The next Speaker here Present in IGNITE Youth Summit, Abuja Center is a Regional Evanglist in Region 35 of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
He is also the Pastor in Charge of RCCG Sure Mercies of David, here in Abuja. He is the Visioner of the Monthly Turning Point Revival Hour. He is a Motivational Speaker and also a Renowned Evangelist.
He is fondly called Pastor Matt.
He Planted about forty seven (47) Parishes of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) across Lagos State.
… Can we celebrate the Grace of God in his Life!
And after which he moved to Abuja in 2012; and was Posted to RCCG Upper Room Parish as the Pioneer Zonal Pastor under FCT-1.
He has since Planted nineteen (19) Parishes in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) And I think more, even as we speak.
He is a qualified Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor’s dyegree in Accountancy from the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-ife, Osun State.
He is an Anointed and sought-after Speaker at many Church Conferences and Conventions across the Globe.
Pastor Matt is happily married to Pastor (Mrs) Rachel Adebayo; and they are blessed with both Spiritual and Biological children.
Once again, can we just celebrate the Grace of God upon his life – Hallelujah.
Hallelujah! Celebrate Jesus with a clap offering! This is a Youth Summit, you can do better than that!
Glory to God! Our God is Faithful.
I like to appreciate the Regional Youth Pastor for Region 10 (Our Host today). The Assistant Pastor in Charge of Youth Province 11, Abuja.
… Only one man having so many Titles.
Please, celebrate Jesus in his Life!
I was so impressed today when I found out that we both graduated from the same University even though the year he graduated was the year I entered.
There are some of our People that we need to move them to Adult Church (laughter)!
Gory to God!
I celebrate all the other Pastors Present. You know I can’t mention everybody’s name.
God Bless You all, in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Thank you for coming!
Just lift up your hands to God Almighty, and let’s appreciate Him for all we have heard today.
Let’s give Him Praise, let’s give Him Glory, let’s give Him Honour and Adoration.
Thank Him for Who He is, for al He represents in our lives. There is no one like Him. Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Lord, we give You Praise.
David said: create in me a New Heart (Psalms 51:10).
I like you to say Father, create in me a New Heart today.
… Go ahead and turn it to Prayer!
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Our Father we Thank You for your Word, Thank You for all our Speakers today: Thank you for Soaring in Politics, Thank You for Soaring in Business, Thank You for Soaring in Leadership.
Thank You Oh God my Father, for Grace to Soar Spiritually.
Daddy we ask Oh God, that You bless Your People, give us a New Beginning and take all the Glory!
In Jesus’ Name we Pray – Amen.
I need a louder Amen.
God bless you! Take your seat. Hallelujah!!!
I know you will Soar Spiritually today, to the best Possible Height in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Isaiah 40:28-31- And I like everyone of us to read together:
28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
I Prophesy today that Spiritually, you will Mount up with Wings As Eagles – Amen!
In other words, you will Soar as the Eagle soarest, in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
You will walk, you will not be weary – Amen.
You will run, you will not faint – Amen.
So shall be your Portion, in the Name of Jesus Amen!
I sat down there and I began to think about the word “SOAR”.
How many of us have seen the Eagle soar before?
Now, we would like to take the Pathway of the Eagle, as it affects our Spiritual lives.
Some of those things about the Life Cycle and the Lifespan of the Eagle:
I. The Eagle is one notable bird that Soar – And it soars higher more than any other bird in the world today.
Ii.. The Eagle is one bird that likes to lay its eggs at the cleft of the rock – The Zenith of a High Mountain where no other animal could get to.
III. The Eagle is one bird that will not eat just anything: but what it desires
It likes taking everything fresh – Not junks. Not anything that is already dead, but things that have Life
Praise The Living Jesus!
So, if you are going to Soar Spiritually then, you need to borrow Lessons from the Life Cycle of the Eagle.
Like I said before, in the Habitat of the Eagle, if an Eagle dies at four hundred (400) years, it is recorded as “Gone So Soon!”
… Because a normal Eagle has a tendency to live up to eight hundred (800) years and above.
In other words, if you are going to Soar (just like the Eagle) Spiritually, you have the Capacity to also live to the fullest of your days on Earth.
