RCCG 2022 50 Days Fasting and Prayer points DAY 2 – Wed Jan 12th 2022

BIBLE TEXT: Psa 18:49 RCCG 2022 50 Days Fasting
Quality praise means to make excellent recommendation about the wonders
of our God in creation of the heaven and the earth. And for Him who has all
power over every siege in our lives.
PRAYER GUIDE RCCG 2022 50 Days Fasting Day 2
1. Father, we offer praises to You for the wonder of creating the heavens,
the earth and its fullness in Jesus name. Luk 19:37
2. Father, we offer praises to You for the Your marvelous works in heaven
and on earth in Jesus name. Luk 19:37
3. Father, we praise your name for your mercy upon all nations of the world
in Jesus name. Psa 118: 1
4. Father, we praise your name for victories you have given to your church
over the enemies globally in Jesus name. Act 4:13
5. Father, we praise you for your divine judgement against the enemies of
our nation in Jesus name. Psa 9: 11
6. Father, I praise your name for the salvation of my soul in Jesus name.
Psa 18: 49
7. Father, we praise you because you inhabit the praise of your people in
Jesus name. Psa 22: 3
8. Father, I praise your name, for the great deliverance you gave to me and
my family in Jesus name. Psa 18: 50
9. Father, I praise you for your name that is above every other name in
Jesus name. Psa 68: 4 – RCCG 2022 50 Days Fasting
10. Father, we praise you for your divine protection upon believers globally
in Jesus name.
11. Father, I praise you because you have lifted my head above the enemies
that surround me in Jesus name. Psa 27:6
12. Father be praised for frustrating every counsel of the wicked against
believers globally in Jesus name. Psa 68: 1
13. Father, be praised forever because you reigneth over the heathen and
sited upon the throne of Holiness in Jesus name. Psa 47: 8
14. Father, we praise you for your timely intervention in rescuing believers
that are under the siege of the enemies globally in Jesus name.
Psa. 56:12
15. Father, we praise you on behalf of all families of the earth because you
control the times and season in Jesus name. RCCG 2022 50 Days Fasting