UNIT 4: Christian Discipleship
LESSON 15: OCTOBER 15, 2023.
Memory Verse: Matthew 10:39 – He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake soctober hall find it (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
Luke 9:57-62; Matthew 10:34-39; 16:21-27.
The “cost of discipleship” means what it will take one to become Jesus’ disciple. Jesus taught that being His disciple comes at a cost.
To be His disciple requires a clear and total commitment and will involve sacrifice, suffering and service. When Jesus started recruiting His disciples, many initially are willing to follow the Lord, but fail to count the cost. Upon realizing the great sacrifice necessary to follow Him, many are unwilling to pay the price.
For anyone to embark on a project he or she must sit down to consider the cost of it. Likewise, we must consider the cost of following Jesus before we can follow Him. We must count the cost and be willing to pay the price in service to the Lord.
When we commit our entire lives to Jesus as His disciples, we emulate the One who laid down His life on our behalf for our salvation.
A. Noble Ambition – Luke 9:57-58
B. Divine Invitation – Luke 9:59-62.
A. Sword Of Peace – Matthew 10:34-36
B. Ultimate Love – Matthew 10:37-39.
A. Opposing Views – Matthew 16:21-23
B. Word Or Soul – Matthew 16:24-27.
Luke 9:58-62

As believers, following Jesus is not just simply saying that you want to follow. It requires commitment and sacrifice. We must stop deceiving people with the idea that there is no commitment or sacrifice required to follow Jesus. Jesus warned this man that following Him is not easy. Following Jesus to wherever He goes is the best path for our life but it is not comfortable or convenient. Our comfort does not come before following Jesus.

This aspect of the lesson call each of us to examine our hearts and discern whether we have Jesus’ values in view when we promise our devotion and service to Him.
Jesus shows us that God wants all people to respond to His invitation ie to follow Him without looking back.
Matthew 10:34-39

When Jesus says that He did not come to bring peace, but a sword, what He is saying is that a complete surrender of our lives to Him will oftentimes put us squarely in conflict with others–even those closest to us. We can see this clearly in the life of someone who might have repented in a family that has rejected Christ.
In this instance, the believer’s life must be in conflict with his or her family members. Many today have accepted their family decision over God’s call. For one to be called a follower of Christ, he or she must be rooted in Him above all else. As believers, our love for Him must be above any kind of love we can have for any of our family members.

There is no middle road to following Jesus. Following Jesus and doing things His way not only makes a Christian a peculiar sort of person, but also makes them an object of ridicule and rejection. A true believer in Christ must be willing to lose everything if it hinders their relationship with Christ. Truly, what does it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul? Each moment, and each decision you make, has an eternal ripple effect. Are the decisions you are making in life honouring Christ or honouring yourself? The decision is yours, and the hardest and most important decision you will ever make, but it requires complete surrender to GOD.
Matthew 16:21-27

You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, and not from God’s.” Peter and other disciples had opposing views with Jesus. This is to tell us that human thought is always limited to God’s all-knowing ability. In following Jesus, human reasonings or thoughts may encourage us to give up or it is not possible to move with Him to the end. As believers, we must not allow human words to overshadow God’s words. Moving with Christ to the end may look difficult, but having His mind and by His grace, we will make it to the end.

The cross represents pain, shame, agony, loneliness, and suffering. Choosing the cross is choosing a life that is not generally accepted by people. So, taking up our cross means sacrifice, laying everything on the altar. It’s not half-hearted commitment; it is full surrender to God’s terms of discipleship. It’s a choice to live out the truth that we are “crucified with Christ” (Galatians 2:20) even if it means shame, rejection, or persecution. As believers, our commitment must be stronger than any other inclination of individual life preservation.

We can see a biblical example of this from the story of the rich man and Lazarus. We “lose our lives” here on earth by living a Christ-like life. Note that your life here on earth is but a vapor. It will soon be past.
The life to come will last forever. If you want to save your life forever, lose it for the sake of Christ today. Be like Paul, who said, “I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself” (Acts 20:24). More importantly, there is nothing we can give in exchange for our soul. Our soul is non-negotiable for Christ–we live and die for Him alone. We must be faithful to our Master to the end because He will soon come in glory to reward every man according to his or her works.

The cost of discipleship is the prerequisite to determine whether or not to follow Him. “And you cannot be my disciple if you do not carry your own cross and follow me” (Luke 14:27).

Father, empower us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow You, habitually, on a daily basis, in Jesus Matchless Name. Amen!
Remain blessed as you join us in our Sunday school both online and at any Assemblies Of God Church close to you as we study together under the Feet of the Master.
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