Little wonder the Scripture says, with Long Life will I satisfy you.” – Psalms 91:16.
Praise ye the Lord – Hallelujah!
How come the Eagle has such Potency to live for so Long?
1. One of the things I notice about the Eagle is that the Eagle Doesn’t Eat Just Anything.
… The Eagles eat what they desire!
So, I am Prophesying to you today or as you read on the Label of DMC – You will no longer eat what you see, but what you desire, in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
The Eagle takes everything fresh, everything that has Life.
Everything that has what? – That has Life!
That is how they have the Capacity to live for so Long in Life.
I. I have also noticed that back in the Village, most of our Grandparents – They live extensively longer.
Longevity runs in their blood
How? Because back in the Village they don’t eat junks. They don’t eat some of these food that we do take today. You know, put everything in the Microwave, in the Freezer.
We can buy everything we are going to eat for the next three (3) Months and put everything in the Freezer.
No! My grandmother in the Village will always go to the back of the Compound and get Vegetables fresh. Go to the Sea get fish fresh. Go to the bush, they kill animals and they eat everything fresh.
II. Another thing I noticed is that, the kind of pot they use in the Village is different from all those Aluminium pots we use today. Their own pot, even after removing it from the fire, the thing is still boiling.
Do I have a weakness in the house?
My grandfather died at age one hundred and nine (109); my grandmother, she is one hundred and five (105) today, and she still alive.
Are you are surprised? she still alive! My Dad is alive, my Mum is alive.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
III. One thing I also noticed is that, they don’t eat Stale Food (Yesterday food).
No? Whatever food or soup my grandmother Prepares today, is only meant for today.
That is why you see, the way they live – They live so long
… And that is one of the Attributes of the Eagle.
2. The Eagle is one of the Fastest Bird on Earth.
That is why even the Scripture comments by saying: “As Swift as the Eagle flies.” – So fast!
3. Like I told you, the Eagle does not just make its Nest anywhere but the Topmost Top of the Rock.
That is where it will hatch its eggs; that is where the Eaglets are born; that is where it trains the Eaglets until they fully become Eagles.
I like you to also know that Eaglets are born; but Eagles are made.
So, in Life you want to Soar Spiritually? You need to know that it is not all ability that takes you there. There are certain things that you need to do as well to get yourself there.
Some are born with Grace and Talents, and different kinds of Gifts. But the Bible also says “Study to show yourself approved” – 2 Timothy 2:15
Study to show yourself how?Approved!
So, there is always a time for Training!
When Eaglets were born, they were all there. When it is time for the Eaglet to become an Eagle, there is a time of Training.
That is a time the Eaglets will have to go through some things – The Eaglets will have to be exposed!
Often times, as Christians when it looks as if we are being exposed to some things – Those things are Part of Training. Those kind of Trainings are those things that God use to build us up.
… Are you still with me?
The Bible tells us in Hebrews 10:35 – Cast not away therefore your Confidence, which hath great recompence of Reward.
Also, Psalms 102:16 says: When the LORD shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His Glory.
So, there is no manifestation of Glory until Zion is built up!
Until Zion is built up, there is no what? – No manifestation of His Glory!
You are now on your Pathway to Soar as the Eagle Spiritually!
Many of us, we see what God is doing through Daddy GO today. But I can tell you: I am yet to see a Great Man of God without Paying a Price.
There is a Price to Pay.
Our Host today (for example) has paid the Price to take this Church to this Level.
Everything is not about Money – Money is Good! But Money has its Limitations.
Many of these things are done, concluded, Packaged and Branded on our knees.
So, what I am saying in essence is that, God will need to build you up before you can begin to manifest Glory.
How did Jesus impact Spiritually into the lives of the Disciples – So much that everywhere they go, demons are bowing down to them? How?
Prayer is Good! But how many times did He Pray for them? He Prayed for the Disciples only once!
Check the Bible. It was only Peter He Prayed for twice.
What was the Prayer John 17:11 – And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Father Protect them from what? From the wolves!
… That was what He Prayed for them!
What was the Second Prayer He Prayed for Peter?
