UNIT 4: Christian Discipleship
LESSON 20: OCTOBER 8, 2023.
Memory Verse: Matthew 4:19 – And He[Jesus] saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
Matthew 4:18-22; 9:9-13; Mark 3:7-19.
Lesson Central Truth:
Jesus calls all people to become His disciples.
The call to discipleship is a call to leave the world behind and follow Jesus. The mark of a true believer is summed up in surrender to Christ, and this manifests itself in many different ways in the disciple’s life. Discipleship is the life that Jesus calls those who truly believe in Him to follow. “Discipleship” is a word that many Christians don’t want to hear because it required a lot sacrifices and putting off some certain lifestyle. Note that
discipleship is a process of spiritual development that required every disciple to start living like the Master-Jesus. This week’s lesson explores how Jesus called His first four disciples(Andrew, Peter, James and John) who were fishermen, they obeyed to follow and were changed into fishers of men by Jesus. Same happened in the life a tax collector named Mathew. As believers, there must be great change in our lives immediately we accept His call of discipleship. Indeed, Jesus is still in His business of recruiting disciples by using us to preach and share the good news of the cross with the unsaved.
A. Personal Encounter – Matthew 4:18-20
B. Wider Outreach – Matthew 4:21-22.
A. Personal Testimony – Matthew 9:9
B. Forgiving Healer – Matthew 9:10-13.
A. Deliverance Modelled – Mark 3:7-12
B. Disciples Empowered – Mark 3:13-19.
Matthew 4:18-22

As Jesus was walking along the sea of Galilee he first met two brothers: Simon, who we know better as Peter, and his brother Andrew. What were they doing? They were working, making a living. They were fishermen. God usually calls people as they are busy doing something. Jesus called these four apostles as they were casting a net into the sea or mending their nets. They were busy in a lawful occupation when he called them to be ministers: our Lord does not call idlers but men and women actively working with their hands. Matthew’s account of this event is very simple. Jesus looks at Peter and Andrew and says, “Follow me.” The same is true for James and John. These men obeyed without any argument and followed Jesus. Why did they follow Jesus? They wanted to become what Jesus says they will be for Him ie “fishers of men.” These men had a personal encounter with Jesus that caused a total change in their lives. They moved from “fishermen” to “fishers of men.” Being a fisher of men, means loving people and sharing Jesus with them.

Discipleship(following Jesus) means leaving some things
behind. Peter and Andrew left their boat, the Samaritan woman left her pitcher, Matthew left his tax table, and blind Bartimaeus left his cloak to follow Jesus. What have you left behind to follow Him? Following Jesus does not mean only going to church. Some people think because they are in church every Sunday, they follow Jesus, It’s not true. Many are in church and they are yet to leave their sinful lifestyle to follow Jesus. In following Jesus, you will leave some things behind. Jesus calls us to be different. We are different than the unbelievers. We talk different, we think different, we have different priorities, we are different than we were before when we didn’t follow Him. As a believer, you must leave your net ie your old life of sinful nature and follow Him because He is able to make you become what He desired you to become for Him.
Matthew 9:9-13

Jesus met another man named Mathew who happened to be a tax collector.️ Perhaps to the amazement of many, Jesus tells him to “Follow Me.” This was a call to become His disciple. Understanding how almost everyone hated tax collectors, it is remarkable to see how Jesus loved and called Matthew. It proved to be a well-placed love; Matthew responded to Jesus’ invitation by leaving his tax collecting business and following Jesus–and eventually writing this same gospel account. Matthew accepts the call of Jesus: “he arose and followed Him.” Of course, this same tax collector, despised by his Jewish brethren became one of the twelve apostles. This is a great lesson for us all. The so called worst sinner can be a great instrument in the hands of God. Everyman is called by God to become His disciple. You and I have been called to be disciples. May the joy of being His disciples never elude us in Jesus Name. Amen!

pharisees, on seeing Jesus with many tax collectors, they asked His disciples: “why does your master eat with the tax collectors and sinners?” The simple answer is because Jesus is friend of sinners. Romans 5:8 – But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Jesus responded to Pharisees by saying to them: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” We are fortunate that God calls sinners and not just holy people. Jesus came to benefit those who understood their inherent need for Him (those who are sick and the poor in spirit of Matthew 5:3). Yet the proud who see no need for Jesus (those who are well) benefit nothing from Jesus. May we not be like the Pharisees who sees themselves of not having any need to study under the feet of Christ.
Mark 3:7-13

Jesus’ growing reputation attracted enormous crowd from regions near and far to hear Him in the sea of Galilee. Many clamour to hear from Him and to be healed of their diseases. In fact people with different motive came to Jesus. Like us today, many are in church because of one reason or the other, but the great need is for all to accept His call of discipleship. Many were healed and demon possessed delivered. Demons bow and confess Jesus as the Son of God whenever they saw Him. This crowd come out of desperation, out of pain and affliction, out of bondage to evil and anguish. Yet in Mark’s gospel a person doesn’t become an authentic follower of Jesus until he or she steps out of the crowd and trusts in Jesus, becoming his disciple. So the crowd represents seekers, not believers. They don’t really understand who Jesus is, that He’s God’s chosen Messiah, the unique Son of God. Yet the demonic spirits Jesus casts out of people immediately recognize who Jesus is. Those who hate and oppose Jesus the most know more about who Jesus is than those coming to Jesus out of need. That’s the irony of this scene. The question we must pause and ponder on is: who is Jesus to you?

At the mountaintop, Jesus called out many people from the crowd and then
appointed His twelve disciples that they might be with Him. These were the men who would carry on what He started; without them the work of Jesus would never extend throughout the whole world. Therefore, He made the choice with God’s wisdom. The job of these disciples is to be with Christ and to constantly learn from Him. After learning from Him, the business of the disciples will be to preach the Gospel, to be the physician of souls and to wage war with the devil, and destroy his kingdom. The disciples can do their work or assignment effectively through Christ’s empowerment. Today, we are His disciples–called out to proclaim the gospel and bring more people for the Master. We are called out to start calling others for Him. Note that as a disciple, you live for Your Master’s plan and purpose. Beloved, be the voice that Christ is using to save sinners in this end time.
Lesson Action Word
Christian discipleship is more than being a believer – it’s about being a follower. When He calls we answer and wherever He leads us we follow.

Lesson Prayer Point

Father, help us to be a good disciple for your kingdom and give us the grace to disciple others in Jesus Matchless Name. Amen!