature and intelligence.

Gabriel called Jesus the “Son of the Highest” (Luke 1:32), and in Mark 5:7 an unclean spirit called Him the “Son of the most high God.” Angels and demons alike view Him by this distinctive name; it seems the whole supernatural realm knew of His particular relationship with God the Father. Gabriel’s announcement that Jesus would occupy the throne of David has yet to be fulfilled. While Jesus lived on earth, He never occupied the throne of David in any sense, and He suffered abuse such as no king ever suffered. In all Scriptural statements concerning the coming of Jesus, there is a mixture of reference to His first coming and His second coming. He has come as Savior, but is yet to come as King and His Kingship will be from everlasting to everlasting.
Luke 1:34-45

By the Holy Spirit there would be a new generation, a new source of life, and a new power of life on the earth. Her conception would be mystical and spiritual, without human or material involvement or association. To assure Mary of the miraculous nature of her conception, Gabriel said Elizabeth had conceived in a miraculous manner also (Luke 1:36). Gabriel told Mary, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Jesus stated the same truth when He talked with His disciples (Matthew 19:26). Our God is a specialist in dealing with impossibilities. Mary did not question the matter further. She listened to God’s messenger angel with complete faith and obedience (Luke 1:38). Mary then responded with an affirmation of faith. “Let it be to me according to Your word” is the proper response of every believer to every promise of God.

It means, rather, that the spirit of prophecy came upon her, and she spoke as a Spirit-filled prophet of God. Elizabeth gave ecstatic praise to Mary and called her highly “blessed” of God. Some use her words to substantiate their belief that Mary was exalted to near divinity. This was by no means the case. Elizabeth simply stated that the mother of Jesus had been more highly blessed than other women. She lived in a state of blessedness because of the favor of God upon her.
Luke 1:46-55

She recognized He had lifted her, an obscure Galilean maiden, into exalted and sublime service. She speaks of God’s might and power and holiness. The young woman’s comprehension of these divine attributes of God reveals her as a person of extraordinary spiritual insight. Mary was able to envision something of the redemptive plan of God. She could see His mercy extended perpetually to those who fear Him. Her words do not restrict the blessings of God to Israel, but she saw mercy extended to all who fear Him.

Mary’s song of praise ends with a review of God’s blessings on His chosen people. As believers, we must note that in Christ, God’s promises are true. 2 Corinthians 1:20 says “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. May the promises and blessings of God enable us to sing with Mary, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” Glory Be To God In The Highest. Amen!

Today, if we will serve God in humble, loving obedience, we too can walk in His favor. When He blesses us in whatever way He chooses, we must then testify to others and praise God with all our being.

Father, we ask for your help as you use in this Christmas season to show Christ to unsaved family and friends in Jesus Name. Amen!
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