Luke 22:31-32 says – Peter, Peter the devil wants to have you: but I have Prayed for you. When you are Strong, Comfort your Brethren.
But how come they manifested Gloriously, with dangerous Signs and Wonders – That the Shadow of Peter was Healing the Sick? By Teaching them!
That was a time of being built up! By taking them through the rigour in the night, in the day, on the Sea. By teaching them.
The Bible says in Luke 5:17, the Power of God was Present in Him.
There is always a time for Teaching, there is always a time for being built up in Life.
You cannot just Soar!
Soaring is manifestation of Glory. But you can’t get to that level until you have been built up
Can I hear your Amen Church? Amen!
Now listen to this – Several years ago, I was Younger than now (because I am still very Young) Amen!
My dad used to travel a lot and I guess that I am just stepping into his shoes! He will travel and we hardly see him at home.
And then this my Aunt used to live with us (Aunty Tunrayo).
My Auntie is another type of Margaret Thatcher. The moment my dad has traveled and Mummy happened to go to her Shop, we are all left in care of this my Auntie.
The moment she takes Charge of the house I bet you, it’s a New Regime. And if you don’t get to know it on time, you will be the Victim. The moment she is in Charge: don’t sit on the Couch, sit on the floor. Don’t use glass cup, use plastic cup.
Different kinds of Rules and Laws!
Everything will Change immediately she takes Charge. And if by accident, you break any of her rules; enough beating and panel-beating.
She will do a lot of things with us: Spank us, slap us.
And by the time my Dad will come back you know, I will stay beside him to narrate everything she has done. To report her, to tell him everything!
And as I keep talking my dad will just be saying “you don’t mean it? She did all of that in my absence, you mean that?” Go and call her for me!
With the excitement that Yes, it is her turn. Now I will quickly go down and say Daddy is calling you!
And my Aunty will come! The moment she gets to where my dad is, my Dad will say: “have you made sure everybody has eaten?” She will say Yes! “And everything is in Place?” She will say Yes! Okay, you People should go and sleep.
And I am still waiting. I’ll be waiting for the time that maybe he is going to slap her, kick her or beat her. But he will do none of that!
After she left, I will ask my Dad “is that all you have to say or do? He would Pat me at the back and say “you are growing!”
Until one day when I got Admission to University and I left.
After a Semester Break, I was coming back home. From a far-off I saw my Auntie run towards me, carried my bag (and in my heart I was like what’s going on)? And she was gisting with me.
And I remembered very well, all through that Break, there was no beating, there was no panel-beating. Even when I was going back to school she still assisted me in carrying my bag.
As we got to the Park, I said to her: Auntie you have really Changed! No beating, nothing-nothing! She said, “you are a man now.” Praise the Lord!
She said what? “You are a man now!”
And most of those Processes that we go through in Life, in the Church, everywhere we find ourselves: they are those things that bring the best out of us. And it is time for the Eaglet to become an Eagle.
See what the mother Eagle will do – It is going Soar and pick one of the Eaglets and take the Eaglet into the Sky. As the Eaglet is soaring with the mother, the Eaglet is excited! And the other Eaglets are jealous of that Eaglet.
… Are you still with me?
They will be like, “is it the only one? Why is Mama taking it alone?” And that as that Eagle is going up, it will be like “Mama is taking me on a cruise!” You know that kind of feeling. And having gone to a very serious Height, the Eagle will release its claws and the Eaglet will fall.
As the Eaglet is falling, running towards the rock, shouting and screaming, “Ha! Mama is crazy.” The other Eaglets will be saying, “serves you right!
… Do you understand that kind of feeling?
And just for one moment, before the Eaglet would dash its head on the rock: the instinct inside the Eagle, and how Swift the Eagle can be, the Eagle will Soar and pick up the Eaglet before it hits the rock! And the eaglet would be Panting, “Mama is normal again now!”
Let me tell you something; this is what you go through everyday in the Process of Growth, the time you are making Advancement in Life.
From Promotion to Promotion; and you are having Breakthrough all over – In Business, in Politics. And everything Good is happening to you.
People are jealous of you: “Is he the only one? Just like the other Eaglets.
