What a Mighty God we Serve
What a Mighty God we Serve
Heaven and Earth Adore Him
Even Angels bow before Him
What a Mighty God we Serve.
The Power of Divine Timing: Trusting God’s Plan When Life Feels Stuck
Faith-Based New Year Resolutions: Drawing Closer to God in 2025
How to Dedicate Your Year to God: A Spiritual Guide for 2025
Almighty God, the All Sufficient God, the I AM THAT I AM, the Lord of Host, the God of all flesh, the same Yesterday, Today and Forever, the Unchangeable Changer, the One who can make the Impossible Possible – Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Thank You for what You did Last Year (2024), Thank You for the Testimonies that we have heard, Thank You because You always reserve the Best till the Last and so we know that this Year (2025).
Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Your Children are here Today to have a “Day Out” with You:
In a Miraculous Way, let everyone here including those reading now on the Label of DMC have a Contact with You Today.
Every Impossibilities in their lives, make it Possible Today.
Every Prayers that has not been Answered up till this moment, before the Sun Sets, let the Prayers be Answered.
That one who is asking that when will my own Testimony comes; Please let it come Today.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Well, shake hands with two (2) or three (3) People and tell them that: “You will hear my Testimony Next”.
Read; Christian Perspectives on Homosexuality
I want to Thank the Almighty God for all our Partners here in Rivers State ( NOTES: Partners in South South and South East) – Thank God for you!
Last Year (2024), you did well.
You know that we hold the “Day Out” in three (3) Places – Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt.
When we first started, we hold it in several Places. But after some times, we discovered that the efforts for holding it in some Places were not being Justified in terms of the response.
So gradually, the number of Places were reduced to three (3).
And since that time, Rivers has been Struggling to see if they can at least Catch Up with Abuja.
They will get there one day – Maybe they will get there this Year (2025).
You know that the desire of a father is that his favourite child will be the first and the best.
Many People knows that Rivers State happened to be my favourite as we come here first in January – We don’t go to Abuja until May and even Lagos that is the Headquarters is in June.
So they know that there is something Special about Rivers State – Somehow, we want to start there.
But I know that God will help you to at least come close to Abuja.
And so I’m believing God for you that maybe Next Year when I’m talking to you; I will tell you that at long last, we have made it to the Second Position.
Our Bible Study is already there in the Outline – We will be as brief as we can be.
We will love to look at the Story you know very well in 2 Chronicles 1: 6-12:
6. And Solomon went up thither to the brasen Altar before the LORD, which was at the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and offered a thousand burnt offerings upon it.
7. In that Night did God appear unto Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee.
8. And Solomon said unto God, Thou hast shewed great Mercy unto David my father, and hast made me to reign in his stead.
9. Now, O LORD God, let thy Promise unto David my father be established: for thou hast made me King over a People like the dust of the Earth in Multitude.
10. Give me now Wisdom and Knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this People: for who can Judge this thy People, that is so Great?
11. And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine Heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor the Life of thine Enemies, neither yet hast asked long Life; but hast asked Wisdom and Knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest Judge my People, over whom I have made thee King:
12. Wisdom and Knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the Kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.
If we want to give a Heading for this Talk, it is: “THE BLANK CHEQUE”.
We all know what a Blank Cheque is – Though it is not always given.
Because when you talk of a Blank Cheque, it means that you Signed the Cheque but you don’t write out the Amount and put the date.
You just hand it over to the Person concerned and say: Write any amount you want on it.
You know the reason we don’t give that kind of Cheque? Because if you give Somebody like me that Cheque, by the next time that you go to your Bank, they will tell you that there is very little there.
But the One who is giving the Blank Cheque here is God:
☆ The One who said that: “I am Jehovah El-Shaddai” – The God who is More Than Enough.
☆ The God who said that if you ask anything in my Name, I will do it.
And Bible Scholars say that what He says is: If you ask for something that I forgot to create, I will create it for you.
So, there is Nothing you can ask for, that I cannot Supply.
When we talk about a Miracle – Which is another word for “Divine Manifestation” that we have been talking about,
As we have already explained to you that God from time to time can intervene in the affairs of Men by Suspending the Laws of Nature so that He can reach out to them to help them.
In Matthew 14: 23-32; that was where He Suspended the Law of Gravity so that He can walk on water in other to go ahead and reach some People who are desperately in Need of Help.
My Prayer of course is that: If there is any Law that God has to Suspend to give you your Miracles; it shall be Suspended in Jesus Name – Amen!
Some Miracles are Unique because they happened once whereas some Miracles can be repeated.
