I have a Father
Almighty Father
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I have a Father
RCCG WELCOME TO THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER(Opens in a new browser tab)
Ancient of Days, the One who has no beginning and no ending; the One who is called I am that I am; the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the Ending; the One who is to come; the Almighty. We bless Your Holy Name.
We Thank You for waking us up this Morning and all of us are saying: God Morning to You Lord.
Thank You for Your Mercy because it is because of Your Mercy that we are not consumed. Thank You that this Mercy is renewed everyday.
Thank You because it is not everyone who slept yesterday who is alive today – Thank You Lord. Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Thank You for the Journey Mercies that You granted to our Royal Fathers and Royal Mothers yesterday (Day 1 on Friday, 28th October 2022); Thank You because we are sure that You will grant them Journey Mercies when they are going back home.
Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Almighty God, we are Praying that this Morning, You will Please speak to us. And as You are sending Your Words, let the Power in Your Words bring Healings to all of us.
At the end of everything Lord, let Your Name be Glorified again.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
OPEN HEAVEN NOVEMBER 2022(Opens in a new browser tab)
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Will You Please shake hands with one (1) or two (2) People and say: Good Morning Kabiyesi (King). God Bless You today!
I want to say: God Morning to all my fathers and mothers. And I hope that you slept well? I hope that the Accomodation is not too bad? I know that it may not be exactly Palace-Like, but we are trusting God that the Future will be more Glorious than this in Jesus Name – Amen!
I understand that some of our fathers have an important Engagement in Abeokuta (Capital City of Ogun State, Nigeria) around 10.00am. So, I will hurry as much as Possible because I know that from here (Redemption City of God) to Abeokuta (Capital City of Ogun State, Nigeria) will take some thirty (30) Minutes. So, I won’t be as long as I would be.
I wasn’t Planning to sit down, but my children since I turned eighty (80) years old has been treating me as if I’m an egg. And if they give me a Chair, I think that I won’t waste their efforts – With your Permission o!
Let’s open our Bibles to Daniel 4:17 – This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the Word of the Holy ones: to the intent that the lLving may know that the Most High ruleth in the Kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
… The Most High rules in the affairs of Men!
Who is The Most High? – God!
I. He is Higher than the highest.
II. His Throne is in the Heavens – All the other Thrones are here on Earth. And the Earth He uses as His Footstool.
… That tells us how High He is. And He says that He ruless – He is the One in Control.
How does He rules?
I. Psalms 115:3 says: Our God is in the Heavens, He does as He Pleases.
He is the Original Majesty!
II. Daniel 4:35 says: Nobody can even ask Him what are You doing?
That tells us that He is “The Original Majesty” – He does something and He says that if you don’t like what I have done, sue me. Tell me the Judge before whom I will appear.
III. He rules by Decrees – Which is why He is called the King of Kings. Because all Kings are expected to rule by decrees in their Domains.
… That is the way it works.
And left with me as an Individual, if I have the Power; that is the way it should return to be!
Oh, we thank God for our Presidents and Governors et cetera et cetera. But if you searched the Scriptures very well; it is the King that appoints Presidents in those days.
It is the King who will say: Alright, I have these Domains and I want People who will be helping me to manage it. And then he will appoint Presidents – Presidents are Nothung but High Chiefs.
I Pray that the Almighty God will restore the Glory of the Kings – Amen!
Now, He (The Almighty God) is so Powerful that He says in Amos 4:7 that when I like, I will rain on one City and leave the other City dry. So that the City where I refused to rain can come to the City where I have rained to beg for food.
And when you Study Him, you will know that He is Someone to be feared.
The Bible says in Proverbs 21:1 that the Heart of Kings are in the Hand of the Lord and He can turn it like Rivers.
If He wants the River to bend this way, He will bend it this way; if He wants it to go Straight, it will go Straight because He is in Charge.
And there are several reasons why He has the Right to say that I am in Charge because He created All things.
Now, what you will find very interesting about Him (God) is if He wants to destroy People – He goes Straight to the King and Hardened his Heart. He will cause the King to do things you will think that he shouldn’t do!
For Example:
1. In Exodus 7: 1-5 – He told Moses that I am going to hardened the Heart of Pharaoh so that he won’t let my People go. And so that I can show him Signs and Wonders.