Because it’s not yet their time, doesn’t mean that you are forsaken!
Very soon, it will be their own time as well.
But when things are going well with you, you are beginning to feel on top of the world!
You are feeling as if you are the best! And all of a sudden, the mother Eagle is releasing its claws, and you are falling down from that Height.
And everybody say, Ha! only God knows what he has done – That is why he is being Punished at this time. But you, as you are coming down you begin to wonder, “but God why? Why are You doing this to me?
But before you touch your head on the rock, God Almighty will come all over and take you up! – Preventing you from falling down.
Each time your Pastor shouts at you, it is because he is a Good Pastor.
If your Pastor hasn’t shouted at you before; if your Pastor hasn’t stepped on your toes before, he is one of the very worst Pastors on earth because he needs to do it.
… Those are the Process of Growth!
You need to go through all those things – The Pain, the hardship, the trouble; those things build Character in you.
And let me tell you something: No matter how Charismatic you are, Charisma without Character is said to be Catastrophe.
And they say, Commitment in the face of Conflict is what Produces Character.
Now, our brother Tai Solarin said, “Education can take you to the Highest Peak in the world; but your Character can bring you down!”
You see, all these things that you have been through – They build up the Character inside of you.
I tell you, there is no other animal that can approach the nest of the Eagle – That is where He Placed you!
He said, I Placed you in the Heavenly Places far above Principalities and Power.
That is your Placement – That is where you are Spiritually.
And I wonder why many of us will see the devil; at every little snitch. you will see the devil there.
Ask a brother, why did you mess up? He says sorry, it is the devil!
But the last time I checked from the Scriptures, the Bible says Satan is underneath your feet.
Where is the devil now? Under my feet!
Can you give him a knock on the head? Give him a knock on the head now!
For you to see the devil at an equal space where you are, by yourself; then you must have advanced the devil out from under your feet! That is what you have done because, that is where he belongs.
Praise ye the Lord – Hallelujah!
Like I said, the only animal that can get to that Place where the Eagle makes its nest is called the Serpent.
It is called what? – The Serpent!
You want to hear this? No matter how tall that Mountain may be, Serpents can always crawl to that Place.
But whenever the Serpent is approaching the Nest of the Eagle, wherever the Eagle has gone to, there’s an instinct inside the Eagle that, something is approaching its Nest.
… Are you with me?
So, wherever the Eagle may be, it will Soar right down to where the Nest is. And there it finds Mr Serpent – It will Pick the Serpent with its claws around its neck, and Change the battleground, and take the Serpent into the Sky.
Excuse me – Everyone that is against you, they have their weaknesses. And all you need to do to be a Good Warrior is to locate their weaknesses.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
The Eagle will take the Serpent to the Sky, and when it gets to the very Topmost Top it says, Mr serpent, it’s time for your Training and it releases its claws.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Serpents is rushing back to rock;
… Rushing down towards where? – Towards the Rock!
But the unfortunate thing is that, there is no mother Serpent to help the Serpent up!
And it is dashing its head upon where? – Upon the Rock! Who is this Rock? Jesus!
He said, I am the Rock – When you fall upon me, you will be broken into Pieces. And when I fall on you, you will be grounded to Powder.
Can I say something to you? – You were made an Eagle, you were formed an Eagle.
As an Eagle Believer, you are to Soar above all hurdles – Amen.
Some can crawl, some can walk, some are running and even those who are running they think they are making Progress. But I tell you, that progress is by sweat.
But from today, you will begin to Soar! I say, you will begin to Soar in the Name of Jesus – Amen.
Someone said, “Those that walk, they walk with many those that run, run but with a few. But those that fly, those that Soar, they do it alone!
You need to know your Spirituality – Many of the battles you have to fight is alone. Especially in the Place of Prayer.
I also like you to know this quickly, that those that walk, they walk with just common sense. Those that run, run with Principles.
If you have driven a car before, it takes Principles – Press the Clutches, Change the Gear, Press the Turtles and the car moves.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
So, those that run, run with what? – With Principles!
But you see, those that fly, they fly with Instructions!
That is why Tutors in the Flying School are referred to as Instructors – All they tell you is: Do this, Press one button.
