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UNIT 3: Gospel Of Mark (The Servant Messiah)

LESSON 13: MARCH 31, 2024.


Memory Verse: Matthew 28:6 – He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
Matthew 27:57-66; 28:1-20
Lesson Central Truth:
Jesus Christ rose from the dead and lives forever.
The death, burial and resurrection of Christ are the foundation of Christianity. In recent years there has been an increased effort by some to discount the reality of Christ’s death and resurrection. But without Christ’s sacrifice, we are still dead in our sins. Without Christ’s resurrection, we do not have the power to live an overcoming life.
This week’s lesson focuses not only on the facts surrounding Christ’s resurrection but also on what the resurrection means to Christian living.
A. Private Burial – Matthew 27:57-61
B. Guarded Tomb – Matthew 27:62-66.
A. Empty Tomb – Matthew 28:1-7
B. Joyful Reunion – Matthew 28:8-10.
A. Meeting Jesus – Matthew 28:16-18
B. Make Disciples – Matthew 28:19-20.
Matthew 27:57-61

Jewish law did not allow dead body to remain on the cross overnight. The Romans would have left the bodies of the crucified on crossed publically until their bodies rotted off.
Customarily, the bodies of crucified criminals were left on their crosses to rot or to be eaten by wild animals. But the Jews wanted no such horror displayed during the Passover season, and Romans were known to grant the corpses of executed men to friends or relatives for proper burial. As evening approached, Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea who was one of Jesus’ followers, a member of Sanhedrin, gathered up courage and went in before Pilate, and asked for the body of Jesus. In recent years many have claimed that Jesus did not die.
They have suggested Jesus only fainted and that He revived in the coolness of the tomb. But the truth of the matter is that Scripture is clear that He died. Pilate confirms with a centurion that Jesus is dead (John 19:31–34) and agrees to give the corpse to Joseph. After a quick preparation and burial by Joseph in his own private new tomb, Joseph and Nicodemus(John 19:38-39) rolled a large stone in front of the tomb. This was to keep grave robbers from entering the tomb and desecrating the body. Joseph, Nicodemus and several women were witnesses of His burial.
✅️ The first deception in the minds of the religious leaders was that Jesus claimed to be the Messiah. The last deception was that He would rise again and it would be worse (from their perspective) than the first. The disciples had forgotten that Jesus promised to rise from the dead on the third day, but His enemies remembered. Pilate permitted the leaders to set a guard at the tomb. This guard put an official Roman seal on the stone. All of this was of God, for now it was impossible for anyone–friend or foe–to steal the body. Without realizing it, the Jewish leaders and the Roman government joined forces to help prove the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The enemies planned ahead to stop the programme of God, but God frustrated their plans. The efforts of mere mortals could not keep Jesus in the grave and stop God’s plan for the salvation of the World. In a similar way many today try to stop the spread of the gospel. But they also are no match for God’s power. Even though the world may persecute the Church, nothing can stop it from growing. We are unstoppable through the resurrection power of Christ.
Matthew 28:1-10
✅️ Early on Sunday morning ie the beginning of the new week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to see the tomb possibly to anoint His body. Matthew recorded what had taken place that morning. There was a violent earthquake and an angel rolled the stone away from the entrance to the tomb. The guards are scared to death! Jesus, who is supposed to be dead, is alive. The guards, who are supposed to be alive and guarding Jesus’ body, become like dead men. They were prepared for Jesus’ disciples, but not for the angel. These women must have feared that someone had played mischief with Jesus’ body. However, it is difficult for faith to dwell with fear, and the angel appeared to restore faith in them. The angel says to the women, “Do not be afraid.” These women witnessed Jesus’ death and His burial. Now they witness the fact that, in spite of Rome’s best efforts, Jesus is gone. The angels assure the women that Jesus has been raised just as He had predicted.
The angel invites the women to see, not the risen Christ, but the empty tomb. Immediately, the angel commissions the women to go quickly to inform His disciples, making them the first to proclaim the Good News of the Resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of our faith. His resurrection validates Jesus’ teachings and ministry as well as our faith. Our Saviour is no more in the grave. He Is Risen! Let the world know about it and declare the Good News to all around you.
✅️ The women were awed by the events of that Easter morning. While they were experiencing joy because of the news of Christ’s resurrection, they were still afraid. The presence of the angel and the empty tomb were probably more than they could comprehend, but they quickly obeyed the angel’s instructions. Before they had gone very far, Jesus met them. In reverence and worship, they bowed down and worshipped Him. Jesus assured them that they did not need to be afraid. He commanded them to tell His disciples to meet Him in Galilee.
The interaction between the risen Saviour and these women shows us what the Christian life is supposed to be: Worship and service. We worship Him as the One who died and was raised to life for the forgiveness of our sins. We serve Him as the One who is King of kings and Lord of lords. Like these women, we can stop being afraid right now. Because Jesus, the Lord of Life, has risen from the dead. You can see Him yourself, and get to know Him personally, even as you head back to your own version of Galilee. And once you see Him, once you know Him, once He walks beside you every day, you will have a story to tell. It’s a simple story. It starts like this:
The Lord is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Matthew 28:16-20
✅️ More than the other gospel writers, Matthew focuses on Jesus’ promise to His disciples to meet them in Galilee after His resurrection from the dead: “After I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee” (Matthew 26:32). After He is resurrected, the message Jesus gives to the women for the disciples is, “Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10). The disciples obeyed and had gone to the specific place Jesus told them to go–Galilee–to meet with Him. The disciples were overjoyed to see Jesus once again, as expressed by their worship.
They understood Him to be God in the flesh, and they likely bowed before Him and expressed honour and praise for Him. Matthew adds some doubted him. Thomas, famously, stubbornly refused to believe Jesus was alive even after hearing it from the other ten disciples (John 20:24-29). It’s possible that other followers of Christ were afraid to trust what seemed too good to be true. Jesus went ahead to inform His disciples that all powers and complete authority in heaven and on earth have been given to Him. This shows His power is matchless and all other authorities surrender to His order.
✅️ Standing under the authority of Jesus Christ, the disciples were commanded to go and make disciples of all nations ie to proclaim the gospel of the risen Christ to the world. This is the great commission. This commission is directly from the Risen Christ. This commission remains pointless if there is no Risen Christ. Jesus has risen from the dead and has all authority in the universe; thus, we need to heed His great commission. As Christ’s disciples, we are to proclaim the gospel to the whole world. Proclaiming the gospel is to be intentional. During the everyday events of our lives, God brings opportunities our way to tell others about Christ. Making disciples involves going. Jesus Christ is alive. His death and resurrection has purchased salvation for all who believe in Him. There is no other way of salvation (Acts 4:12). We must proclaim this message. We must go to the unreached people and share the life-giving gospel of Jesus Christ. We are to use this Easter period to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
Lesson Action Word
Jesus’ resurrection is the essential basis of our beliefs. Because Jesus is alive, we can have the assurance that He is able to keep His promises to us.
Remain blessed as you join us in our Sunday school both online and at any Assemblies Of God Church close to you as we study together under the Feet of the Master.
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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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