FRIDAY: 3 MAY, 2024

FRIDAY 3 MAY 2024 Ecwa daily devotional (food for the day)
It is not easy for a true prophet of God to serve under evil leaders. God gave Jeremiah the very difficult task of confronting King Jehoiakim.
God directed Jeremiah to ” tell them everything I command you; do not omit a word. Perhaps they will listen and each will turn from his evil way.
Then I will relent and not bring on them the disaster I was planning because of the evil they have done” (vs 2-6). But he was seized and almost killed by the people, led by the priest and so-called prophets.
Note that it was the civil authorities that rescued Jeremiah, again supported by the rest of the people.
Like Jeremiah, true pastors and servants of God in the 21-Century face the stiffest opposition and persecution from fellow pastors and servants of God. Perhaps the reader is facing a similar challenge, don’t give up because the truth will always set you free.
Has your life ever been threatened because you chose to speak and live by the truth?
I beseech You, Jesus Christ, to embolden me with courage and conviction to stand, speak and live the truth, no matter the repercussions, in Jesus name. Amen.
ECWA: Food for the Day – 2024