




DATE: 2ND MAY, 2022


Let’s begin to bless the Name of God. Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration; bless the King of kings and the Lord of Lords, Praise His Holy Name.

Thank You Lord – Amen!


You are Worthy to be Praised
You are Worthy to be Praised
My Redeemer
You are Worthy to be Praised



King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Ancient of Days, the Unchangeable Changer – Glory be to Your Holy Name.

Thank You for bringing us to to yet another Month: Thank You for Your Protection, Thank You for Your Provision, Thank You for Your Preservation – Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Father, Please accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.

Father, in this Month of Grace (May 2022), Please be Gracious unto us. This Mornimg, let us have a Mighty Encounter with You. Open the Doors of Blessings to all of us.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now, let Someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Then wave at two (2) or three (3) People – Prophesy to them and say: God will be Gracious to you this Month. And then you may Please be seated.

Our Bible Text this Morning is from the Book of Luke 5: 1-7. Even as we begin to consider our Theme: “OPEN DOORS” because God is going to Open Doors to Someone today or reading now on the Label of DMC.

Luke 5: 1-7

1. And it came to pass, that, as the People Pressed upon Him to hear the Word of God, He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret,

2 And saw two Ships Standing by the Lake: but the Fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.

3. And He entered into one of the Ships, which was Simon’s, and Prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the Land. And He sat down, and taught the People out of the Ship.

4. Now when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon, Launch out into the Deep, and let down your Nets for a draught.

5. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the Night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy Word I will let down the Net.

6. And when they had this done, they enclosed a Great Multitude of fishes: and their Net brake.

7. And they beckoned unto their Partners, which were in the Other Ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the Ships, so that they began to sink.

1. When God Open Doors of Blessings; you will succeed while others were failing.

Peter said that we toiled All Night and caught Nothing. And there were two (2) boats – God entered into one boat.

For that one boat, the Door opened and very, very soon, the one whose Door of Blessings had opened became “Extremely Successful”. The People in the other boat were still as they were.

In Genesis 26: 1-7; and then Genesis 26: 12-14; you will discovered that it was in the time of Famine, that Isaac sowed. But he reaped in the same Year, a hundredfold and he kept on reaping and reaping as he kept on sowing but the others remained Poor.

So Poor that by a matter of fact; by the time you go on a little further; the King had to come to him and said: Sir, you better get away from us because you have become Mightier than us.

They remained Poor but Isaac continued to Prosper.

I’m Prophesying to Someone here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – God will Open the Doors of Blessings to you (Amen). While others are failing, you will keep on succeeding (Amen).

2. When God opened the Door of Blessing to you; the Second Thing you will noticed is that you will not be able to handle the Blessings alone.

Peter caught so much fish that he had to beg others to come and help him handle the Blessing.

The Promise of God had always been More Than Enough – I have come so that you may have Life and have it more Abundantly.

In Malachi 3: 8-10; His Promise to all those who Pay their Tithe is that He will open a Window in Heaven (One Single Window) and Pour a Blessing (One Single Breakthrough) that there won’t be enough Room to contain it.

That Promise of God will be fulfilled for Someone today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Amen

In Proverbs 3: 9-10; the Almighty God says that you put Him first, you Honour Him with your First Fruit; He said that your Blessings will be so much that there will be no Container Big enough to contain it.

… That is what God said and God is not a liar.

I have told you the Story of a friend of mine who was travelling somewhere in Yaba (A City in Lagos State) and his car broke down (I think he had a Flat Tyre); came out of the car while the Driver was fixing a New Tyre and he decided to go for a walk.

And he saw a Branch of a Bank and say: Ha, I remembered that I have an Account in this Bank.

He went into the Bank and said: I want to see the Manager. They said that the Manager is busy but the Accountant said that can I help you?

He said Yes; I have some money here and I have not been here for ten (10) Years.

They said how much? He said eight Million Pounds (£8,000,000).

The Accountant said: Wait sir, I think you need to see the Manager.

A Man who can forget eight Million Pounds (£8,000,000) for ten (10) Years; that Man needs the attention of the Manager!

I decree to Somebody here today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Very soon, when you go to the Bank; they will tell you that only the Manager can attend to you – Amen!

3. When God opens the Door of Blessings to you; the Third Thing is that your Blessings cannot be hidden.

When God really decides to bless you; there will be no way you can hide it.

2 Samuel 6: 6-12; the Bible tells us that an Accident happened as they were taking the Ark of Covenant to the City of David – Somebody touched the Ark and he died. And David moved the Ark to the house of Obededom.

The Bible says that within Months, God has blessed the household of Obededom so much that the whole Nation had heard about it – He couldn’t hide the Blessings.

So, they went and told David – That Man into whose house you Placed the Ark has become strickenly Wealthy.