For Example, in John 6: 5-14 – That was the Miracle where Jesus Christ Multiplied five loaves of bread and two fishes to feed five thousand People and there were twelve Baskets leftover.
Now, that Miracle was repeated in Matthew 15: 32-38 – This time, they had even more breads and fishes to use. But then He still Multiplied it so that People ate and there was Leftovers.
But when you come to Daniel 3: 1-end – When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went into the fiery Furnace and came out alive.
That Miracle is yet to be repeated – So, it is Unique.
When you get to Daniel 6: 1-end – When Daniel went to the Den of Lions and came out alive the following day.
That Miracle is yet to be repeated.
There was one “Aladura Man” (NOTES: “Aladura” is the Yoruba word for “Praying People”) in Ibadan (Capital City of Oyo State) who said that he wanted to show to everybody that he really, really has Power.
And so, he went to the Zoological Garden at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan and jump into the enclosure for Lions.
And when the Male Lion saw him comimg – Probably they thought that he was one of the People who feeds them; so the Lion began to move back.
Then he said: You see, now the Lion is retreating from me.
And then he said, Let me show you that I am really the Controller of the Lions – So he made a gesture to the Lion as if he wanted to attack the Lion.
And so the Lion responded.
And before anybody could do anything, the Prophet was dead.
So, the Miracle of going to the Den of Lion and comimg out alive is a Unique One.
Daniel was thrown into the Den of Lion and he didn’t walk there himself.
And then, when you read the Story in 2 Kings 5: 1-14 – That was the Healing of Naaman through bathing in River Jordan.
It was a Unique Miracle otherwise every Lepers would have continued to go to River Jordan to bath.
As a matter of fact, if River Jordan had a Healing Power; the whole world would have drained River Jordan dry by now.
But that was a Unique Miracle.
In 2 Kings 13: 20-21 – This was the Story of when the bones of Elisha raised the dead.
It was a Unique Miracle.
There had been many Anointed Men of God who had died since then but their bones never raised the dead.
So, let me start by decreeing that: Because you are a Partner with God, may you get a Unique Miracle today – Amen!
Now, there is a very Particular Miracle that we want to talk about for the next few Minutes – And that is “The Miracle of the Blank Cheque” that was handed over to Solomon.
Now, when God said to Solomon: Ask anything that you want – God opened the door to several things.
And you could hear God replying him after he has asked for Wisdom alone:
☆ You could have asked for Long Life.
☆ You could have asked for Wealth.
☆ You could have asked for Honour.
In other words, there were several things that could be put on a Blank Cheque!
The Miracle of a Blank Cheque can extend to Physical, Material, Emotional, Marital, Spiritual.
For Examole, in Jeremiah 32:27; God said that: “I am the God of all flesh, there is Nothing too hard for me”.
1. So with a Blank Cheque in your hand, you can ask for Physical Wholeness and not just Healing.
2. According to Haggai 2:8; the God who said: Gold is mine, Silver is mine; is saying that you can ask for Material Breakthroughs – Any Amount!
3. According to John 16:24; you can ask for Joy until your Joy is Full.
That is Emotional Breakthrough.
Anyway I Prophesy to Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC: That on the basis of that alone, for the rest of your Life, you will know no Sorrow – Amen!
In Matthew 6:9; when Jesus Christ was Teaching His Disciples on how to Pray, He said that this is how you must Pray: Our Father, which art in Heaven.
In other words, God is a Family Man – He is a Father!
A Man is not a father unless he has children.
So, if you say: Lord, I don’t want Barrenness in my family, then you are calling on the Father.
He has the Ability to turn you to a father.
In Psalms 24:1; God said that the Earth is mine and the Fullness thereof.
So, you have the right to ask for Breakthrough – Not just in your little Town, not just in your State but you can ask God to go to America and Perform a Miracle for you there.
In other words, the Blank Cheque does not Limit you to a Position – You can ask for Miracle anywhere because the Earth belongs to God and the Fullness thereof.
Because of what we learnt concerning Him in Exodus 3: 13-14; the One who said that “I AM THAT I AM” is not Limited by Time.
☆ You can ask Him to reverse Time.
☆ You can ask Him to bring back opportunities that everybody says that you have Lost forever.
If He gives you a Blank Cheque, you could tell Him that there is a Miracle I lost three (3) years ago, I want the opportunity for that Miracle to be returned back to me today.
And the answer will be Amen!
A Blank Cheque is not Limited by Time, not Limited by Space, not Limited by Physical Manifestation and not Limited by anything at all.
That is why in Ephesians 3:20; the Bible says that: Our God is able to do Exceedingly, Abundantly Above all you can ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us.
Meaning what? When God hands over a Blank Cheque to you; what you get out of it is determined by you.