Poor Pharaoh, he has no Choice until he was drowned with his whole Army. God says that I will hardened his Heart.
You remembered that I said yesterday (During Day 1 of the Convention – And you can get to read the Full Text as Transcribed Only by Discovery Media Crew on the DMC Website and all Social Media Handles of Discovery Media Crew, DMC).
The Bible tells us that when the Righteous are in Authority, the People rejoice. When the Wicked are reigning, the People mourn.
This will give you the impression that whatever is happening in a Domain is the fault of the King!
But the One who is called “The Most High”; is the One controlling his Heart!
2. In 2 Chronicles 1: 6-15; the Bible tells us about a Young King called Solomon. He was what you called “A Dull King” – Not having much sense and then he was a “Spoilt Child”. Then he became a King.
And he just woke up one day and said that: I am going to say Thank You to God. I am going to offer Him a thousand burnt Sacrifice – Nobody had done that before!
When he finished and all the Priest were amazed – By the time they slaughtered the first, second and got to the seventh cow; they were looking at Kabiyesi (King): What is going on? Nobody has offered more than seven (7) Sacrifices at a time.
He said that he hasn’t started – Just keep on bringing the cow until he sacrificed a thousand cow.
I’m sure that the Priest must have been looking at themselves and say: Okay, we know that he was a “Dull King” but now we think that he has gone completely Mad.
That Night, God visited him and said: Ask what you want as I give you a “Blank Cheque”.
And then he says that I can’t reign over these People but You put me here. If I will ask for anything at all; I will ask for Wisdom and Understanding to do Your work, to rule over Your People correctly.
God said something when he said that all I want is Wisdom and Understanding – God said that because this is in your Heart, because that is what your Heart asked you to do; I will do what you asked for and then all the things that you didn’t ask for, I will give it to you.
The Question is: Who put this thing in his Heart? Because God is the Controller of the Heart of Kings.
The first time that I read that Place – That was the Question that came to my Mind:
I. How can Somebody who is “Dull-Witted” suddenly decided that he was going to offer a thousand burnt Offerings to God?
II. How come the boy who was so Dull that he himself knew that he was Dull.
Because when one is really thirsty and you ask him – What do you want? He will ask for water.
This boy knew that he lacked Wisdom – And so, that is what he asked for.
If he wasn’t Dull, how did he know that he should Worship God in an Extraordinary Way?
And I Prayed and God showed me that it was a Set Up!
Because the Bible says in 2 Samuel 12:24 – That God loved Solomon!
God love Solomon that He wanted to do something for Solomon that He had never done for Somebody before!
So, He put in Solomon’s Heart to do what Nobody else has done before – That is what an English Man will call “A Set Up”.
When God wants to bless His People, He will put in the Heart of the King (The Ruler of the People) – Do this, so that I can do for you what I’m not doing for others!
I Pray for all my Royal Fathers – That which will bring tremendous Blessings to your People, may God put it in yout Heart today (Amen)!
I have told you a Story before that when God wants to bless you, He will set you up – Put something in your Heart to do that Nobody else has done so that He can do for you, what He is not doing for others.
Years ago when the Church was much more smaller than this – We are still small and we are growing by the Grace of God.
My father-in-the-Lord called a Meeting of the Workers – My children, the Church has a Very Special Need and that Special Need must be met immediately. And so he said all of us should go and Close our Accounts and bring the money to Church. We all said: Yes sir!
But how can we go and Close our Accounts? If the Pastor knows that we need money, all he needs do is all of you go and bring a stated amount – We can still think about that. But he said everything that we have in Savings we should go and bring to the Church.
We left, we got home – My wife closed her Account, I closed mine also and we brought the money to the Church.
The following Sunday, Papa called the Meeting of all the Workers again and said: Well, Thank God the Need has been met – We got enough money. But how many of you Closed your Account as I said?
I raised my hand, my wife raised her hand and I looked around – Nobody else is raising his/her hand.
Ha, so I looked at my wife and she looked at me. And immediately, I began to think – Are you sure that you are not receiving this thing with Madness? Because Nobody else is doing what you have done.
And I heard God saying clearly – My son, you are not Mad. It is a Set Up. I want you to do something Nobody else has done so that I can do for you what I have not done for anybody.
