UNIT 2: The Supernatural Realm
LESSON 9: AUGUST 27, 2023.
Memory Verse: James 4:7 – Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (KJV).
Lesson Bible Text:
2 Corinthians 10:1-6; Colossians 2:9-15; James 4:4-10; 1 Peter 5:6-10.
Lesson Central Truth:
Christians are sent free from the power of Satan through victory in Jesus Christ.
When we are saved, everything changes. However, everything does not change immediately; some things change in due course, amid inevitable challenges. Certainly, Christians are new creatures in Christ. The Holy Spirit creates a new nature in us when we are born again. One result of this new creation is the inevitable conflict that exists between our new nature and the old one. Such conflicts will exist throughout our lives. But we will emerge victorious as we careful to satisfy the desires of the new and refuse the desires of the old.
A. Mighty Through God – 2 Corinthians 10:1-4
B. A Spiritual Battle – 2 Corinthians 10:5-6.
A. Complete In Christ – Colossians 2:9-10
B. Evil Spiritual Powers Disarmed – Colossians 2:11-15.
A. Humble Yourself Before God – James 4:4-10
B. Resist The Devil – 1 Peter 5:6-10.
2 Corinthians 10:1-6

False apostles and other critics were challenging Paul’s role as a true apostle of Jesus Christ. They accused Paul ot being bold in letters and timid in person. Paul tackles one of their arguments against him in this chapter 10 of second Corinthians. The false apostles or teachers asked the Corinthian believers to ignore Paul’s strong letters because he would not be strong enough to back them up when he came in person. Indeed, Paul’s approach in his dealing with these believers is meekness personified. Paul made it clear that he preferred meekness over boldness. Note that one definition of meekness is strength under control. In meekness, Paul strongly urged the Corinthian believers to correct their ways. Otherwise, he would demonstrate boldness in his next visit to them. Paul inmates Christ in meekness and in accusation. Meekness of Christ should be the comeliest ornament that every Christian must wear.

Paul went on to establish a fact that His battle was not with the
Corinthian Christians, not even those there who had opposed him. The war was not with the people who sometimes opposed his ministry and persecuted him and even tried to kill him for his evangelism. The war Paul is talking about was not with people at all. Paul considered the main enemy behind the mishaps in Corinthian church as spiritual one. As believers, we are in battle and it is not a physical one. There is always a spiritual battle going on a daily basis and to win such battle, we must combat it with spiritual weapons. Ephesians 6:11-18 records the powerful spiritual weapons that we must put on in order to win over spiritual wickedness in high places. We must put on the whole armour as the soldiers of Christ in order to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil.

These spiritual weapons are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. Strongholds in this context are wrong thoughts and perceptions, contradicting the true knowledge of God and the nature of God. These strongholds are expressed in arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Note that reliance on carnal methods and the habit of carnal thinking is a true stronghold. It stubbornly sets down deep roots in the heart and mind, and it colors all of our actions and thinking. It is hard to let go of the thinking that values the things and ways of this world, but God’s power really can break down these strongholds. Thoughts of lust, thoughts of anger, thoughts of fear, thoughts of greed, bitter thoughts, evil thoughts – they are part of every thought must be brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
Colossians 2:9-15

There are many philosophies in the world today that are very contrary to Christianity. A number of these are similar to–or even had roots in–false teachings of the New Testament times. The false teachings that confronted the Colossian Christians depend on human ideas and philosophies rather than revelation of Scripture. Today, we can see these various false teachers that twist the Scripture for their selfish gains in order to deceive others. In response to these human philosophies, Paul issued a powerful statement which have given us all we need in Christ. In Christ dwells the fullness of God and as believers we are united to Him in a faith-relationship, then we are also complete in Him. Therefore there was no need to go to the false promises and attractions presented by the false teachers among the Colossians. He is the Lord over every ruler and authority in the universe. We are victorious through His matchless power.

It is of great importance to note that most of the Colossian Christians were Gentiles who had never been physically circumcised. Paul assures them that they were indeed circumcised in a spiritual sense, which is even more important than physical circumcision. The Colossian Christians had to deal with a whole variety of false teaching. Not only did they have wrong ideas about Jesus, but they also had wrong ideas about things like circumcision. Apparently, they were being taught that they had to be circumcised to be right with God. Paul makes it clear that they were circumcised, by putting off the sins of the flesh. Our spiritual circumcision meant the putting off of the old man ie sinful nature and then live in full obedience to the Lord’s nature of holiness. We, as believers, must see ourselves as having a new spiritual identity as we seek to live out that identity on daily basis. Jesus Christ had already defeated any power that will deceive or derail our spiritual journey through His sacrifice on the Cross.
James 4:4-10; 1 Peter 5:6-10

James recognizes that we cannot both be friends of this world system in rebellion against God, and friends of God at the same time (Matthew 6:24). Even the desire to be a friend (wants to be a friend) of the world makes that one an enemy of God. Our dedication and submission should be to God alone. A Christian can not live a double life. Either he will find contentment in God; or he will be dissatisfied with what God provides and seek fulfilment elsewhere. God does not tolerate divided hearts that craze carnal desires. Instead, He expects our total commitment, and He will pursue a spiritual adulterer so that he or she might return. But He will not dwell in them if they choose to pursue another source of satisfaction. The grace of God is always sufficient for us live for Him. The same grace will help us in our weakness, enabling us to resist the devil as we draw closer to God with full submission to His authority.

For “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble”: Peter quoted Proverbs 3:34 to show that humility is essential to our relationship with God. If we want to live in God’s grace (His unmerited favor) then we must lay aside our pride and be humble–not only to Him but also to one another. If God has us in a humble place at the present time, we must submit to God’s plan. He knows the due time to exalt us, though we often think we know that time better than God does. True humility is shown by our ability to cast our care upon God. It is proud presumption to take things into our own worry and care about things that God has promised to take care of (Matthew 6:31-34). Peter also exhorts us to remain clear-headed (sober) and watchful (vigilant), because Satan is a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour. The secret of spiritual warfare is simple, steadfast resistance. As we are steadfast in the faith, we resist the devil lies and threats and intimidation. As we continue to stand firm in Christ, He will perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle us.
Lesson Action Word
Through Jesus Christ, we are always on the winning side. We are victorious through Him. Praise Be To His Name. Amen!

Lesson Prayer Point

Thank You Father for we know that You will never leave us nor forsake us. We safe and secured in your hands. Victory is ours in Jesus Matchless Name. Amen!
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