I will just tell you a Story today because God is about to Hand Over a Blank to Somebody.
1982, we went to a Town in Yorubaland called Ede – At that time, that Town was at least 95% Muslim but God asked us to go there and hold what we used to call “Christ The Redeemer’s Congress” – That is what has now become Holy Ghost Congress.
When we got to the Town, we went to Pay a Courtesy Call to the King who automatically was a Muslim.
We went there, we greeted him, told him why we were around, invited him to the Opening Ceremony and he decided that he will come.
He came to the Ceremony and I said: Sir, these are your People, go ahead and greet them.
He took the Microphone and the first thing that he said is: Silver and Gold, I have None but what I have I give unto you.
I have no Money to give you but I have Lands – Ask for Lands!
When they see a Muslim King quoting the Bible, everybody was looking at me – We just simply thanked him.
We finished the Program and we left.
Now, what he meant was ask for a Land to build a Church but he didn’t put “To build a Church” – He just say: Ask for Land!
So, when we got back home, I called the Elders of the Church together – The King has asked us to ask for Land, how much Land should we ask for?
Somebody said: Let us ask him for 5 Acres, afterall we don’t know how big our Church will become.
Somebody said No, let us ask for 10 Acres.
Another one said: Let us ask for 25 Acres. And then one Fellow said 50 Acres and everybody say: Ha!
Then since it was God that asked me to go to that Town, I decided that I better go to God and ask Him what should I ask for?
And God said: Don’t ask for Acres; ask for Hectares – And ask for 500 Hectares.
Today, The Redeemer’s University (RUN) is in Ede – There is enough Land for the University, there is enough Land for the School of Missions and there are still Lamd.
Because when they took the Letter to the King and he has gathered together his Chiefs before they read the Letter.
When they read the Letter, everybody said: Ha, these People want to take the whole Town?
One of the Chiefs got up and said: Your Majesty, you Promised!
That is how we get the Land!
When God gives you a Blank Cheque, don’t ask for “Small Things”!
This Particular “Day Out” is not an Ordinary one because God Himself told us at the beginning of the Year that this Year will be a “Landmark Year”.
But then you know the Story – The one who got the Blank Cheque (Solomon) was the first Person to do something that Nobody else had done before.
And I think that I have explained that Passage to you again and again:
The Bible tells us that when Solomon was born, God loved him (DMC NOTES: 2 Samuel 12:24) and it was God who inspired him to do what he did so that God can do for him what God has never done for anybody before.
So that if anybody should complain in the Future, God will turn around and say: This boy did this! Have you ever done such?
Solomon gave a thousand burnt offerings – The highest any King had ever given to God before him was seven (7).
You will say that if this boy wants to Prove that he loves God, he would have said that I will double what Someone else has done before.
No, he didn’t stop at fourteen (14), he didn’t stop at twenty one (21), he didn’t stop at two hundred and ten (210), he didn’t stop at seven hundred (700).
He laid a Record that Nobody could equal and God responded accordingly.
There is still a God in Heaven who is not a Respecter of Persons and who is looking for Someone who will be like Solomon!
That God could do what He did for Solomon and give the Fellow a Blank Cheque!
I don’t want to talk about the Grace God had given me that led Him to give me that kind of Blank Cheque.
If I begin to say that one, you might Probably begin to think that I am boasting.
But I told one of you who visited me today a Story:
We were all at the Stadium just this Morning, and one Fellow heard a word of Prophesy that: One day, one Fellow will come to me and say: Daddy how much does it cost to run a Convention because I want to be the one.
So, he came to see me in the Office before I came here and say: Daddy, I have no Problem. I have come to ask you to Pray with me that very soon, that Prophesy will be fulfilled in my Life – I smiled.
Solomon asked for Wisdom to use it for God.
I smiled and I told him a Story!
I told him the Story of a Young Boy when he was very Young coming to the Church at Ebute Metta (DMC NOTES: RCCG National Headquarters Parish).
Every Sunday, the boy will beg the mother to give him one kobo – It was a lot of Money then.
Mother will say: What do you want to use it for? I want to give it to Daddy GO.
So the mother will give the boy the one kobo and the boy will give it to me.
And that little boy will say: Daddy, one day I will buy you a Jet.
And I will lay my hands on him and say: God will grant your Request.
And as children are, he grew up and disappeared – I didn’t see him again and I didn’t know that he has gone Abroad.
But then, one day after the Festival of Life Service London, one Young Man came to me and said: Sir, you didn’t remember me? I looked at him and said, well your face looks familiar but I can’t recall where again.
