UNIT 2: Family Relationships
LESSON 5: February 4, 2024.
Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 6:7 – Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
Deuteronomy 6:1-9,20-25; Proverbs 3:1-4.
Lesson Central Truth:
Teaching and practising God’s Word in the home produces maturity and harmony.
Look on the internet, in the local bookstore, or in the public library. Watch the morning talk shows. Tune in to talk radio. Advice on family living is available almost everywhere. With such a volume of opinion on the best way to build a marriage and nurture children, it can be a daunting task to filter out and apply the most trustworthy principles. Yet despite all of these guidelines, more and more families are falling apart.
Christians have an invaluable guide when it comes to building solid families: the Bible. Faithfully applying biblical principles will lead to lifelong marriage, successful child rearing, and personal development of each family member. But like any other guide, the Bible’s benefits are only experienced when followed. An unopened family Bible may look impressive on a dinning table, but it is of little value.
God made it clear to the Israelites that His commandments were to be their focus at all times. The principles God outlines in Moses’ day were still vital today. Christian families must integrate God’s Word into every aspect of life to be successful in God’s sight.
A. Generation To Generation – Deuteronomy 6:1-3
B. Foundation Of Relationship – Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
A. Remember God’s Acts – Deuteronomy 6:20-23
B. Accept God’s Grace – Deuteronomy 6:24-25.
A. Never Forget The Truth – Proverbs 3:1-2
B. Be Loving And Faithful – Proverbs 3:3-4.
Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Sin is similar to the law of gravity, always pulling us down. We must stand our ground and resist any form of weaknesses that will make us not to obey God’s Word. Declaring like the Psalmist should be our heart desire in Psalms 119:60 – “I will hurry, without lingering, to obey your commands.” The Word of God is given for obedience. So, to obey ie keeping the commandments is an expression of fearing the Lord. How do we fear the Lord? We display it by living in obedience to His commands. As a member of God’s family, do you obey His Words? Is your life example of a true believer?

This is how we can help our whole family–ourselves, spouse, and children–to love God with our whole being. We make God’s Word central to our lives. In fact, God wants us to keep His Word at the forefront of our family life–as we walk and talk and go to sleep and wake up again. Parents should make the Word of God the ultimate devotional guide for their homes. We must use the Bible in our homeschooling if we must raise a God-fearing and formidable Christian families. Note that God’s Word is the greatest gift one can give to his or her generation. Teaching God’s Word begins with us. We must rise to teach and pass on His Word to our children. Start living that lifestyle you wish your children should emulate. This will automatically transform our generation for His glory.
Deuteronomy 6:20-25

As Christian parents, it is critical that we share our faith with our children. We must tell them of our faith, the testimony of our salvation–of how God saved us from sin’s slavery. When we use the Bible to communicate God’s faithfulness to our children, they create a home environment in which faithfulness to God is encouraged. What we tell our children can shape their futures. They will remember what was important to us and that which they remember can give them the hope of salvation.

Today’s generation must see their elders live out the teaching of the gospel. Parents must openly acknowledge they owe everything to Jesus Christ. They must give credit to God and His grace for any and all success they enjoy in life and demonstrate their reliance on the Bible for wisdom. Such a testimony will draw young people to a trusting relationship with the God who stands behind His Word. There is life in keeping His Word and God will continue to bless His children that carefully live for Him on a daily basis.
Proverbs 3:1-4

Many parents today may say that children of today are not really interested in studying the Word of God, but as Christian parents, we must do our part by training our children through the teaching of the Word. Our children will keep the commandments of God even when they are alone because the Word of God through the help of the Holy Spirit is already part of them. Good health, long life and peace are the benefits we enjoy as obedient children of God.
Continue to be a child of God who listen and obey instructions.

We must be instructed in the Word at a young age. We must memorize it and plant it in our hearts and minds and rely upon it to give us length of days and long life. We must be guided by love and faithfulness. Then we willl be in good favor in the sight of God and man.

We are called to remember who God is and all He has done. As parents, it’s primarily our job to pass this onto our children. As church leaders/members, we are called to share this with everyone and help transfer faith to the next generation. We are raising a generation of biblically literate people.

Father, help us to build our home on the solid foundation of Your Word in Jesus Matchless. Amen!
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