Glory to God! Open Heavens 2022 is finally here! At long last! We can now draw from this glorious well again and again, and keep enjoying every refreshing moments as we are ushered into the realm of God, knowing His Mind and Will by reading the well-known Open Heavens devotional. So, tell everyone you know, Open Heavens 2022 is here!

Open Heaven 2022 PREFACE
All glory to God for the privilege to see another year! I congratulate you for making it this far in your journey of life and pray that you will fulfil your divine mandate here on Earth, even as the Lord helps you to live righteously, in the mighty name of Jesus.
While it is true that the Lord showed His greatness to the entire world in many ways last year, I can assure you that this year, He will manifest His glory much more, especially in the lives of His children.
There are however a couple of questions you must answer sincerely: Are you a child of God? Are your ways aligned with His? If your answer to these questions is “Yes”, then certainly, you shall benefit greatly from His glory this year, 2022 Open Heaven. Otherwise, I beg of you by the mercies of God, repent of all unrighteousness in your life and forsake them, so that you may have the guarantee of His blessings and security all through this year 2022 and beyond. You will not be a victim of any evil in this year 2022, in the mighty name of Jesus.
I encourage you to strive with all your heart to daily live righteously, as the benefits of doing so, especially in this year, shall be great. In the same way, I encourage you to flee every appearance of evil, as the recompense for continued disobedience to God would be grievous.
As long as you remain steadfast in the Lord in this year 2022, I assure you: You shall rise to the top, in the mighty name of Jesus. Let somebody shout Hallelujah!
Open Heavens 2022
Open Heavens devotional, by Pastor E A Adeboye, is one of the most profound daily devotional you can find anywhere. It has been tested and is trusted. You know, when people are trying to get daily devotional (or even any general religious literature), we advise that they should be very careful before making a choice. This is because, there are some books that contains stuff that is dangerous (talk about doctrines of the devil, talk about things that might make one lose his or her faith in God, etc).
Hence, it is always important to be prayerful before submitting to any vessel of God (to be sure such is of God). And this is one of the reasons we are grateful for Open Heavens devotional. It has been around for a long time now, and is a devotional that keeps giving God Glory.
Many readers have been blessed tremendously by the Open Heavens Daily Devotional. In fact, they don’t joke with it. And now that Open Heavens 2022 is available, I’m sure they are set again for an amazing and glorious ride in 2022. When grace is available, it is easily known. The Open Heavens devotional contains powerful resources that empowers people to fulfill destiny. You are strengthened to get closer to God and submit your all to JESUS. You are empowered to forsake sin and anything that defiles.
The Open Heavens Daily Devotional can help fulfill destiny and maximize potentials when readers adhered to the things they read. Remember, the Bible made us realise that it is doing the Word of God that matters and not simply reading or hearing. So, if you are a fornicator, as you read the Word of God, you should be touched to repent and start living in holiness. So is it if you are a liar, murderer, gossiper, addicted to alcohol, masturbation, pornography, etc. As you encounter the Word of God, you should decide to be a new creature and start serving God in spirit and in truth.
So, people have been interacting with the Open Heavens Daily Devotional for years now, and since their lives have never been the same since they started the journey, then it’s obvious they will do all it takes to follow Open Heavens 2022 too.
One thing that should be said is that, as children of God, we rule and dominate by faith. So, you need to develop faith to enjoy supernatural provisions. Once you can get this right, you will continue to enjoy gifts from God, which is God’s Will for us. So, the Open Heavens Daily Devotional can help you in the business of faith increase, and you will ask and declare great things from GOD, knowing He will do great things for you (“Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” – Matthew 7:7,8). There will be an Open heaven for you, and you will excel with God’s blessings. GOD will be glorified in all that concerns you!
Now, you should know that the Open Heavens Daily Devotional 2022 is already available – both in prints and digital. Many of us have a smartphone, and so, we can always digest these things anytime, everyday. You can buy your Open Heavens devotional hardcopy at popular bookstores in different places in the country. And also, if you get to the Redemption Camp, you will definitely see a lot of copies there. In fact, you can buy as gifts to others, and they will appreciate such valuable things that will be helpful to them in important ways.
You shouldn’t hesitate to spend money on such important things as this. It is actually an investment. You are investing where it really matters, and you will eventually be glad you did. I mean, talk about growing in the things of God. Knowing more about God. Developing a much better relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ. This is a wonderful investment. You are sowing to the spirit, and the rewards are always profound, as they have eternal value that will help you stay with God eternally. So glorious!
There is something also important you must always remember. Don’t forget how 2020 turned out to be. Hence, wisdom demands that we should be better positioned in 2022 so we can live as God wants us to live. We can, in 2022 and beyond, rule and dominate as God has destined us to. And don’t forget that the Will of God is to give us a good and prosperous life. So, we must be determined to give ourselves to the Word of God and prayer, so we will be better aligned to make great impact to the Glory of God.
Resources like Open Heavens Daily Devotional 2022 can be utilized to get closer to God, as you are encouraged to pray and study more and more, and become better in all ways. So, you don’t have to bother about what is going on around you. Don’t be scared by what you are hearing in the news and rumours spreading here and there. The most important thing is what God is saying, and what God is saying should be prominent. And of course, God’s thoughts towards us are thoughts of peace and bliss. So, you can always glow in God’s Word and His pleasant promises. So, know what God is saying, and you have no reason to be scared. Yes, it is well with you and your household in Jesus Name Amen.
