LIVE STREAM – RCCG Holy Ghost Service 6th January 2023

The First Holy Ghost Service for the Year 2023 will be on the first Friday of the Month of January 2023 – 6th January, 2023.
The Theme is going to be “WONDERFUL^ – So, we will be looking at “WONDERFUL (PART 1).
I’m sure that you know the meaning of “Wonderful” – That “Wonderful” is a Combination of two (2) words: “WONDER” and “FULL”.
I have a rough Idea that the “Coming Year” (2023); is going to be Full of Wonders for some People – Amen!!!
Exodus 14: 13-14 and 21-28 (You can read this on your own).
- Date: Friday 6th January 2023
- Venue: Redemption Camp, KM 46 Lagos Ibadan Expressway, Mowe, Ogun State Nigeria.
- Time: 7:00 pm (GMT+1)
- Ministering: Pastor E.A. Adeboye and other anointed men of God.
- Theme: Wonderful
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The RCCG 2023 Holy Ghost Service is a special worship service held by the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), a Pentecostal denomination founded in Nigeria. The RCCG’s Holy Ghost Service is typically held on the first Friday of every month, and it is characterized by extended periods of worship, prayer, and preaching. The service is designed to seek the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and to encourage believers to be filled with and guided by the Spirit in their daily lives. The specific format and content of the Holy Ghost Service may vary depending on the location and individual RCCG church.
In case you are here and you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ! And you have heard of Crossing Over to Blessings, Freedom et cetera et cetera and you are saying that I claim it. It is only for Children of God.
What is coming in the New Year (2023) for those who are not Children of God; I don’t even want to mention it!
So, if you are truly not a Child of God and you want to be; you better run forward now – Run to the Altar, let’s cry to God with you that God will save your Soul and then you can qualify for all the Blessings.
And if you get to backslide in the course of the Year 2022 and you want to return to God before the Cross Over into Year 2023; you better run to God now!
Now, those of you already infront and those on the Way – Cry to the Almighty God: Ask Him to be Merciful unto you, Promise Him that you will serve Him, that from now on, you will stay away from sins and you will do His Will. Ask Him to become your Saviour and your Lord.
And the rest of just, just for 2 Minutes let us intercede for this our New Brothers and Sisters – Intercede that the One who saved our Soul will save their own Souls also.
Go ahead and talk to the Almighty God.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Saviour, I want to say Thank You – Thank You for Your Words and Thank You for these People who are Crossing Over from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light.
Please receive them in Jesus Name, let Your Blood wash away their sins in Jesus Name. I’m asking that You will save their Souls tonight, and receive them into the Family of God.
I Pray that they too will never run back to the world again.
And I Pray Lord God Almighty that from this moment onwards; anytime they cry unto You, You will answer them by Fire.
Thank You Almighty God.
For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
1. First of all, thank the Almighty God.
2. Then you cry to Him and say: Lord, I sincerely want to Cross Over.
I am tired of family enemies, Years of Bondage, Darkness, Sorrows, Sickness, Pains, Mountains blocking my Way.
And I want to Cross Over Completely to everything Good that You have to Offer – Peace, Joy, Health, Success, Progress, to everything Divine that cannot be Reversed.
Go ahead and cry to Him with all your Hearts to Him.
The Altar is Free – Come and Cry to Him!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
The Almighty God will grant your Requests and your Cross Over will be Total.
Your enemies in the Year 2022 will not follow you into Year 2023.
And this Year (2023) will be a Year of Miracles to you!
So shall it be!
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!