How To Keep Enjoying The Blessings Of The Redeemed Christian Church Of God
The Redeemed Christian Church of God is a major Christian organisation that is headed by Pastor Enoch
Adejare Adeboye, who is the General Overseer. The Church started in Nigeria but has been able to touch
the world to God’s glory.

Incredibly, when Pastor Adeboye inherited the Church many years ago, it was a very young one.
However, by God’s Grace, the church has grown to become one with thousands of branches around the
world. It is evident that the blessings of God are in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
Let’s even check out the fact that the Church has its own camp community that is superb and in its own
class. The camp ground is a place filled with the blessings of God that is manifesting in different
dimensions. Talk about spiritual blessings, the church is very blessed. A lot of people are usually going to
the place to get God’s blessings, as they know that the blessings of God abides there.
Also, when it comes to physical and material blessings, we can’t ignore RCCG. The Church is one of the
most blessed you can find around. It supplies its own electricity, and this is not even an issue in the
camp community. The Church is very blessed with a lot of good things by the Lord, and it keeps growing
in prosperity.
Now, the point I want you to know is that it is very possible to keep connecting yourself to the blessings
of God upon His church, and you will be a partaker of it too. Let’s do a brief explanation of the
technology here.
The Church is a blessed community, and if you are a member, you ought to be a partaker of the
blessings. Actually, the blessings flows in the church, and every member attached to the church is
deserving of being blessed. The Church has been vehemently blessed by the Lord because it means a
whole lot to the Lord. Amazingly, the blessings are for everyone of us.
However, the reason many people are struggling is because they are not really connected to the church.
They don’t discern the church as well as the blessings it carries, and they are just there struggling and
not receiving what should be theirs. The truth is, if you want to benefit and partake from the blessings
inherent in the church, it is very necessary that you know what you should do.
When you are intentional with certain steps, it becomes very easy to benefit from the blessings, which is
actually your right. As you commit yourself to these things, you will see how easy it to ensure the
blessings are flowing towards your direction, and you will find yourself be transformed.
So, let’s explore certain important things you can do if you want to be a beneficiary of the blessings
attached to the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
1. Keep Honouring The Church
If you don’t honour the Redeemed Christian Church of God, you can’t benefit from nor enjoy the
blessings in it. If you have correctly discerned the church, you can always see how significant it is in the
realm of the spirit. One of the core things you can then do is to ensure that you keep honouring the
church in every possible way.
To honour RCCG, you must keep saying only good things about the church. Don’t be part of the ignorant
folks who are saying rubbish about the church, particularly on the internet. Don’t be part of them. Don’t
even entertain such thoughts and anything like that.
Those that are not honoring the church the way they should be doing are simply disqualifying
themselves from enjoying the blessings in the church. They will keep blocking the flow of the blessings
from getting to them. Such people will only keep bringing reproach upon themselves alone.
Therefore, make sure you vehemently honour the church in your heart, and it will be very easy to always
carry out honourable things towards the church. See to it that you keep depending on the Lord to keep
helping you to honour His church. Love and honour the leaders of the church and don’t disrespect them.
2. Keep Honouring Pastor Adeboye
Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is the Angel of God set over the Redeemed Christian Church of God. If
you then want to keep enjoying the blessings in the church, you must a person that must be honoring
the Pastor.
You must highly esteem Pastor Adeboye and always respect him. Indeed, these things are easily done as
you love him sincerely, always considering how God has been using him to be a great blessing to the
church and the world as a whole.
So, make sure you are always praying for the Redeemed Christian Church of God and Pastor Adeboye,
and always say nice things about them.
3. Keep Contributing Your Quota To The Growth Of The Church
If you want to keep enjoying the blessings in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, then you must be a
one who is contributing your own part to the growth of the church too. You should be willing to serve
the church, and it will be very easy for the blessings to flow to your directions too.
Therefore, try to always give your time and other resources to serve the church, and it becomes very
easy to position yourself to the receive of her blessings too. You will reap much greater blessings.
In Conclusion
Make sure you are wisely connected to the church, and you will keep benefiting from the great blessings
that God has blessed the Redeemed Christian Church of God with. Keep loving the church, as it is the
Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, and you are also a member.