Today, People only see what God has done for me.
When we got to the Redemption, we have 4¹½ Hectares of Land but today, you can see a City (Redemption City of God). He hasn’t done it for any Pastor like that before. He is doing something for me as a result of the Set Up.
My Beloveth fathers and mothers; may the Almighty God set you up for Good – Amen!
Now, when you read 1 Kings 4: 24-25; the Bible said that all the days of Solomon, there was Peace in Israel.
Solomon is the only King you can read about in the Bible who never fought a war.
As a matter of fact, the History of every Kings had always been – This year they fought this Fellow, they were defeated; Next year they fought the other one and they were defeated.
That’s the Hostory – You can read it in the Bible. Read the Kings, the Chronicles; it is always war after war.
But Solomon throughout his reign, not a Single war – Nobody ever thought of fighting with him.
I. I want Peace to reign in all of your Domains – Amen.
II. I don’t want the issue of Kidnapoing near your Domains – Amen.
III. I don’t want to hear of any Evil Report in your Domains – Amen.
Because God can do it:
I. He says that: I can rain on one City and keep the other City dry. He is the Almighty!
II. He can Prosper your Domain so Mightily that People will ask – How is this happening?
When you now put all these things together:
1. That if He wants to trouble a Particular Nation/Domain; He will cause the King to offend Him and He will hardened his Heart.
2. When He wants to bless His People, He will Soften the Heart of the King – Cause the King to begin to do things that will Plesse Him so that He could Reward them.
So that if there is anybody who wants to raise a Query, then He will say: What is the Problem? – This is what that King did and that is why his People got into trouble; this is what the other King did, that is why his People got the Blessings.
He made a Statement in Romans 9: 15-18 – He said to Moses: I will have Mercy on whom I will have Mercy; I will have Compassion on whom I will have Compassion. He says that it is my Choice.
And like I said earlier on – If you don’t like what I do; sue me.
I mean that we are talking of a God so Powerful that He can just tell anybody to stop breathing because He is the Controller of the Air.
The most important Element in the world is the Air that you breathe – Thank God, that is why He made it free. Because if Air was for sale, many Poor People would have died.
And all He has to do is to say to a King – Come over and see me and that is the end of the Show.
I remembered years ago when one Governor said that he was going to revoke our Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for the Land here (Redemption City of God).
And I said to him: Your Excellency, I am from Osun State. If I say that I need Land in Osun State, my People will give me Land. But it is God who said that I want you here and He is the Owner of the Earth.
And His Excellency was not listening.
So, I had to humbly suggest to him – If you say that you want to revoke the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) of the One who asked me to come and stay here. What if He revokes the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) of you on Earth? Because the Earth where you are living belongs to God. You are here because He grants you Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) to be on Earth. If He revokes your Certificate of Occupancy (C of O), you won’t be around to revoke my Certificate of Occupancy (C of O).
That is what settled the quarrel.
The Almighty God will tell the devil to leave your Domain alone – Amen
Now, He says that I will show Mercy to whom I will show Mercy; I will show Compassion to whom I will show Compassion.
And He was talking at that time even to two (2) children (Twins) who are in the same Womb. Before they were born, He said that I Love Jacob but I hate Esau.
But You are the one that created the two (2) – The two (2) hasn’t done Good or Evil.
He said that I just want everybody to know that I am the Most High and I do as I like.
He said for Example – That is why I created Pharaoh. I kept on lifting him up so that when he crashes; everybody will know. I just want to show the whole world who is the King of Kings.
I mean you Elders has a Sayimg – You said that: If I an Ant falls, Nobody Pays attention; if a Cockroach falls, the Earth doesn’t tremble but when an Elephant falls, now they feel the tremor not only in the bush but in the Hut.
My Beloveth fathers – The Lord will show you Mercy (Amen).
He showed me Mercy – That is why I am where I am today! I am not in any way better than any other Pastor (Not at all). Many, many Pastors are Superior to me in Bible Knowledge and in everything.
I never went to a Bible College – I am a Mathematician. Mathematicians don’t want to hear about Religion. We always say that Christianity and Mathematics are Parallel lines.