David said: Is that so? They said Yes. He said that I think I better go and get my Ark from his house.

He went and took the Ark but it was already too late – Obededom was Rich for the rest of his Life.

In the Name that is above every other names; a Blessing will come your way that will make you Wealthy for the rest of your Life – Amen.

4. The Fourth Thing you will know when God decides to open Doors of Blessings to you is that you will become a Blessing to your Relatives, Friends and everybody around.

It is a Great Thing to be blessed; it is a better thing to be a Blessing.

In the Name that is above every other names; your Blessings will Overflow to everybody – Amen!

When you read Genesis 13: 1-6; the Bible tells us that Abraham had become Wealthy – Silver, Gold, Flocks, everything. And Lot who went with him had also become Wealthy!

Nobody heard the name of Lot before.

But when Abraham was leaving his Father’s house – When God called Abraham and Promised that I will bless you and I will make you a Blessing; when he waa leaving, he took Lot with him.

A Man that is already Well-Established cannot just be Picked and said: Come along with me – Lot was a Nobody until Abraham Picked him.

But now because God had opened the Doors of Blessings to Abraham; Lot himself too had become Wealthy.

The Elders has a saying: If you are the only Rich Person among a thousand People, then you are the Poorest of them all.

I’m Praying for every one of you listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC; God will bless you – Amen. He will bless your family – Amen; He will bless your friends – Amen; you will be a Blessing to your City – Amen and you will even be a Blessing to your Nation – Amen.

5. When God opens the Door of Blessings to you; then your enemies will begin to seek your Favour.

God blessed Isaac so Mightily that the King of Gérar said: Hey, go away from us. You have become Mightier than us.

… The Man had become Mightier than a Nation.

But then in Genesis 26: 16-31; aftee some time, the King of Gérar said: We drove this Man away; where he landed, he continued to Prosper. Let us go and meet him. Because they kept on getting Poorer and that Man was getting Richer.

They said: Let’s go and meet this Man and beg him – Forgive what we did; become our friend. Because they said that the way this Man is going; one day if he should decide to come back and fight; there will be Nothing left of us.

They came and Isaac said: Why are you here? You don’t like me, you drove me away.

They said: Please, let there be a Covenant of Peace between us.

One day, all those who said you won’t become anything; they will come and bow before you – Amen.

Let me Close with this:

The One who has the Key to open Doors can also close the Door.

Jesus Christ said: When I open, no Man can shut; when I shut, no Man can open.

You have heard the Story of a Young Boy and his brother – The two (2) children of Joseph. One is called Ephraim – That is the Younger one; the other called Manasseh – That is the Elder. They came to their grandfather.

Joseph the father, Placed the head of the First born where the Right Hand of the grandfather will land; the Second born where the Left Hand will land.

I don’t know why but somehow the “Double Blessings” is on the Right Hand.

And the grandfather couldn’t see well anymore. When it was time to Pray; the grandfather crossed his hands – Placed the Right hand on the head of the Younger, the Left hand on the head of the First born.

Ha, Joseph said: Papa you are wrong!

Papa said that I know what I’m doing. I am being Guided by the Holy Spirit.

And he (Grandfather) Prayed for them and said: The Younger will be Greater than the Elder.

Within Years, God has blessed the Younger ten times more than the Elder.

And then the Younger one became Proud –

I. Ephraim, let’s go to War? God said that we should go to War. Ephraim will say: Who will be taking care of my Weath? The rest of you go; I’m a Rich Man here.

II. Ephraim, God is saying that you are drifting away; you are beginning to worship Idols. He said: Leave me alone; I’m enjoying myself.

He got to a Stage that in the Book of Hosea 4:17; God said that Ephraim has joined himself to Idols, leave him alone.

The kind of Wealth that you will have that will cause you to forget God; the Almighty God will not bring it your way – Amen!

Because then God said in Hosea 5:9 – He said that Ephraim shall be Desolate.

To be Desolate means to become Nothing!

He said that I opened the Door to him, he became “Extremely Wealthy”; now he has forgotten me. I close the Door.

I will tell you one Story that I’m sure that you have heard before:

Several Years ago, when we were still much smaller than we are – We are still small and by God’s Grace, we are going to become Big – Amen.

So, many of us were very Poor – I was considered Rich in those days and I was riding a Second Class car. That was what Rich meant to us.

And a Preacher came from America. And you know the way Americans Preach – Going up and down on the Altar.

All of a sudden, he came down from the Altar, stood infront of one of us and said: Thus saith the Lord; if you Worship me, I will make you a Millionaire and then he went back to the Altar and continue to Preach.

Oh, we looked at the Brother – We are all very envious. Why didn’t this Man come and Stand infront of me?

