Once upon a time in history, the Missionaries came to Nigeria, through Taraba State and into Plateau State, by Canoe, from River Ibi, and settled in Wase, in 1904, led by Dr Karl Kumm.
That was the birth of Ekklisyar Kristi A Sudan (EKAS), which later changed to Ekklisyar Kristi A Nigeria (EKAN) with translation in English, Church Of Christ In Nigeria (COCIN). From there, it spraid to Kabwir, Panyam and Foron, just to mention, but few.
And as time went on, there was need to change the name again, this time, to Church Of Christ In Nations (COCIN) which by implication, means the Church no longer operate only within the territorial boundaries of Nigeria, but to other Nations of the World, therefore, the need for the change.
The Missionaries who handed over the Church, thought it wise, that, an indigenious Pastor be given the responsibility to take over from where they stopped. Therefore, the followings are the past Presidents and General Secretaries of the Church from inception:
i) Rev. Damina Bawado – 1st COCIN
President, served for 30 yrs
ii) Rev. Luther Cishak – 2nd COCIN
President, served for 9 yrs
iii)Rev. Dr. Musa Gotom – 3rd COCIN
President, served 9 years
iv) Rev. Dr. Alexander Lar – 4th
COCIN President, served for 5 yrs
v) Rev. Prof. Pandang Yamsat – 5th
COCIN President, served for 8 yrs
vi)Rev. Prof. Soja Bewarang – 6th
COCIN President, served for 2 yrs
vii)Rev. Prof. Dachollom Datiri – 7th
COCIN President served for 8 yrs
viii)Rev. Dr. Amos Musa Mohzo – 8th
COCIN President just came in
And on the other hand, the General Secretaries who served under these leaders, are:
i) Da Bitrus Pam – 1st COCIN Gen.
ii) Rev. Daniel Bitrus – 2nd COCIN
Gen. Sec.
iii)Rev. Dr. Musa Gotom – 3rd COCIN
Gen. Sec.
iv)Rev. Dan Pochi – 4th COCIN Gen.
v) Rev. John Akawu Audu – 5th
COCIN Gen. Sec.
vi)Rev. Seth Usman Neden – 6th
COCIN Gen. Sen.
vii)Rev. Dr. Obed Gudike Dashan – 7th
COCIN Gen. Sec.
viii)Rev. Dr. Amos Musa Mohzo – 8th
COCIN Gen. Sec.
ix) Rev. Assoc. Prof. Benjamin Pokol
– 9th COCIN Gen. Sec.
These are the lists of leaders of the Church from inception, but three (3) out of the Past Presidents of the Church are late, they are :
a) Rev. Damina Bawado – (late)
b) Rev. Luther Cishak – (late)
c) Rev. Dr. Alexander Lar – (late)
While for the Past & Present General Secretaries, only one is late, he is:
Da Bitrus Pam – (late), the first Gen. Sec., of the Church, but the rest are still alive, health and hearty, to the glory of God.
Today, the Church has grown with over One Hundred and One (101) Regional Church Councils (RCCs), seven (7) about to be inaugurated soon, to make the total of One Hundred and Eight (108) RCCs, and Fourteen (14) Provincial Church Councils (PCCs).
Spiritually, the Church has expanded to the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Chad, Cameroon, Cotonou, Malawi, Kenya, Niger and so many other Countries of the World.
Educationally, it has established Secondary Schools all over, and recently, the Karl Kumm University which is underway, soonest.
With these highlights on the growth of the Church, and having attained over & above One Hundred (100) years of existence as a Church, it is pertinent to note that, the Church is marching forward and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it……