I. The Mathematicians will say: If you Prove it, I will believe it.
II. Christianity say: If you believed it, I will Prove it.
And I am a very rough boy among my Colleagues in the University – When we meet in the Club; after taking a bottle or two (2) of beer, when we have nothing else to say; we begin to make Mockery of Jesus Christ – Thinking that we are Brilliant because we are Lecturers.
And then He (God) went in the midst of these Blasphemers and grabbed me and brought me out. And say: Okay you have Blasphemed me enough; now come and Preach me.
May the Almighty God show everyone of us Mercy – Amen!
But I discovered one thing – When God says this is what I want you to do. He will leave a Gap for you to maneuver and get Him to do for you what you want from Him.
He is just like a River – The River is flowing downhill. And you want to get to a Particular spot; if you are Wise, you will just jump into the River and flow in the Direction of the River. It is when you begin to roll against the River that’s when you get in trouble.
When you flow with the River – You know that the English Man has a Proverb: If you can’t beat them, you join them.
You can’t beat God, you are not Wise enough to fight Him! You are not Strong enough to fight Him!
All you know is today – Nobody knows tomorrow. Only God can tell who among all of us will still be alive by this time tomorrow!
There is no Prophet who can tell you – Don’t mind anybody; you will be here for another ten (10) years.
Even the Prophet of God does not know if he will be alive tomorrow!
But He says in Proverbs 28:13 – He said: Anybody who conceals his sin will not Prosper. But He said that anyone who will confesss and forsake his sin will obtain Mercy.
He said that is the Formular – You want Mercy, forsake your evil ways, confess your sins and say to God that I surrender.
Forgive me for using myself as an Example:
I thought that I was Clever because my Ambition was that I wanted to become the Youngest Vice Chancellor (VC) in the world.
I thought that I was Clever – I mean before I was thirty (30) years Old, I was already Acting Head of Department (HOD) in a very Big University. I have built a house, I have bought a car and everything was working well until one day when Somebody took me to The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). And they were Preaching and they were saying: Give your Life to Jesus Christ; surrender your Life to Jesus Christ.
In those days, majority of the Pastors just managed to have Standard 6 as they called it in those days. And here was a Lecturer at the University.
I looked at them – What are they talking about? What do they know about Philosophy? What do they know about Psychology? Telling me to surrender my Life. What do they know about sin?
But one day, God Penetrated through to me because He just wanted to be Merciful – Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, confess your sin, forsake them.
That day for the first time since I started going to Church; the Word Penetrated. And I said: Wait a minute – They are not asking me to surrender to a Man; they are asking me to surrender to my Maker. And since I have been sinning, what did I gain anyway?
When they made the Altar Call, I went forward. I knelt before The Most High God and I told Him that from now on, take over my Life. Whatever you say, I will do it.
And He took over my Life and things began to Change.
If I seems to be boasting; I’m only boasting about the Power of God and not of myself.
Anybody that knows anything about the University will tell you – If a Lecturer gets Promoted once in three (3) years, then he is doing well.
After I gave my Life to Jesus Christ; I was Promored three (3) times in two (2) years – It has never happened before and it’s not likely to happen ever again.
Why? – Mercy!
I told a Story – When I was Graduating at the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU); in those days they called it University of Ife.
The day I was Graduating, the Kabiyesi (King) – That is Baba Aderemi in 1967 was given an Honourable Doctorate Degree. The Kabiyesi (King) came – Drums, everything and it was so beautiful.
DMC NOTES: Oba Sir Titus Martins Adesoji Tadeniawo Aderemi (Atobatele I), alias Adesoji Aderemi, KCMG (15 November 1889 – 3 July 1980), was a Nigerian Political Figure and Yoruba Traditional Ruler as the Ooni (King) of Ife (or Ilé-Ifẹ̀, as it is Property known) from 1930 until 1980 (Reigned for 50 years). He also served as the Governor of Western Region, Nigeria between 1960 and 1962.
So, my best friend and I were talking about the beautiful thing that happened and I said that one day, I am also going to get an Honourary Doctorate Degree.
My friend looked at me and said: You! He said that they don’t give Honourary Doctorate Degree to every Dick and Harry. He said that if it is something you Studied for, we can understand. But this one, they only give to the “Very Speciql People” – People who don’t need any other thing.
And I looked at him and he was speaking the Truth – I was a Dick and Harry.
But today, by the Grace of God; I have eight (8) Honourary Doctorate Degrees – In Nigeria, Canada, America.