If you mistakenly Press another button, bye-bye to this world.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
So, it takes Instruction for you to get to the Place of Spiritual Growth in Life.
I will tell you this, as I stop:
You can’t do too much in the Place of Prayer and in the Place of Fasting.
Jesus said, this kind will not go out, except by Fasting and Praying. (Matthew 17:21)
There are certain things you cannot do without Prayer and Fasting.
Anybody that rubbish Prayer in your Life, that Person has succeeded in destroying your Life.
Jesus Christ recommended it and Apostle Paul even talked about it.
They said, Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17); Pray until your Joy is full (John 16:24).
And Jesus said Fasting is recommended. He told the Disciples to also Fast.
There is always a time to Fast. And He demonstrated it in the Garden of Gethsemane.
He was there Fasting, and while He was Praying.
In Luke 22:44, the Bible says the sweat from his body was like a drop of blood.
That is the Master Himself!
Even though He still needed the help of Angels, He needed the Strength of God to survive His Ministry. But yet the Bible says, being in agony, He Prayed more earnestly.
Praise the Lord!
He Prayed more what? – More earnestly!
1. So, you need to take Prayer as a Number one Weapon;
2. You need to Fast too
3. Character – don’t forget!
4. Righteous Living.
When you talk about Living the Righteous Life, you need to live that Victorious Christian Life.
Because, there is no cover for your back, hence, you don’t turn your back to battle!
Everything you need to be a Whole man has been given to you.
Take this as we Close: Somebody said, “what I am doing is too much. Only me in the Church, doing this, doing that. They will soon kill me.”
You cannot die!
Praise the Lord!
Whatever level you think you have attended is just a beginning. There’s always a New Place to get to.
You know, I lived a “Fasted Life” – Seven (7) Days dry, Fourteen (14) Days dry, Twenty One (21) Days dry Fasting.
And I love doing it.
But there was a time I needed to embark on a very dangerous Journey, and I did forty nine (49) days dry Fasting (taking just water).
I was vomiting blood.
At that time when I spit, it was blood.
Let me tell you something about it – People thought I was going to die.
But No, I didn’t die. It was even that Period I realised that Fasting is the best cure for Ulcer. Because Ulcer always attacked me and also left me even in the Process.
But you know, the Truth is this – Whatever it is that you are doing, whatever responsibility you have been given in the household of God; that same responsibility, your Father in Heaven knows how much you can carry.
Praise the Lord!
I tell you this Story – A Young Man took his son to a Shopping Mall. On getting to the Shopping Mall, he gave the son a basket, and they were picking things and they were putting it in the basket.
And that boy was Pretty very young! He was carrying the baskets. Sooner or later the basket was getting heavier; yet the boy was carrying it.
There was a man who had been following them, who was also taking things. And the man was wondering, “you will kill this boy the way you are going! What this boy is carrying is already becoming too heavy for him.”
So, when the man couldn’t hold it anymore, he approached the boy’s father and say “Excuse me, you are going to kill your son. Why are you putting so much load for him to carry?” And the boy did not allow the father to respond.
Do you know what the young boy said. He said, excuse me Sir! It’s none of your business. My Dad knows how much I can carry.
Praise the Lord!
… He said, my Dad knows how much I can carry!
That is what I keep telling People when they say: Pastor, you are doing too much! It’s none of your business! The One who put me here, He knows how much I can carry.
You can be here, you can be there, doing everything combined at the same time. All these are Processes of Growth.
But the One Who has Placed you there knows how much you can carry!
Please, rise to your feet! Just one Prayer Point.
Stretch your hands like someone who wants to Soar:
The Pastor was singing that R Kelly Song “I Believe I Can fly”. It is a Pity how he ended his Life. But I believe, when he wrote that song there was something inside of him that was looking for Expression.
Stretch forth your hands as we sing R Kelly “I Believe I Can fly”:
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every Night and Day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
Now stretch your hands (as wings) and Pray this Prayer; Say: Father, I am tired of walking, I am tired of crawling. In fact, I am tired of running, it’s time to SOAR! Grace to Soar Spiritually, released to me today!
Brethren, go ahead and talk to God!