You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified
You are Worthy Oh Lord
You are Worthy
You are Worthy to be Glorified
Almighty God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords; the Ancient of Days, the One who has no Beginning and no Ending; we Worship You.
Thank You for a New Thing that You are beginning here today, Thank You for all these Wonderful Children of yours that have decided to honour You by coming together like this.
Lord, Thank You for Journey Mercies for those who has already come, Thank You for Journey Mercies for those who are on the way because we know that they will all arrive safely. Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
My Lord and my Saviour, I’m committing our fathers and mothers here into Your Hands; it is You that they have come to meet, Please Lord don’t let them come in vain.
Because they have come to honour You, Father honour them with Good Health. Whatever may be their Individual Problems, Father solve today and let them return home rejoicing. Don’t let a Single one of them go back without a Testimony.
Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Please, let us have a Royal Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
God bless you – Please be seated. You are most Welcome!
I want to Salute all of you – My fathers and my mothers. You are Most Welcome!
I want to apologise for any minor inconveniences that you might have on this Particular visit because you know that we are doing this “Royal Convention” for the first time.
And whenever you are doing something for the first time, there will be things you don’t Plan for, that may surface.
This is what we call “The Joy of being Pioneers” – You are starting something New, something that has never been done before anywhere in the world. It is starting today and you are Part of it.
I am sure that by the time we meet again, things will be smoother, you will Probably before we depart, give us a rough idea when you want us to start the Program Next Year (2023), a little bit of how you want us to run it so that we will do everything according to your wish!
Thank You very much for coming in early.
Now, you Probably will wonder – Why this Royal Convention?
I am not the one Preaching tonight (On Day 1) but I just feel that I need to give you a hint of why you are here.
The Bible says something in Proverbs 29:2 – When the Righteous are in Authority, the People rejoice: but when the Wicked beareth rule, the People mourn.
… That is a Weighty Statement!
It is as if God is saying: If there is rejoicing in your Land, it is because of the Rulers!
In other words, if there is a Problem, the Problem lies with the Ruler.
But then as I Study the Bible, I discovered that God said in His Words again that:
I. He rules in the affairs of Men – (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: Daniel 4:17)
II. He is the One saying that whatever is happening in the Domain of a King is the fault of a King (Proverbs 29:2)
How then can we combine the two (2)?
Tomorrow (Saturday, 29th October 2022) by the Special Grace of God, when it is my turn to talk to you; I will try to explain.
But certain things has happened in the Past that made me to say: I think that I better called together my fathers and discuss with them.
Let us give the Examples:
1. When we came here (The Redemption City of God) to live in 1985; when my family moved in; this Place was a Jungle. When I go about walking in the Night, my colleagues are Antelopes, Typhoons and all manners of animals. And this Place was the Headquarters of Highway Robbers – I’m sure that many of us will remember.
In those days, you travel along the Expressway at Night, you do it at your own risk because there were Highway Robbers throwing blocks and tyres wheels at Vehicles that were coming.
Almost every Night, People who has been waylaid by these Robbers, they run into the Redemption Camp here to get a Shelter. The Police tried everything, but they couldn’t catch these People.
But then a Soldier became the Governor of Ogun State and he came to me and said: Daddy, what do you think we can do about this incessant Robberies?
I said: Well, since you have asked me because I’m a Pastor, I don’t get involved in Rulership.
But since you have asked me, I will tell you what to do – Let us involve the Traditional Rulers.
He said how could that be of Help?
I said that they know the People living in their Domains and they know Strangers. I said that I can tell you with confidence that Ogun State People are “Peace-Loving People” – They are not Highway Robbers. I said that I know them.
Involve the Traditional Rulers and this Problem will be over.
So, he (Governor) summoned a Meeting of all the Traditional Rulers along the Expressway and it stopped. In less than three (3) Months, Highway Robbery vanished.
And I have told those who will listen among the “Big Ones” – The People in Power. We have Problems in Nigeria, but involve the Traditional Rulers and these Problems will vanish!
All we can do is to Advice them because People said that we know that you have access to the High and Mighty; what are you doing?
All we can do is to Advice – You can only Advice the Commander-In-Chief for example. You can’t command him. If you command the Commander-In-Chief, then you now become the Commander-In-Chief.
I. But I have a feeling that if my fathers can join hands together and say to these Big, Big ones that we want “The House of Chiefs”; we want back a Place where we can have a say in the affairs of our People.
OPENHEAVEN.NETNOTES: A House of Chiefs (or House of Traditional Leaders) is a Post-Colonial Assembly, either Legislative or Advisory, that is recognised by either a National or Regional Government as consisting of and Providing a Collective, Public voice for an Ethnic Group’s Pre-Colonial Authorities.
II. When they call us Traditional Rulers, it means that we have been Ruling our People before the “White Man” came. They called us Traditional because they have realised that we are the Rulers from the beginning!
III. Maybe if our Royal Fathers can join hands and say to all those People irrespective of the Party – You want my People to vote for you? We are ready but can you give us an Assurance that when you get to Power, you will restore us to our Dignity?
Because this is the high moment when all these People will be coming around to us. They will be Prostrating because they know who we are – Asking us to let them serve us – When they get there, we know who is serving who.
I think that if you should all say the same thing – West, East, South and North, if we are all speaking with “One Voice”; they will Probably say: Alright, if that is what you want, that is what you will get!
You should be able to remind them later on – That you Promised us o!
OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: You can get to read more on this from the Interview Channels Television granted to Pastor E.A Adeboye on the 24th of September, 2021 on the Topic: “FOR A NEW NIGERIA TO EMERGE” – Only Transcribed on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET on this Link or listen to the Voice Note:2. Then the Second Thing is that – Before Coronavirus came, God told me: Son, the whole world is going to be on “Compulsory Holiday”. I couldn’t understand that – How could the whole world be on “Compulsory Holiday”? And I told my People.
It was later on that we began to understand – Until all of a sudden, we began to see the Streets of London, New York empty.
I mean we are talking of Streets where they never Sleep – Nobody is outside and everybody inside just because the Almighty God said that we are going to be on “Compulsory Holiday”.
You know that when the Almighty God is involved in doing something; even the High and Mighty will have to stay Indoors!
Then when it became clear that this is what He (God) was talking about; I cried to Him – Please, have Mercy on my People. We have no Doctors – The Good ones have gone Abroad looking for “Better Pay”.
Those Doctors who stayed behind – May the Almighty God bless them all (Amen).
They (The Remaining Doctors in Nigeria) don’t even have the Medicines to administer. And in any case, the enemies that we are talking about and fighting, Nobody knew how to deal with it at the beginning.
The Hospital that long ago used to be called “Infectious Hospital” (OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: This is otherwise called “Isolation Unit”) have been closed down for years. It was after the Problem came that we begin to Struggle to re-open them.
OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: Pandemics like the Coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 can cause a significant strain on the Healthcare System. Healthcare Organizations must be ready with their “Contingency Plans” for managing many Patients with “Contagious Infectious Disease”. Ideally, every large Hospital should have a facility that can function as a high-level “Isolation Unit”. An “Isolation Unit” ensures that the Healthcare Staff and the Hospital are equipped to deal with Infectious Disease Outbreaks. Unfortunately, such facilities do not exist in several hospitals, especially in Resource-Limited settings like Nigeria. In such a scenario, Healthcare setups need to convert their existing General Structure into an Infectious Disease Facility. Herein, we describe our experience in transforming a General Hospital into a functional Infectious Disease Isolation Unit.
But I cried to God. The People Abroad, those who has money and their Doctors were mocking us that those of us in Africa will be dying like flies.
Daddy (God), You made me a Nigerian and it must be for a Purpose. Please, have Mercy on my People!
And He Promised me that I have heard your cry and I will show these People that I’m still in Control.
Up till the end – And I believed that Coronavirus has ended for us here (Nigeria) – Amen.
In two (2) years, the number of People who died in Nigeria of Coronavirus is less than four thousand (4,000). Whereas in New York alone, more than four thousand (4,000) was dying everyday.
But then I noticed something – When you analysed the number of People who died in Nigeria and you can go back and check the Records State by State:
I. The least number of People that died are in Osun State – That is my State of Origin and where I was born.
II. The Second State among the least is Ogun State – Where I lived.
III. The Third State from the lowest is from Ondo State – Where my Grandfather came from.
IV. The Fourth State among the lowest is Ekiti State – Where my Grandmother came from.
V. And when I got to my Native Town in Ifewara (Osun State Nigeria); I was going through the Town, and not a Single Fellow was wearing Nose Mask and not a Sing,e one died.
So, I felt that if somehow God in His Infinite Mercies can Help me to extend my Influence to other Domains. If in the Future, there is any danger, I might be able to say to Him: Almighty God, the Kabiyesi ( OPENHEAVEN.NET NOTES: This is the “Title Name” given to a King in Yorubaland in the Western Part of Nigeria) here is my friend, the one in that Place is my friend, the Traditional Ruler over there is my friend.
… This is one of the reasons why I said that you should come!
Maybe I should say this with all Humility – I think that God has a “Special Love” for me and He has Proved it again and again!
I will tell you just one Story and I will get out of the way for the one who is going to be Preaching tonight – Pastor J.T Kalejaiye. (Watch Out for the Full Text of this Message “ONLY” on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET).
Tomorrow Morning (Saturday 29th October 2022) by God’s Grace, you will sit down, I will talk to you a bit more and we will see what God will do after that. (Watch Out for the Full Text of this Message “ONLY” on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET).
I travelled to a Country called Zambia – A Man of God invited me to come and help him Dedicate his Cburch.
I was going and they also have Traffic Problems like we have here in Nigeria. And so they got an Escort to lead and clear the road for me so that I can arrive on time – There was tbis Policeman (A Despatch Rider) who was leading us.
We are about to get to a Junction and so he zoomed ahead, get to the Junction of the road to stop the Traffic.
Some of the cars stopped but there was a Man who was coming in a car – Whether he didn’t see the Policeman or I don’t know what; but he just crashed into the Policeman, flung him across the road.
The Motorcycle was crushed beyond repairs and we could see the “Lifeless Body” of the Policeman on the other side of the road.
I said: Oh God, but he is with me! He is leading me to where I’m going.
If it were my Program, I would have gone back home. But I was invited all the way from Nigeria, to come and do this Dedication.
And so as they were carrying his “Lifeless Body” to the Hospital, I went to do the job they called me to come and do.
When we finished, and we are coming back; I said to them: Could you Please take me to the Hospital or the House of the Policeman who died so that I can at least sympathise with him and the family.
And they said: Which Policeman? – The one that the car crushed.
They said: Oh, by the time we got to the Hospital, he has come back to Life – No bones broken.
And I said: God what have You done? And He said: You told me that he is with you?
I want you to be able to say after this Meeting (The Inaugural RCCG Royal Father’s Convention 2022) that: If anything is about to happen in your Domain, I want to be able to say to my God – God, this Traditional Ruler is with me!
So that any Danger that might be coming; my God will divert it – Amen!