DATE: 30TH MARCH, 2023
1. Well, why don’t you lift your hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name.
Go ahead and Worship God – Give Him Glory, give Him Honour and give Him Adoration.
Let Him hear your Voice – Tell Him: Lord, I just want to bless Your Name, I want to tell You that I love You; that I appreciate You.
Bless the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Worship Him.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen.
2. Now, I want you to lift your Voice to the Almighty God loud and clear and say: Father, if you are blessing only two (2) People here tonight; Please let me be one of them.
Open your mouth and tell the Almighty God.
Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
You are the Mighty God
The Great I am
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Father Almighty, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Almighty God, the Great I am that I am. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
Today, Your Children are gathered unto You in a Very Special way; let everybody has a Divine Encounter, let Your Power descend and Perform Miracles here today. And this very Day Oh Lord, heal Malawi
At the end of it all, let Your Name be Glorified.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Well, let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah.
Who is going to get the First Miracle here today, then let me hear you shout the “Biggest Hallelujah” – Hallelujah!
God Bless You. You may Please be seated.
The devil knows that today is your Great Day and that is why he has tried his best that you won’t come. He has lost the battle as you are already here and there is Nothing the devil can do about that.
There is Someone here today; when you are getting out of this Stadium, you will be Singing a New Song of Joy – Amen!
Very quickly, let us go to:
Luke 7:11-15:
11. And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a City called Nain; and many of His Disciples went with Him, and much People.
12. Now when He came nigh to the Gate of the City, behold, there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a Widow: and much People of the City was with her.
13. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not.
14. And He came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And He said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.
15. And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And He delivered him to his mother.
I come in the Name that is above every other names to say to you: “Stop Weeping” – Amen!
I have come in the Name of the Almighty God to say to Malawi: “Weep Not” – Amen!
I have come to say to Someone tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC that for the rest of your Life you will never know Sorrow again – Amen!
If you are that Fellow, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
This Evening, we want to talk about: “DIVINE ENCOUNTER”.
Now, what is an Encounter?
An Encounter is when two (2) Forces are moving in Opposite Directions and then they meet and they collide by Force.
And when two (2) Forces collide like that, the weakest will surrender to the More Powerful Force.
If Someone is riding a Bicycle at a Great Speed and a Truck is coming in the opposite direction at a Great Speed.
When the two (2) of them collide, there will be Nothing left of the Bicycle.
When we talk of Divine Encounter; we are talking of a Man/Woman with a Load of Problems coming in one direction and the Almighty God coming in the other direction and they collide. At the end of the collision, the Problems of the Man will be no more.
Tonight or as you read now on the Label of DMC, all Your Mountains of Problems will collide with the Almighty God and none of your Problems will remain – Amen!
A Good illustration of Divine Encounter is the Story we just read to you.
There was a Woman the devil has visited her twice – The first time, the devil killed her husband; the second time, the devil killed her only son.
So, she was going to the Burial Ground, a lot of People are following her, there was a lot of weeping and a lot of mourning.
On the other side, Jesus Christ was coming with a Great Number of People.
In the middle of the Town called Nain, they collided – The Resurrection collided with the Dead; the One who can give Joy collided with Sorrow; the Light of the world collided with Darkness and one must give way to the other.
Today, the Resurrection and the Life is going to collide with everything that is dead in your Life – Amen!
The One who said that in my Presence is the Fullness of Joy is going to collide with your Sorrow – Amen!
The One who says Silver is Mine, Gold is Mine is going to collide with your Poverty – Amen!
… When there is a Divine Encounter, all things Change.
I want you to Prophesy to the Fellow next to you and tell him/her: Look at me very well; very soon you won’t recognise me again – Amen!
Jesus Christ met this Woman halfway and said to her: Weep Not!
How can you say to a Widow who has lost her only son – Weep Not?
Because Jesus Christ has the Power to remove what was causing the Sorrow.
I. Whenever He met Somebody who is sick; because He is the One called “The Great Physician”, He will say to the Sick “Weep Not” because your Healer has come.
In the Name of the One who sent me – You won’t go out of here with your Sickness (Amen).
II. When Jesus Christ met Somebody who is a Failure; He will say to the Failure: “Weep Not” because He had the Ability to Change Failure to Success.
When He said to Peter after Peter has failed again and again and again; try one more time. And Peter tried one more time. From that day onwards, Peter never failed again.
I am saying to everyone of you here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – You will never fail again (Amen).
III. When He comes in Contact with Somebody who has already died and they were going to bury the boy; everybody thought that the end has come for the woman – No more Hope, the Husband had died, she can’t become Pregnant again, the only son is gone, the entire Heritage of the family is over.
Jesus Christ said: “Weep Not” because what People said is “Already Too Late” but I will tell them that I am the I am; I will tell them that I am the One who is the Ever Present Help in times of Trouble.
I want to Decree to Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC that: Help is on your Way – Amen!
