DAY 15 RCCG Fasting Saturday 25th Jan 2020
TEXT: Job 20:15, Jer 33:3, Joe2:25. God is ever ready to answer prayers and act in our favour, whenever we call upon His name. He has all the power to restore all that we have lost.
Open Heaven for Today 25 January 2020 – God’s Sandpaper

Prayer Points on Today’s Open Heavens 24 January 2020(Opens in a new browser tab)
1. Praise and worship our God for Who He is. Isa 44:6
2. Praise and worship our God for the creation power of heavens, the earth and everything therein. Psa 148:5
3. Let us praise God for His marvelous works on the earth. Psa 40:5
4. Let us thank God for His mercy and goodness in our life and family. Psa 23:6
5. Let us thank God for His goodness and mercy in His church. Psa 23:6
6. Let us begin to confess our sins and carelessness, that gave the enemies opportunities to sow tares and steal from us Matt 13:25
7. Let us approach the throne of grace and ask God for mercy. He will abundantly pardon us. Jer 10:24, Heb 4:16
8. Read Gen 20:2: Ask God to be merciful unto you for past seemingly good decisions and actions but which has now kept you or your valuables in bondage.
9. Ask God never to cease to always rebuke and correct you in love until He makes a master piece of your life. Jer 10:24
10. Let us see our picture in the mirror of the scripture, and recount what we have lost as individual and family. Many have lost health, peace, joy, fruitfulness wealth, Ask God for all round restorations Matt 13:25, Joel 2:25
11. Read Gen 20:7. Ask God to open your eyes to things in your possession, which you must restore to the rightful owners for your own restoration to be established.
12. Read Jos 7:1 Thank God for mercy in sparing your life despite your carelessness and ignorance in harbouring spiritual contrabands(accursed objects), Jos 22:20
13. Pray for the grace of obedience for restitution and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Gen 20:14.
14. God caused Abraham to regain Sarah in addition to other goods, Pray earnestly for divine restoration for every treasures and virtues you had once lost. Gen 20:14.
15. Father terrorize, any strongman harbouring things that are rightly belong to me to restore them now Job 20:15, Gen 20:3
DAY 15 RCCG Fasting Saturday 25th Jan 2020