UNIT 5: The Gospel By Luke
LESSON 26: DECEMBER 24, 2023.
Memory Verse: Luke 2:11 – For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
Luke 2:1-38
Lesson Central Truth:
Jesus was born to be the Saviour of the world.
The Christmas story is perhaps better known to the secular world than any other account in the Bible. Through the years, Christmas has been mentioned in countless television shows and movies, through music created just for the holiday season (by believers and unbelievers alike), and in displays of nativities that dot the landscape in the month of December. However, the simple-yet-profound significance of Christmas is often lost in the rush and busyness of the season. People too often fail to grasp the powerful truth that God sent His only Son into this world as the sacrifice for sin, to be the Saviour of the world.
A. God Worked Through Circumstances – Luke 2:1-5
B. The King Of Kings Was Placed In A Manger – Luke 2:6-7.
A. Good News Proclaimed – Luke 2:8-14
B. Good News Embraced – Luke 2:15-20.
A. Jesus Recognised As The Saviour – Luke 2:21-35
B. Jesus Proclaimed As The Saviour- Luke 2:36-38.
Luke 2:1-7

The birth of Jesus took place in the context of world history. Herod the Great, Luke 1:5; Caesar Augustus, Luke 2:1; Quirinius was governor of Syria, Luke 2:2. So, the story of Jesus’ birth began during the reign of one of the most remarkable men of ancient history. The birth of Jesus is not a myth but is in the historical timeline. Luke portrays Joseph and Mary as law-abiding citizens. They observed the Jewish law and even observed Roman laws to come for the census as decreed by Augustus that all the world should be enrolled properly registered. The census forced people to return to the cities of their ancestral birth to register. So, Joseph and Mary who was heavily pregnant as at the time journeyed about 100 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the city of David. This was at least a three-day journey. It would have been inconvenient for Joseph, bit with Mary, who was pregnant, it would have been trying wearisome. With this, we can see that God can use the circumstances of life to fulfil His purpose. Through difficult circumstances, He can open a way for miracles in our lives that would not have been possible if conditions had remained the same. God can guide us through difficult situations that help us grow spiritually and bring honour to Him.

While Joseph and Mary were in Bethlehem, the time came for Mary to give birth to her baby. Luke recorded that she gave birth to her first son, wrapped him in cloths and laid him in a manger (keep-place for animals) because there was no room for them to stay in the inn (guest room according to NIV). Being placed in a manger showed a low-profile birth of God’s Son. This is a humble birth of the King of kings. His humble birth conveys an amazing message to creation: the transcendent God condescended to come to us. Instead of coming to earth as a pampered, privileged ruler, Jesus was born in meekness, as one of us. He is approachable, accessible, available–no palace gates bar the way to Him; no ring of guards prevents our approach. The King of kings came humbly, and His first bed was a manger. This is a powerful reminder that He can relate to our weakness and understand the struggles we face in life.
Luke 2:8-20

The first people to hear about Jesus’ birth are not kings and scholars. Rather, they are common shepherds (herdsmen). These shepherds were watching over their flocks at night when the angel of God appeared to them sad the glory of God shone round about them. These poor shepherds were terrified, but the angel spoke to them not to be afraid. Indeed, the shepherds were not to fear because the message was a good tidings of great joy for all people. We can rightly say that the first preacher of the gospel was an angel. The good tidings is that Christ is born and His birth made Him the Saviour, the Messiah, the Lord to all that believe. After the single angel’s announcement, a whole group of angels appeared. This was a heavenly host (a band of soldiers) that proclaimed peace. What the world needed then and needs now is peace. As believers, we must carry this message of peace to individuals in our communities, for there can be no peace in society without peace in each person, family, and neighbourhood. It starts with prayer, for this is a divine work, and extends to people one-on-one. May we all find our place in extending God’s peace through our hearts and our hands.

The angelic proclamation inspired action, which is the response of faith. After thr angels had left, the shepherds decided they would go to Bethlehem to see this newborn baby. They were not going in order to prove if this were true or not, but to give praise for what had been told them. After hurried search, they found Mary and Joseph, with the Baby lying in a manger. Their faith led them to find the promised Messiah. When God speaks to us through His Word, we should also be inspired to act. We are to share the good news with others. Faith should produce a change in how we go about our lives. When their time with the Baby was done, the shepherds once more expressed the simple faith that pleases God: They reported the good news to others about Jesus. The words of God’s grace from the lowliest of men amazed those they approached. They did not just rejoice in the moment, only to keep quiet about it afterward. They went out and told others who were, in turn, astonished by their message.
Luke 2:21-38

Mary and Joseph had the Baby Jesus circumcised on the eighth day, in accordance with the law of Moses. He was given the name Jesus, the name the angel told Joseph to give him (Matthew 1:22). The name “Jesus” means “the Lord saves” and reflects the mission of the Messiah. Mary and Joseph took Jesus to present Him to the Lord at the temple according to Jewish ritual purification (Leviticus 12:1-5). At that time there was a man named Simeon living in Jerusalem. He was a good, God-fearing man and was waiting for Israel to be saved. The Holy Spirit was with him. As divinely directed, Simeon went to Mary and Joseph in the temple and took the Baby in his arms, offering praise to God for the fulfilment of His promise to Israel to provide salvation. Simeon could die in peace, for the Messiah had come–the One who would be a light to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel’s people. Simeon blessed the child by saying the Baby would cause those who believe to be raised up and those who deny Him to fall. Simeon also said that a sword would pierce Mary’s heart, referring to Jesus’ suffering that she would one day observe. The wonderful message for us as believers is that every promises of God concerning us must surely come to pass.

While Joseph and Mary were at the temple in Jerusalem to present Jesus, a prophetess, Anna, approached them. Her husband had died after just seven years of marriage, and now she stayed at the temple praying and fasting continually. Moved by the Spirit, Anna gave thanks to God, speaking to those around her who longed for the redemption of Jerusalem. One of the vocal point of this lesson is that all the persons mentioned that saw the salvation of God through the birth of Jesus did proclaim Jesus as the Saviour of the world. We are in the season of His birth (Christmas) and we must all proclaim Jesus as the Saviour of the world. Note that in a world that is in darkness, this message of light and hope is vital. Let us seek the Spirit to guide us to coworkers, neighbours, or others who may be longing for some sign of hope and peace in a holiday that has become mostly materialistic.
Lesson Action Word
The good news from Jesus’ birth is the real essence of Christmas. In this yuletide, we must stand out to share the gospel with others even as we share gifts with them.

Lesson Prayer Point

Father, thank You for the gift of Your Son to the world to save us from sin. Give us the grace to share the good news with others in Jesus Name. Amen!
Remain blessed as you join us in our Sunday school both online and at any Assemblies Of God Church close to you as we study together under the Feet of the Master.
Share your contribution and as well ask your question from the lesson.
Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by
Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.
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