Thank You Lord!
1. Let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and begin to bless His Holy Name. Give Him all Glory, give Him all Honour, give Him all Adoration. Bless the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords; Worship Him, bless the Almighty God – The Alpha, The Omega, The Beginning, The Ending. Praise His Holy Name. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.
2. Lift Up your Voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, this very Week, give me my Jubilee. Open your mouth and cry to the Almighty God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Alpha, Omega
Alpha, Omega
You are Worthy of our Praises today
You are Worthy of our Praises today
Alpha, Omega
Alpha, Omega
You are Worthy of our Praises today
You are Worthy of our Praises today
Ancient of Days; King of Kings; Lord of Lords; The Unchangeable Changer; The Mighty Lord of Host; The King of Glory; Saviour, Healer, Provider, Restorer, The Only Wise God; we bless Your Holy Name. Accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Thank You for another Year, Thank You for another Annual Convention, Thank You another Meeting of Yours Workers, another Meeting of Your House Fellowship Leaders. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Thank You for our Salvation, Thank You for our Presence, Thank You for the opportunity to Serve; Father accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Thank You for Journey Mercies for those who has already come; Thank You for Journey Mercies for those who are yet to come; Father accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Father, even today; give us our Jubilee. Even before we wake up tomorrow (Tuesday, Day 2 – 9th August, 2022); let there be Evidence that You have given us our Jubilee.
Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
Now, shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People and Prophesy to them: God will visit you tonight – Amen!
*And then, let me hear shout a Jubilee Hallelujah – Hallelujah!*
*You will have cause to shout for Joy this Week in Jesus Name – Amen!*
One of my children was reminding me of something that I said long ago –
I. It is one thing to hear Testimonies, it is another thing to be the one giving the Testimonies.
II. It is one thing to see a Miracle, it is another thing for you to be the Miracle.
*This Week (or as you read on the Label of DMC); you will be a Miracle – Amen!; this Week, you will be a Testifier – Amen!*
*In the Name that is above every other names: Everything that has been blocking your mouth shall be consumed by Fire – Amen!; everything that has not allowed your Joy to be Full, shall be consumed by Fire – Amen!*
Let me hear Somebody shout Fire – FIRE!
*You are Welcome in Jesus Name – Amen!*
1. And Please don’t forget that it is our Custom that whenever we come for our Annual Convention like this; the first morning (That is early Day 2 Morning); we take ourselves by two’s, we will surround the whole Camp and decree that every bits of the Ground will become a Miracle Center.
So tomorrow (Day 2 Morning) by 6am, take ourselves in two’s, circled the whole Camp and decree that every grains of sand here at the Campground will be filled with the Fire of God so that everyone with any Problems, as they are stepping their feet on the Campground; Fire will consume their Problems.
And if you believe that will happen, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah! You are Welcome in Jesus Name – Amen!
2. And after this House Fellowship Leaders and Workers Meetimg, those of you who are Representatives of your various Provinces, you know that we are having a Meeting at the Prayer Foyer so that we can share one (1) or two (2) things together that we can take home to report to your People.
Bible Text: Psalms 122:1 – And David said: I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.
*… I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.*
*Why was he (David) glad?*
1. *Because he has discovered according to Psalms 16:1 that in the Presence of the Lord, is the Fullness of Joy.*
If I can only get into the Presence of the Lord, I know that my Joy will be Full! The Fullness of Joy means an end to Problems!
*That is one of the reasons that I can boldly decree that: This Week, your Joy will be Full – Amen!*
He (David) said: I was glad when they say: Let us go to the House of the Lord!
2. He knew that even according to Matthew 21: 12-14; that – *The House of the Lord is also called “The House of Prayers”. Not just Prayers, but “Answered Prayers”.*
Because the Lord God Almighty said that you must seek the Lord where He may be found, call upon Him when He is near. And God cannot be nearer than in His House.
*You are going into the House of the Lord to Pray, then you can be sure that Answers will come!*
*And in the Name that is above every other names; every Prayers that you Pray during this RCCG Annual Convention 2022 will be Answered by Fire – Amen!*
3. He said that I was glad when they said: Come, let us go into the House of the Lord because He said in Psalms 23:6 that: *Surely, Goodness and Mercy shall follow me; for how long? – All the days of my Life!*
And he (David) said that the reason is: I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever!
… As long as I’m dwelling in the House of the Lord, Goodness and Mercy shall follow me!
*That is why David saud in Psalms 24:7 – He said: There is only one thing that I desired of the Lord, only one thing that I will seek after; that I will dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my Life!*
*If I can just dwell in His House, I am sure that my Joy will be Full, my Prayers will be Answered, Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my Life. If only I can just dwell in the House of the Lord!*
*So, he (David) has given us the Secret of Perfect Jubilee – The Place where there will be Joy not just once in fifty (50) Years, not just once in forty (40) Years but Permanently!*
*But then the Question comes – Can I go and be living in the Church? Do I locate the Headquarters of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) at Ebute Metta and say: Hey, here I come? This is where I will be living now for the rest of my Life!*
Even if they say that you are Welcome – Come and be living here. How many of us can go there?
