Memory Verse: Revelation 19:11 – I [John] saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he [Jesus] that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
Revelation 19:11-21; 20:1-3.
Lesson Central Truth:
Jesus Christ will return in victory over all evil.
Jesus came first as a Saviour who died for our sins. He paid the utmost price to rescue us from sin and it’s bondage. He ascended to Heaven after His death and resurrection. He made super promise of His return ie His second coming – this will be different from the first time He came as a Saviour. The second coming of Christ will be a glorious, worldwide event like nothing we’ve ever seen before. It’s the culmination of what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross. This time, He is coming as a judge and King to reign over all.
it is important to remember that the second coming of Christ is not necessarily the end of everything. It marks a transition from who humanity was, and who we can become if we choose Jesus Christ as our Saviour.
This week’s lesson reveals the future return of Christ. The big question we must ask ourselves as believers is:
Do we know for sure Jesus will return?
Indeed, Jesus is coming again. He said it Himself:
John 14:3 – “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
Our main duty as believers is to remain faithful to the end as we wait for His return. For sure, He will come back in glory to take us home. Will you be ready when the owner of your life shall come?
A. The Glorious Rider – Revelation 19:11-13
B. His Great Armies – Revelation 19:14
A. The Warrior King – Revelation 19:15-16
B. The Battle Call – Revelation 19:17-18.
A. The Great Battle – Revelation 19:19-21
B. The Great Chain – Revelation 20:1-3.
Revelation 19:11-14
As John saw heaven open, he saw prophetically Christ’s second coming and the events which will follow it. The prophecy of the second coming is found all throughout scripture (see Zechariah 14:1–9; Daniel 7:13–14; Acts 1:10–11). As John gazed into heaven, he saw Christ on a white horse. Though some have identified this rider with the rider in 6:2, the context is entirely different. In 6:2 the rider is the world ruler of the Great Tribulation, while here the rider is a ruler who obviously comes from heaven itself. The white horse is a sign of His coming triumph. The white horse is thus a symbol of Christ’s triumph over the forces of wickedness in the world. The horse’s rider is called Faithful and True for, as John declared, With justice He judges and makes war. The rider obviously is Jesus Christ, returning to the earth in glory. That He is coming as Judge is further supported by the fact that He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood and His name is called the Word of God.
Jesus is called “Faithful” and “True.” Both of these highlight the fact that Jesus does what He says. Jesus promised to come again. People mocked and are still mocking Him today. They will say, “Where is the promise of His coming?” (2 Peter 3:4). They will claim that the long time gap is a proof that Jesus is not true. Many go ahead today to tag Him a false because He hasn’t returned yet. In their ignorance, they forgot to know that Jesus is faithful and true. He will come again just as He promised. He is coming to make war against the Antichrist and his rebels. His war is a righteous one. Jesus Himself will personally come again and wage a righteous war of judgment. Jesus sees all and knows all. No one can hide from Him. Surely, His wrath will expose all of those who have lived in rebellion toward Him.
As believers, we are part of this war. But at that time you won’t need to do very much. Jesus is going to fight the battles Himself. Your role will simply be to observe what Jesus is doing and in seeing His victory, give Him glory and praise. Jesus victory then reminds us of how we can have victory now. You would not be able to defeat the Antichrist and the armies of the world. They have all the weapons. They have the numbers. They have all the advantages, except for one. We have Jesus on our side. In this war, Jesus is the victory. He is the victory tomorrow. And He is also the victory today. What is the battle that you are fighting? Temptation? Health problem? Jesus is the solution. Do not depend on your own strength or your own intelligence. Look to Him. He will help you overcome.
Revelation 19:15-18
Many crowns on the head of the rider signifies His authority as a King of kings. Jesus will be coming as a great King to reign over other kings. When Jesus came the first time, they rejected Him as their king. Pilate wrote “the King of the Jews” on the cross where He was killed. And the Jewish leaders were angry. “Don’t call Him the King of the Jews.” They did not consider that He was their king. That unwillingness to submit to Jesus as king continues. Many of the same people who in that survey said they believe Jesus will return to earth, don’t submit to Him. They don’t want to acknowledge that He is the authority. If you believe that Jesus is King, He demands that you live your life that way. Acknowledging Him as King, means that we should submit to Him. Are there areas of your life that you won’t submit to His rule? You must treat Him as King at home and when you are out, when you are alone or when you are with others and in all that you do.
The world will come together to fight Jesus with all of the weapons they have. Most likely, there will be tanks, fighter aircraft, missiles, and even nuclear bombs. What weapons will Jesus have? Just His words. That is all He will need. Just as He has the power to create the universe with the spoken word, so His spoken word can immediately mow down His enemies. Jesus did not only create the world. He is sustaining it. Every person lives by the mercy of God. Rich and poor, powerful or sick, atheist and believer, all draw breath because God allows them to. If He were to withdraw His life sustaining power from you for even an instant, you would cease to breathe. Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord. We must humbly recognise that our lives are in His hands. We are made through Him and for Him.
Revelation 19:19 through 20:3
The Antichrist and the false prophet will utter the most evil blasphemies. With their slick tongues and fake miracles, they will deceive most of the world. And here we finally see them receive their due. They won’t be boasting anymore. The beast and the false prophet, who deceive so many, will be held accountable. The dragon which is Satan will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit for a 1000 years. Like everyone else, they will reap what they sow. Much like Jesus was the firstfruits of the resurrection, they will be the first ones thrown into hell. We should take note of Jesus’ qualities: as a loving and caring God, He loves righteousness and as well detest sin. So, He will judge all things in righteousness. How is your daily life? Do you live for Him or for sin? Now that you are still alive should be a great opportunity to amend your ways and cling to Him for life.
John’s prophecy is as powerful today as it was 2,000 hears ago. The forces that oppose God are doomed to destruction. This should encourage, warn, and motivate us today. We are encouraged because the enemies we face cannot utimately prevail. We are warned feom pursuing evil, knowing that we will suffer the Lamb’s judgement if we do. Finally, we should be motivated to share the good news of Lamb’s triumph with those who need salvation. Jesus wants us to be encouraged that while things will get worse as the end draws closer we can trust His word and His character that He will make a way for those who seek Him to be with Him in paradise.
Action Word
We are to live every day according to the way of Jesus, not the way of the world. Surely He will come back as promised. So, be ready!
Lesson Prayer Point
Father, may your grace continue to keep us faithful to the end as we anticipate your return in Jesus Name. Amen!
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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.
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