Today’s Digging Deep. No. 2 Topic

Digging Deep. No. 2 Topic: Blessed is The Man
Text: Psalms 1:1
1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
INTRODUCTION: In the last week we study that there are three categories of blessings: (i) physical, (ii) soulish (i.e. pertaining to the minds) and (iii) spiritual. Can you recollect some of these blessings? In this study we want to know which of these blessings, physical, soulish or spiritual, belong to children of God. Today’s Digging Deep. No. 2 Topic
A. PHYSICAL: physical blessings are for God’s children.
a. Infact He intends for them to have the very best – Ps. 34:110, Ps. 103:5
b. God also promised good health to His children – Deut. 7:15, Jere. 30:17, Exo. 23:25
B. SOULISH: Soulish blessings also belong to God’s children.
a. He want us to prosper physically and soulish – II John 1:2
b. He wants us to have rest of mind – I Peter 5:7
c. He is determined to give us all blessings – Matt. 6:31-33
Today’s Digging Deep. No. 2 Topic
a. Not only are we expected to be blessed spiritually we are even encouraged to be covetous where spiritual blessings are concerned – I Cor. 12:3
b. We are told to strive strongly to improve spiritually – II Peter 1:5-7
Now that we know that these blessings are available to us, the next question is, how can these blessing be obtained?
A. PHYSICAL: physical blessings can be obtained by:-
I. Letting the Lord dwell in your home – II Samuel 6:11
I. Paying of tithes and offerings – Malachi 3:10
II. Giving to others – Luke 6:38. – Add yours to the list.
B. SOULISH: Soulish blessings can be obtained by:-
I. Studying the word of God – Proverbs 13:18
II. Following righteousness and mercy – Prov. 21:21
III. By humility – Prov. 22:4
IV. Serving God – John 12:26
V. Praying – James 1:5-6
VI. Witnessing John 15:1-2
VII. Abiding in Christ – John 15:7
Today’s Digging Deep. No. 2 Topic
C. SPIRITUAL: spiritual blessings can be obtained by:
I. Living a Holy Life – Isaiah 58:8-11
II. By Faith – Mark 9:23
III. Trusting in the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ – I Peter
CONCLUSION:Now that you know that all these blessings are available for you as a child of God and you know how to obtain them. God is willing to bless you if you are willing to meet His conditions. Will you like to tell Him about your decision now?
Today’s Digging Deep. No. 2 Topic