MEMORY VERSE: To know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God – Eph3:19.
CENTRAL TRUTH: God’s grace makes it possible to know the love of Christ.
The Great Mystery(Revelation) of Grace as was revealed to Paul which he shared in Ephesians Chapter three(3) spells out the Love of God to all people, and the life to live in that love. Paul was spiritually led into the secret behind this Grace and thus our engagement as engraced people was clearly defined. The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ revolves around His Grace or Love for humanity, and for us to engage in the proclamation of the Gospel of this revealed grace, we need to understand the intrinsic Value and Glory of the Gospel, thus the Lesson presents the following outlines for discussion;
1. The Mystery Of Christ Revealed
2. Proclaiming God’s Revealed Plan
3.Experiencing The Fullness Of Christ’s Love
Paul: A witness of the revealed mystery(grace) of Christ was made to understand that grace is for all.
Lessons Derived: Paul first profiled himself as the prisoner of Jesus on assignment to the Gentiles. Paul saw his call as an arrest (or confinement) to fulfill purpose. What do you call your Christianity? It was revealed to Paul that the Jews were never to be the only beneficiaries of grace, but that God meant it for the Gentiles as well. So by means of the Gospel of grace the Gentiles have equal rights as fellowheirs, in the same body, and same partakers of the promise in Christ. And Paul calls this a mystery – the mystery of becoming a part of God’s family, whether as a Jew or Gentile is inexplainable thus John3:8 says, it’s like a wind that blows where it listed, you can hear the sound, but can’t tell nor explain how. It is such a great mystery that even Paul could not claim monopoly of being the only man God discloses this spiritual heritage to, because God reveals it to his holy Prophets and Apostles in this dispensation.
Paul was made a servant (minister) of the Gospel through the Power of the Gospel to proclaim God’s revealed plan.
Lessons Derived: True ministers or servants of the Gospel of Christ are made through the Power of the Gospel( not through any other means) to preach the revealed riches of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul came into the family of God through the Power of the Gospel which Ananias believed in(Act 9). As he prayed for Paul after his (Paul’s) encounter at Damascus road, Paul received his sight and was commissioned by the same Power to serve God’s purpose of reaching the Gentiles with the Gospel. So he was saved by the Power of the Holy Spirit , equipped by the same Power of the Spirit in the Gospel to access and proclaim the treasures and blessings of the gospel at all times(good or bad). Paul with this experience admonished believers not to faint( or be discouraged) at tribulations but to understand the manifold wisdom of God in using whatever circumstance to accomplish his purpose. Paul had spiritual victory amid his sufferings, he never see himself as a victim, but a Victor. The same God can sustain us during the struggles of our faith if we trust in Him.
Paul prayed for the church that she might experience the fullness of Christ’s Love, and rendered praise to God for being the doer in filling us in to the fullness of Christ’s Love.
Lessons Derived: Paul humbly prayed to the Father of our Lord Jesus for the church knowing the spiritual treasures grace provides unto us in Christ, and this includes;
*Strengthening our inner-man by His Spirit, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith – a place well rooted and grounded in Love v16-17.
*Comprehending the entirety of God’s love which passes knowledge, so that we might be filled with all the fullness of God. Though it seems impossible to fully know the vastness of God; the mystery behind this is that, He fills us with all that we supernaturally need to know about him. Colossians 2:10 says ‘we are complete in Him…’
*Perfecting all that we could ever ask or imagined in conjunction with His purpose. v20
Lastly, while Paul was thanking God for the revelation of this great mystery; he made it clear that the work of God was not limited to city of Ephesus or the first century Church, but that the power of God is available to every Christian everywhere and at all times. So let us engage in reaching out to others with the Gospel of Jesus.
Thanks for studying Ephesians Chapter 3 with us, any contributions or benefits?