*That is why you see the Wisdom in being a House Fellowship Leader in your House! Because if I can’t go and be living in the Church, I can bring the Church into my house!*
If I can’t be living in the Headquarters Church in Ebute Metta or in one of the beautiful Churches around here – House of Favour, King is Coming et cetera et cetera; I can bring God to my house Permanently.
Because when you go through the Scriptures; you see People again and again that God wrote to in: Romans 16:3, the Book of Philemon 1:2, Colossians 4: 15 – Again and again and again, when Paul was writing to these People, he referred to them as “The Church in your House”.
*These People brought God into their house:*
1. They asked God to come and live in my house so that I can be in Your Presence constantly and have Fullness of Joy.
2. Come and live in my house so that I know that any Prayers I Prayed will be Answered by Fire.
3. Come and live in my house so that I can be sure that Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my Life.
I heard the Testimony not too long ago – Somewhere in the North, bandits were rampaging, shooting, killing and they got to a house and all of a sudden, the bandit that was assigned to a house started shouting – There is Fire here, there is Fire here. And the Leader said: What are you talking about? Oh, there is Fire here?
And so the Leader moved closer to see the Fire – It is a Poster that says: “House Fellowship Meets Here”
You Probably have also heard this Testimony before – There was a Massive and Mighty Flood in one of the Nations of the world that destroyed houses upon houses in a Particular Town.
Every houses on the Left was flooded; every houses on the Right was flooded. The only house that the water didn’t get into – All the houses on the Left flooded to the Window Level, houses on the Right same thing and there was one house that remained dry – So, you wondered how did the water cross over from the Left to Right?
It is a house that has a Sign – “The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) House Fellowship Meets Here’!
*Why? – They brought God into their homes – God is Living Here!*
When you read 2 Samuel 6: 5-11 – You know the Story of what happened when they were bringing the Ark of Covenant into the City of David and there was an accident on the way.
David said that there is one Man here who is not an Isreali – Let’s take the Ark of Covenant to his house. If he can die, let him die.
They brought God to the house of Obededom – He wasn’t even a Child of God, he wasn’t of the Tribe of the Almighty; he waa supposed to die if he can die.
They brought God in and what happened? – Not only did this Man began to Prosper immediately; he became known throughout the whole Nation for Prosperity!
*And whether you believed it or not; there is Someone listening to me or reading now on the Label of DMC – One day when they are talking of the one who is “Most Blessed” in your Country, they will mention you (Amen).*
He (Obededom) Prospered so Mightily that within three (3) Months, that everybody heard and they told David that this is what is happening.
David said: Is that so? Okay, I lost it before but I will go and get it back.
*Jubilee means: Restoration and a New Beginning!*
David went to the house of Obededom and said: Oga, Thank You for keeping the Ark for me; I have come for it.
And you can see David Dancing, Jumping, Rejoicing; just as you are doing this Evening because he got his Jubilee that Day.
1. There are many of us here – We have had opportunities to open our houses for House Fellowship but we ignored the opportunity.
2. There are some of us who are Workers who refused to release our houses too for House Fellowship.
*But this is our Year of Restoration – Amen:*
I. Every opportunities that we have lost, we shall regain – Amen!
II. You are going to have your Jubilee this Week – Amen.
*You are going to open your house to God, God is going to live in your house and then:*
1. You will have Fullness of Joy.
2. Your Prayers will be Answered.
3. Goodness and Mercy will then begin to follow you all the days of your Life.
1. Stand on your feet and lift your Voice to the Almighty God and said: Father, every opportunities that I lost, restore to me tonight. Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God!
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
2. And then Pray this Prayer even with Greater Strength and say: Father, relocate into my house – Come and Dwell in my house. Let my house become Your Dwelling Place. Go ahead and talk to the Lord.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name.
I want to Thank You for Your Workers, I want to Thank You for the House Fellowship Leaders. I want to Thank You for Your Words that has gone forth this Evening. Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Please Lord, every opportunities that we have lost; Particularly to Serve You, Particularly in Relationship to House Fellowship; Father, every opportunities that we have lost, restore to us; relocate into our homes, let our houses become Your Living Place.
And beginning from now, concerning all Your Children who are here or reading now on the Label of DMC; my Father and my God, let there be Fullness of Joy, answer all our Prayers by Fire and let Your Goodness and Mercy follow us all the days of our lives.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
If you believed that God will answer that Prayer, shout a Big Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
You can take your seat for a Minute.
Don’t forget tomorrow – Decide who will be your Partner tonight; and decide where you want to go to Pray.
You are going to Decree in the Name that is above every other names that every bit of sand on this Campground will become Fire.
I. If any Witch come here, the Fire will roast them.
II. If anybody come here to do evil, what is going to happen? – The Fire of God will roast.
III. Any Sickness, any Disease comes to this Campground? – The Fire of God will roast.
IV. Every bits of barrenness? – The Fire of God will roast.
V. Anything that has been causing you Failure? – The Fire of God will roast.
VI. Anything that has been slowing you down? – The Fire of God will roast.
*And so shall it be in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen!*
Now, we will just give our Offerings. And those of us who are Representatives of our Provinces will go into the Prayer Foyer.
And the rest of us can go to a Place where we want to Pray tonight until you are satisfied. And God Himself will answer you by Fire – Amen.
Now, over to you Band – Dance to the nearest basket, drop your Offerings and God will receive our Offerings by Fire – Amen!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.