They even offered me one in the First Christian University in Americw – They just said that we want to give you an Honourary Doctorate Degree.
And I said that I’m sorry, I’m busy – They said that we will come to Nigeria to give it to you Please.
The Point I’m making is this – No matter how Great we think we are; we don’t know Greatness until we surrendered to the One who can Promote.
The moment you surrendered to Him, we will begin to enjoy His Mercy.
And when God begins to lift you up, the Bible says that His Hands were Everlasting Hands – He will just keep lifting you up forever.
If Human Being lift you up, they will soon get tired of lifting you up. The very People who are lifting you up, are the People who will turn against you.
So, I’m begging my fathers in the Lord and my Traditional Fathers – If only we can make up our Mind to surrender completely to God; everything that we have lost; we will get back (Amen).
So, may I ask that you Please bow your head in Prayers.
And since you are among your Peers, if there is any of us who will want to say: Please Pray for me, I will surrender my Life to Jesus Christ today.
All I will ask you to do is to Please Stand Up where you are. And then I will Pray that God will receive you, save your Souls and things will begin to Change for the better even from now on.
Well, just talk to God for two (2) minutes and say: God, I’m surdendering my Life to You, Please save my Soul and I will serve You for the rest of my Life. Talk to Him now!
Thank You Father. Glory be to God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You – I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You for Your Children who are Standing Up now as a Sign of surrendering to You.
Please Lord, receive them in Jesus Name, let Your Blood wash away their sins, save their Souls and write their names in the Book of Life. And from now on, let them begin to enjoy Your Mercy.
Please Lord, anytime they cry to You from today onwards; answer them by Fire.
And Lord God Almighty, as they go back even to their Domains, let them begin to Shine for You.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Thank You those of you who stood up – You can Please fill the Card they gave you so that I can begin to Pray for you on a Daily basis.
Now before the Closing Prayer – Maybe you have an Individual Request.
I don’t want to say Problems – But I know very well as an English Man will say: Uneasy lies the Head that wears the Crown.
You are carrying the burden of so many People and you have your own Private Problems!
If you have a Special Request – Something that you want God to do for you; Particularly to mark this occasion. I give you two (2) minutes to talk to God about it.
And then, I will join my Faith with yours and we will Pray that God will solve the Problems.
So Please:
I. Ask God for something Special.
II. Ask God for a Miracle – A Miracle that you know He is the Only One who can Perform it.
III. Ask for something that will be a Landmark for this occasion – Something that you will remember this Convention by.
Ask Him!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name.
I want to Thank You Most sincerely for putting it in the Hearts of these Your Children to come for this Convention (The Inaugural RCCG Royal Father’s Convention 2022).
They could easily have said that we are busy; they could easily have said who is calling. But No, You put it in their Hearts to come because You have a Special Love for them. Thank You Lord!
And because You have brought them my Father and my God; from today onwards, let them begin to enjoy Your Mercy.
In their Domains my Father and my God, let there be Peace, let there be Progress let there be Prosterity.
All those causing Problems in their Domains my Father and my God, it is written in Your Words that every Plants that You have not Planted shall be rooted up. Every Trouble Makers in their Domains, because they came; Father uproot them.
Anyone disturbing the Peace of the Domain of Your Children, Father I Pray that even before the end of this Month, let these People vanished.
In the Domains of Your Children, till we see You in Glory, let there be Peace, let there be Progress, let there be Joy, let there be Mighty Miracles, let there be Testimonies.
Father, I’m Praying for Your Children, whatever they have asked You today; before the Sun Sers, let it become a Testimony.
As they will be going back home; Father go with them – On their way, let there be Miracles; at home, let Miracles be waiting for them.
And all the Glories of the Traditional Rulers, my Father and my God, even by the Time we have the Next Government; let them be Fully Restored.
Empower them again, Anoint them again.
And I Pray Lord God Almighty that they too will serve You, that they will use their Positions Lord God Almighty to turn their Domains to Jesus Christ.
Let it be well with them!
And Lord, I Pray that in Your Kingdom, not one of them will be missing.
Thank You my Father. Glory be to Your Holy Name.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
God Bless You all and safe Journey as you go back home – Amen!
Thank you so much for staying all through to read