He said that I am your kobo kobo boy – I can’t buy you a Jet yet, but I have a Gift for you and the Gift is outside.
I was wondering what kind of Gift can’t be brought in?
And I went outside and I saw a Brand New Mercedes X-Class.
So I Prayed for him that, that Goal that you have, God will bring it to Past.
Not too long ago, I heard that my kobo kobo boy has won an Oil Well.
When I heard that I said: Here comes my Jet.
Because I trust that boy and I trust my God who has been Guiding his Steps.
I trust my boy because I know that the moment he has enough Money to do what he is Planning to do; he will do it.
You are Partners of the Most High God and you are Partners of the All Sufficient God – What He did for Solomon, He is more than able to do same for you too.
It is when Money is not enough that you will begin to Calculate how much of it that you are Giving to God!
You will get a Breakthrough that you yourself will say: “This can’t be for me alone” – Amen!
I am telling you Beloveth that you will get to a Stage in Life when all these Material Things doesn’t mean anything to you anymore!
If God knows that you really really want to serve Him; He will quicken your Breakthrough!
Let us bow our Heads in Prayer:
Tell the Almighty that I want a Blank Cheque from You because I want to serve You and I’m in a hurry Lord because Time is going and I don’t know when You are returning anyway.
I will begin to serve You to the very Best of my Ability from now on but Please Daddy, hasten the day that I will be able to do for You what Nobody else has ever done before.
I want a Blank Cheque Oh Lord, help me – Don’t let it be long before I get more than I can ever spend.
Thank You Jesus!
You can now ask God to direct you – What do You want me to do.
I know that I left Home thinking that I will do so much. But now Lord, just tell me what You want me to do so that my Journey to get the Blank Cheque can be hastened.
God Bless You!
What they are giving us is a “Cloven Tongue of Fire”.
This is Symbolic of our God who is a Consuming Fire!
Because this Year (2025); we want the Fire of God to manifest in your Homes.
1. First and foremost to consume everything that is not of God in our lives
To Consume those that are already in and to Consume those that may try to come later.
2. Where there is Fire, there is Light.
You want the Light of God to Permeate every corners of your Homes this Year (2025).
And not just this Year alone but Forever!
You will see that it is written there – “Our God is a Consuming Fire”.
Glory be to God.
Before I Pray for you, I want you to begin to think of what you are going to write on your own Blank Cheque.
Don’t think of anything “Small” because Blank Cheque only comes once in a Lifetime.
This might be the Great Day that you have been waiting for.
Please try to redeem your Pledges as soon as Possible because there are certain things that we need to put in Place earlier:
1. One of them is that in the Redemption City of God, there will never be a Blackout.
We want that City to be known as “The City of Light” – Where there will be Electricity 24/7 (DMC NOTES: 24/7 means 24 Hours a in a Day, 7 Days a Week).
And this is going to cost quite a lot of Money.
2. And then, we want to keep on building Dormitories for all those People who will come.
3. We want to continue to build more Toilets so that it will be easy for People to ease themselves.
And you know what? If you redeem early, the results will begin to come early and you may even want to come and say that I want to Multiply what I am giving.
All Sufficient God – The One who owns the Account of Heaven, the One whose Bank is never Closed, the One whose Bank can never be exhausted.
I Thank You for this rare opportunity that You have given to these Your Partners to be here today to hear what they have just heard.
Because the Bible says that: You will send Your Word, and Your Word heals them.
Even as they have heard Your Word; everything that is called Hindrance to Prosperity in their lives, let the Word heal them.
Any kind of Limitations – Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Marital, and Career-wise in the lives of these Your Children, let Your Fire Consume.
Please my Daddy – Just the way You did it for Solomon; give Your Children here or reading now on the Label of DMC a Blank Cheque.
And whatever they asked for, Father give unto them.
And as You did it for Solomon so that the things he didn’t even ask for You added unto him.
Please Lord, if there is anything these Your Children ought to ask for and they are “Too Timid” to ask for – Please add it to them today.
Every Time that I hear concerning this Particular Group of People (DMC NOTES: RCCG South South and RCCG South East); Daddy let it be Good News and let it be Outstanding Testimonies.
Let it be well with them all.
We are now going to Pray now Father, answer them by Fire.
And by the Next Time (2026) that we meet Lord God Almighty, don’t let one hour be sufficient for Testimonies.
And let the Testimonies begins even Today!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Now, receive your own Blank Cheque in Jesus Name – Amen!
Then for the Next 5 Minutes, write whatever you want in that Blank Cheque.
Go to God in Faith – Believe Him for some Mighty, Mighty Things!
Just go ahead and talk to the Almighty God now!!!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.