Now, when there is a Divine Encounter, there is always a Great Turn Around – The woman was on her way to the Burial Ground but after that Encounter, she turned round and never went to the Graveyard anymore as she now began to go back home.
When she was going to the Burial Ground, her Heart was sinking because very soon, all those around her will depart to their own home and she will go home alone.
But because there was a Divine Encounter, she was going home now with her son and every Steps, her Joy was Increasing.
There is Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; beginning from now, you will go from Success to Success; you will go from Glory to Glory; you will go from Joy to Joy.
I don’t want to take much time today because by the Grace of God, I know that I will come back again – Amen!
And when I will return, we will spend the whole Day just Testifying – Amen!
Why am I so sure?
1. It was because when Jesus Christ says: “Weep Not”; He removed the Source of Sorrow completely and Permanently.
For Example: When He heals you, He will heal you Completely and Permanently.
Take the Example of Naaman – He was a Leper, he had an Encounter with the Great Healer.
The Bible tells us in 2 Kings 5: 1-14 that when he was coming out of River Jordan the seventh (7th) time, there was no scar in his body. He was healed Completely and he was never a Leper again.
Almost forty (40) years ago, a Young Man had Cancer in London and the Doctors said that there was no Hope for him.
And they told the father – If you want your son to see his homeland again because the boy is a Nigerian: Take your boy home now because he will die within two (2) weeks.
And Somebody told them: Let us take this boy to Jesus Christ.
And they brought him to where I lived called Redemption Camp. When I saw him, even my Faith was shaken – The condition was bad.
But I cried to my God just as I am going to do here tonight and my God healed him.
That is more than forty (40) years ago and he has not been sick again.
God is about to heal Somebody here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – He will heal you Completely and He will heal you Permanently (Amen).
2. When He sees the Poor who is having a lot of Financial Problems and He says “Weep Not”. It is because He is about to solve the Problem of Poverty Completely and Permanently.
For Example in 2 Kings 4: 1-7 – There was a Widow who was in terrible debt. It was so terrible that the Creditors wanted to sell their children.
She cried to God as we will do so tonight and she had an Encounter with God.
In the Morning, they were going to sell her children but in the Evening, she has Paid Off all her debts and the Bible says that she has enough to live on for the rest of her Life.
There is Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC; your Poverty is about to end. It will end Completely, it will end Permanently – Amen!
I know some of you will be saying: What is he talking about? Does he know how Poor I am?
I am not saying I will make you Rich, I am saying that the One who owns the Heavens and the Earth is about to collide with your Poverty.
And in the Name that is above other name, your family will never know Poverty again – Amen!
Let me tell you a Story – There was this Arab boy, he gave his Life to Jesus Christ and they wanted to kill him in his own Country and so he ran to London.
And because he didn’t have Papers, so he couldn’t get a Good job but he was working in a Fast Food Restaurant but he kept serving the Lord Jesus Christ.
One day, a very Wealthy Arab Man came to London, he wanted to buy houses but he couldn’t speak English.
So, whenever he sees a house, he will go to the Landlord there and say: “Me, House, Buy”. And the Landlord will say get away from here; who told you that I want to sell my house.
After some time, he was tired and hungry and then he saw the Sign that they are selling food in this Place and so he went in there to buy food.
And he sat down grumbling in Arabic – What is wrong with these People? I want to buy houses, they don’t want to sell.
And this Arab boy went to serve him and heard him speaking in Arabic and so he spoke Arabic to him and say: What is the Problem?
The Rich Man said: Ha, you speak my Language? And the boy said Yes.
Can you Please come and be my Interpreter for three (3) days? And the boy said: No, I can’t leave my job here.
The Rich Man said: I will Pay you. And the boy said how much? The Man said One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) Per Day.
The boy said to him: Please don’t go away. He ran back to the Owner of the Restaurant and said bye bye.
The Owner of the Restaurant said to the boy: If you come back, I won’t employ you again. The boy said that I will never come back.
I want Somebody who has Faith to say: Bye Bye to Poverty!
3. Where there is Divine Encounter; when Jesus Christ sees Somebody under Bondage or Forces of Darkness, because He is the Light, He will dismiss all the Forces of Darkness.
For Example in Mark 5: 2-20 – Jesus Christ saw a Man who was bound with Demons.
As a result of that Encounter, the Mad Man who was so Mad that when other Mad People see him coming will run; became an Evangelist for God.
There is Somebody here tonight or reading now on the Label of DMC – All the Witches in your father’s house, all the Witches in your mother’s house; all the Witches in your husband’s house; all the Witches in your wife’s house; they are going to be scattered tonight – Amen!
I went to my Village to Preach at a Wedding – Oh, I know everything about Witchcraft.
The Witchcraft in my Village, they don’t hide – If they want to kill you, they will come and tell you. They will give you Notice.
They were trying to use me for Breakfast but I ran; then I had an Encounter with Jesus Christ and now when they hear that I’m coming, they run.
I Prophesy to Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Any Witch that will see you from today will run away (Amen).
