1. Oh Lord my God, I thank you for the gift of life, because
without this gift, I will not be alive today.
2. I thank you oh Lord, for keeping me through the night and
waking me up this morning in the name of Jesus.
3. I confess my sins before you oh Lord, that in anyway that I have
sinned against you, forgive me in the name of Jesus.
4. I cleanse myself of any sin in my life with the powerful blood of
Jesus Christ.
5. I thank you oh Lord for my father, my mother, my brothers and
sisters, my aunties and uncles and my teachers in school.
6. There shall be peace in my family this morning, and there will
be no quarrel in my house in Jesus name.
7. I cover the water I will be bathing with, and the food I will be
eating today in the name of Jesus.
8. Father Lord God, wherever I go to today, I shall find your favour
and peace in the mighty name of Jesus.
9. Any plan of the enemies for me or for my family today, I destroy
that plan with the holy ghost fire.
10. The vehicle I will be entering today and the road I will be
passing to wherever I am going today, I cover with the
Holy Ghost fire.
At this point we suggest that parents should speak in tongues over their children’s day, pray for and encourage the children to speak or pray in the spirit
11. No weapon fashioned against me, my father, my mother and
my family shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
12. The grace and the mercy of God will dwell forever in my life and
in the life of my family members in the name of Jesus.
13. As I step out of my house today, I call the angels of God in Heaven
to guide and protect me everywhere I go in the name of Jesus.
14. I am the apple of God’s eyes: no evil or wicked people can harm
me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
15. All the good things that God has decided to send to me from
heaven today shall not be stolen by the devil in the name of
16. All the blessings of today is my portion and the portion of my
family and friends in the name of Jesus.
17. I shall not lose my glory and my victory to the devil and the
wicked people in the name of Jesus
18. Every evil eye looking for me or my family members and
friends shall be blinded with the holy ghost fire of God.
19. Any kidnapper, armed robbers, wicked man or woman on my
way today, I call the fire of God to pursue them out of my way
and destroy them in the mighty name of Jesus.
20. I shall not die, but I shall live long to declare the glory of God,
because this is the promise of God to me in the name of Jesus.
21. Evil arrow shot last night or this morning, I send you back to
your sender by the authority of Jesus.
22. Any evil gathering against me today, I call upon the fire of the
holy ghost to destroy and scatter them in Jesus name.