Open Heavens is actually a daily devotional meant to help you grow spiritually. It is a daily journey, available everyday of the year. So, the Open Heavens 2022 Devotional is a daily affair, available everyday of the year 2022. You can read and study the one of that particular day. They are already available for you.
Each day comes with its own goodies. There are several and different sermons contained in the Open Heavens Daily Devotional. Each day is unique. So, each day, you go through something unique. The sermons, daily declarations, etc. This is so powerful! So, you are already covered for all the days in the year 2022. Just try to be disciplined and consistent, and don’t miss the one of any day.
It is advisable that you engage it in the morning before stepping out of the house for the day’s activities. It is important to be equipped with the Word of God before going out there into the world. It is important to be empowered at the place of prayer before stepping out of the house. Each day is filled with different stuff.
One important part of the Open Heavens Daily Devotional is the daily declarations and prayers it comes with. Actually, we all need to speak positive things upon ourselves every day, every moment. There is power in the tongue, and you must know how to use your tongue for your own advantage by declaring positive things into your life.
Let me tell you this. You should know that there are tons of things going on in the supernatural realm. The evil ones keeps spreading curses and negative words at all times. They try to saturate the atmosphere with negativity, and it’s unfortunate that some people will fall victim of these things. But as children of God, such things won’t come to pass upon us, for we are God’s children.
Hence, you should keep declaring God’s Words upon yourself. Don’t forget that the Word of God is blessed. As you declare it, you are connecting and keying into this, and you will keep glowing and growing.
So, as you go through the Open Heavens Daily Devotional, don’t take the daily declarations and prayers with levity. Make sure you make the declarations by faith. Yes, don’t forget faith. Don’t just read the prayers just for reading sake, or just to fulfill all righteousness. Rather, declare by faith, and you can be sure that your declarations won’t be in vain.
As you declare positive things over your life and your loved ones, it doesn’t matter what the enemy has planted for that day. The enemy is just wasting his time, and you will always be an overcomer. You will continue to be ahead, you will continue to be blessed.
So, declare blessings over yourself and your loved ones. Declare blessings over your marriage. Declare blessings over your friends. Declare blessings over your business, career, ministry. Declare blessings over your children. Declare blessings over your seeds. Declare blessings over the works of your hands. Declare protection over yourself. Declare protection over your loved ones. Declare life and health! Declare peace and pleasantness. Declare everything good over all that concerns you. As you go through the daily devotional in 2022, make sure you make powerful declarations over your life and household.
Prayer is powerful. When you pray, you give God the permission to intervene in your life. When you pray, you are on the path to victory already. God will never fail you. As you journey in 2022 with the LORD Jesus Christ, success is sure for you, and it shall be well with you in Jesus Name Amen.
Open Heavens Daily Devotional is available for everyone, and teens too can tap into its riches. Of course, teens are always in need of direction as far as life is concerned, as they are still growing and learning.
The teenage period is a very important one, and we must do all it takes to ensure we train them in the way of the LORD, so they can grow into responsible and god-fearing adults that will be greatly used by God for His Glory.
It is wisdom to help teenagers fall in love with the Word of God at their age. As a parent, if your teenagers already know the LORD Jesus personally, you are very fortunate! Anywhere they found themselves in the world, you can be sure they will keep acting right. Don’t forget that your teenagers won’t always be with you, but will go out to do one thing or the other.
Can you remember Joseph in the Bible? Joseph has known God as a teenager, and when he got to Egypt as a slave, he was tempted by the wife of his master. But since he already has a good relationship with God, he ran away from such sin.
So, the Open Heavens Daily Devotional should be part of the daily experience of teens too, as they grow in the things of God. As a teenager, you are certain of a glorious future if Jesus is with you. If you are for Jesus, your future is certain. You will definitely be successful and glorious, and you shall fulfill destiny in Jesus Name.
One of the things you should not miss is having a good relationship with God. It is always beneficial to start with God early in life. With a relationship with God, you are empowered to fulfill destiny and to have victory over sin and immorality. Don’t forget that sin is what hinder a lot of people from maximizing their full potentials and fulfilling destiny. But your case will be different, as the Word of God will help you have a pleasant relationship with God, which will empower you to have dominion and live life as God has destined you to, and it shall be well with you.
The person God has been using to write the Open Heavens Daily Devotional is no other but Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye. He is the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. The Church is one of the biggest in the world, and Pastor Adeboye is one of the most influential persons in the world too.
You should know that there are times when one haven’t met someone personally, but the person is already influencing you a lot. Many people haven’t met Pastor Adeboye personally, but the Open Heavens Daily Devotional is a means through which he has been influencing the lives of many people for God’s Glory.
Pastor Adeboye, famously and affectionately referred to as Daddy G.O, is God’s Servant that is a Father to many. He is an exceptional servant of God that God has been using to touch the world for His own Glory.
Daddy Adeboye is been used by God to bless lives with the Open Heavens Daily Devotional. So, you can get the Open Heavens Daily Devotional 2022 and start receiving blessings through. This is something you will never regret, and you will be blessed you did. Continue to grow spiritually, and you will keep pleasing the LORD Jesus Christ who died for you and redeemed you back to God.
In conclusion, Open Heavens 2022 is already available. You can get yours in major bookshops all around the world, and can also get it online. You can also follow if you have a smartphone and internet. Always endeavor to move with the move everyday. You should enrich your soul with resources like this, and you will excel in life and go far in life. If you are a parent, it is advisable that you get for your children also, and make sure everyone keeps growing in the things of God and no one is left out.