Those hands are going to become hands that carry Anointing; hands that carry Glory; hands that carry Power; hands that carry the Oil; hands that carry Kahil.
You will be a Light Bearer, you will Shine in Darkness, you will shake your Generation; you will shake your world, you will bless your world.
Out of this crowd tonight, that have come forward in Dedication; World Evanglists would rise, World Preachers would rise.
Great Pastors would rise, Great Apostles would rise, Great Prophets would rise. Men and Women on Fire for God would rise. Ministers and Business Men would rise!
Receive the Power tonight!
After today: The door of Europe will open for you, the door of Asia will open for you, the door of Africa will open for you, the door of America will open for you. Islands of the Sea will open for you. You will bless your Generation!
From this Choir, this crowd, these Ministers in Music; the Songs that will touch the world would come forth. Anointing that will shake Systems would come forth. You will be a Carrier of Glory!
After tonight, everything that has held you down must begin to let you go. Poverty must let you go; lack must let you go.
The devils of your father’s house must let you go. The battles from your mother’s house must let you go. Where they called you Nothing, you will go and Shine! You will shake your World.
There are some of you who are here tonight, after tonight, I command your eyes to become Prophetic Eyes. I command your ears to become Prophetic Ears!
From this day, Oil will flow from your hands. You will heal the Sick; you will bind it shall be bound. You will loose it shall be losed. You will declear it will come to pass!
From this crowd today, the 5th of October 2022 (Note today now): from today, the gear has shifted in your Life! Nothing can stop you!
Look at me: Education will not stop you, People you don’t know will not stop you, People you know will not stop you.
I release Glory on your Life. The God Who has been with me these Forty eight (48) years of Ministry; by the Oil He has Placed on my Life, I take of it and Place on your Life today.
From today your Ministry will heal the Sick; you will do the Miraculous. Wonders would follow you, Signs would follow, Miracles would follow you, Testimonies would follow you. You would Shine!
So shall it be!
I want you to begin to give God the Glory like it’s already done!