So, I went to my Village to Preach at a Wedding and then I saw some Witches there; so I hit them hard with the Word of God.
They were angry but they know that there is Nothing that they can do to me.
But after I left, they went to the mother of the Bride – They said that at the Wedding of your daughter, that “Little Boy” came and insulted us. We will wait for your daughter – When she becomes Pregnant then we will kill her and the baby.
So, the mother was afraid – See what you have done.
I told her that the day your daughter will deliver, all the Witches will be asleep.
I decree to you today – Every Witches in your family shall be scattered – Amen!
The girl became Pregnant and at the time of Delivery, they didn’t even know that she was Delivering.
The girl that she gave birth to that they say will never be born is now a Medical Doctor.
I beg you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ – Any Force that is working against your Destiny shall be destroyed tonight (Amen).
Any Force that says that you will not reach your Goal, shall be destroyed tonight – Amen!
Any Force that says that your Joy will not be Full shall be destroyed tonight – Amen!
That is why God sent me to you!
There is only one Condition – When there is a Divine Encounter, there is a Complete Turn Around!
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 – It says that if any Man be in Christ, he is a New Creature; Old Things has Passed away, all things has become New.
Everything can become New for you Provided that you are in Christ!
If you are not in Christ and the devil is tormenting you and you tell the devil: Get away from me, the devil will answer: Jesus Christ I know, I know Pastor Adeboye but who are you?
If you are not in Christ, then everything I have said is not talking about you.
But if you come to Jesus Christ, if you surrender your Life to Him; the Bible says that the Light shines in Darkness and Darkness cannot overcome it.
Jesus Christ is the Light of the world!
If you are willing to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ; if you are willing to say bye bye to Forces of Darkness; if you are willing to say bye bye to a Life of sin; I want you to come and Stand before the Altar. Let us Pray for your Salvation and then everything will become New for you.
I will count from one (1) to ten (10) – The Choice is yours. If you want to remain in Darkness and you want all the Forces of Darkness to continue torment you. The Choice is yours!
But if you want to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, come now – Come and have your own Encounter with Jesus Christ now!
Now, those of you who are already infront and those of you who are on the way; cry to Jesus Christ and say: Jesus, I want to have an Encounter with You. Save my Soul, forgive all my sins, come and be my Lord and my Saviour and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.
And those of us who are already saved – Stretch your hands to these your New Brothers and Sisters and Pray for them that the One who saved your Soul will save their own Souls also. Intercede for them.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Name for Your Words and I want to Thank You for these People who has come forward to surrender their lives to You.
Please, receive them, forgive them, let Your Blood wash away their sins, save their Souls and write their names in the Book of Life.
And from now on, let them serve You. And when they cry to You, Please answer them by Fire.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
I want to Promise you that from today by the Grace of God, I will be Praying for you. And very soon, you will be receiving Miracles that you have not even Prayed for. Then you will know that there is Someone somewhere Praying for you.
So, I need your name, your Address and your Prayer Requests and I Promised you that I will be Praying for you.
But wait where you are for a moment because we want to Pray some Prayers together:
1. The first Prayer is that God will give us a Divine Encounter – “Personal Divine Encounter”.
So, lift up your Voice now loud and clear and say: Father, give me my own Divine Encounter now.
Open your mouth and Pray.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
2. Now say: Father, for the rest of my Life, don’t let me Weep again or know Sorrow.
Open your mouth and tell the Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
3. And then you will lift up your Voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, today let this Nation (Malawi) have an Encounter with You.
Open your mouth and talk to the Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Daddy told me that everyone who came here tonight will be healed – Amen!
And He gave me a “Little Sign” – That is why if you asked the Organisers they will tell you that I told them – 4.00 O’clock, give me the Microphone. And as soon as I took the Microphone, the Rain Stopped!
Everything that I have Prophesised concerning you is already Settled – Amen!
So, I will Pray for you – And when you listen to the Prayer, you will know what it means!
But after my Prayer, I will allow you to ask God for something Special – Something you want God to do for you within the next one week!
Now, lift up your hands to God!
My Father and my God, I just want to say Thank You – Thank You for Loving me, Thank You for making me Your Favourite Child and Thank You for Loving Malawi, Thank You for sending me here at this time. And I have done what You asked me to do.
When the Man of God Prophesised to the dry bones; the dry bones lived again.
I have Prophesised to Malawi and I know that it is already done – Thank You Father.
All I am asking for now is that the Miracles You have done in the lives of these Your Children will be Permanent in Jesus Name.
Your Healings will be Permanent, your Financial Breakthroughs will be Permanent, your Deliverance will be Permanent, your Victory will be Permanent, your Joy will be Permanent and you will serve God till the very End.
From now on: Malawi hear the Word of the LORD – It shall be well with you and you too will serve the Lord.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Now for just few Minutes – Forget the Persons to your Right and Left and talk to God on your own.
Whatever you want God to do for you – Something Special that you want from God. Ask Him now for just few Minutes!