The Man he stood infront to Prophesy to – Himself, his wife, five (5) children; they were living in One Room in Mushin (A City in Lagos State).

Within Months, the Fellow had blossomed – Bought a car for his himself, bought a car for his wife, living a very Luxurious Apartment because God Promised.

And then of course, we said: We are not seeing Brother in Church anymore. So, I sent for him; what is going on? You are not Regular in Church again.

Oh, Business now you know – Today I’m in London for Business Meeting; the Last Sunday, I was in Switzerland.

I was there when God said if you will worship me? – Oh, I worship God.

Then why are you holding your Meetings on Sundays?

That’s is when my Clients are most relaxed – Is that so?

Then one day, I heard the News that he had an Heart-attack.

Young Man; what is the Heart-attack all about? So, I sent for him – What is going on?

It was in those days when they were still building Abuja. They gave him a Contract, they told him that when he got to a certain Stage, they were going to Pay him about Two Hundred Million Naira (#200,000,000). That was in those days when the Naira was far, far bigger than the Dollars.

Two (2) weeks before he got to that Stage, they cancelled the Contract – That was why he had Heart-attack.

I told him – My son, go back to God. That Contract, they won’t give it to anybody, they will bring it back to you. Unfortunately, he didnt take my Advice.

The One who opens the Door can close it!

The Door of Blessings that God is going to open to you today will never be Close – Amen!

… That is if you don’t forget the One who is holding the Key!



So, if you are here and you haven’t even surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ; maybe that is why the Door hasn’t even opened at all

Or if the Door has opened a little to you and you are still not surrendering your Life to Jesus Christ; the Door may Close!

So, if you love yourself and you love to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ; run forward now – I will cry to God for you for the Salvation of your Soul.

I am going to count from one (1) to five (5); before I say five (5); make sure that you are already Standing before the Altar – I’m counting now!

Go ahead, cry to the Almighty God and say: Please, save my Soul; I’m surrendering my Life to You. From now on, whatever I may become, I will be under Your Authority, I will worship You, I will serve You. Just forgive my sin and I’m Yours forever.

And the rest of us, let us Stretch our hands to those who are infront now and intercede for them – That God will have Mercy on them, that He will wash them Clean in His Blood, that He will save their Souls and then make them Members of the Family of God.

Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


Saviour, I want to Thank You for Your Words, I want to give You all the Glory and Honour for these People who has decided to come Forward and surrender their lives to You.

Father, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, Oh Lord Please save their Souls. Let Your Blood wash away their sins, receive them into the Family of God.

And from now on, anytime they cry to You; Please answer them by Fire.

Thank You my Lord and my Saviour. For in Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Praise the Lord Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

Now, I want to rejoice with those of you who has come forward this Morning and I Promise you that from now on, I will be Praying for you.

So, I’m going to need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

So, if you followed the Fellow to your Left carrying a Placard, he will take you to where some Pastors are waiting. They will collect the information that I needed and they will bring you back very quickly.

God Bless You – You can begin to go now!


Someone says that what you will do for God when you are very rich is shown by what you will do for Him by what you are doing for Him when you have not even got much.

Your Offering for this Mornimg must be the kind that I will say to God – Just open the Doors of Blessings to me and you will see what a Good Boy/Girl I will be like.

So, quickly now, take your Offering – An Offering that will Honour God and you are going to lift it up and we will Pray.

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Stand on your feet and lift it up to the Almighty God and say: Father, beginning from today, open Doors of Blessings unto me and I will never forget You. Go ahead, talk to God!

Thank You Father. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Now, with Joy in your heart, let’s sing and drop our Offerings in the nearsst basket as the Choir will be Ministering.


Now, some People wrote, asking for Special Prayers and we ask them to come to Divine Encounter so that we can Pray.

So, if you are one of such; you can move to the Altar now and we will Pray for you.

And the rest of us, where we are; let’s ask God for something Special for the Month of May 2022 – Something that we want (A Special Breakthrough).

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!


My Father and my God, I want to bless Your Holy Name because I know that You always Answer Prayers.

As for those of Your Children who are asking for Special Prayers from You today; grant their Requests Lord. Everything that they want that will make their Joy Full; Father give unto them.

And everyone of us asking God for something Special for this Month of Grace (May, 2022); Father, in Your Gracious manner, grant all our Requests. Let the Doors of Blessings be opened to us.

From now on, whatever we touch, let it Prosper. Let our Success begins.

And Lord God Almighty, everything that will be causing Your Children sorrow, remove it today. Everything that is causing us anxiety, my Father and my God, take care of it today.

Beginning from this moment, my Father and my God; begin to show us Favour. And Father, I Prayed that after You have Prospered us, we will never forget You.

Bless the Offerings of Your Children, Sanctify it, Use it for Your Glory.

In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!

Let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!!!

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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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