Open Heavens Daily Devotional June 2022
The open heavens daily devotional is written by Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, the General Overseer
of Redeemed Christian Church of God. The Church is a very blessed and large one with very many
branches all over the world. For many years now, Pastor Adeboye has been God’s servant and
shepherd over the Church, and it has been glorious, to the glory of the LORD.
Now, Pastor Adeboye has been serving God faithfully over the church, and he is really admired.
However, he is not just a father to the members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God all over the
world, but also to the body of Christ. One of the ways he is a blessing to millions of other believers is
through the Open Heavens Daily Devotional.

Now, open heavens for 2022 is already out since last year, and many have been blessed by the
messages since January. Of course, open heavens daily devotional June 2022 is also available, and it
will be a blessing to you too.
Open Heavens Daily Devotional June 2022
June 2022 is a blessed month already for us, in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Amen!.
Different things are happening right now in different places in the world quite alright. However, one
of the blessings we have as sons of God is that we are more than conquerors through our Lord Jesus
Christ. We live and reside in God’s kingdom, and it is so real to us at all time. Now, in this good
kingdom, faith is our integral currency, and we need to keep feeding on this faith to be always aligned
with God’s way of doing things.
There is something I really want you to know and realize as a Christians. You see, our faith demands
that we subscribe to God’s way alone, with its own unique operations. Now, God’s ways are not the
ways of men. Therefore, a human being must give up their own way so as to keep subscribing to
God’s perfect Will per time. This is actually what makes us excel as we walk with God. But you see, the
truth is, these things are not easy to the flesh. Therefore, there is the need to keep helping ourselves
by relying on words from God to keep flaming our faith.
We can feed on the word of God through the Bible. The Bible is God’s Word, and we all know this to
be true indeed. As you are very intentional about feeding on the word of God in scripture, all through
this month and year, and indeed, every time, you will keep seeing yourself growing in faith to the
Lord’s dictates and the operations of the Kingdom. This is something that will sure guarantee you
success in all facet of life, as a son of God in Christ Jesus.
Now, you should know that there are certain spiritual materials out there that the Holy Spirit can
utilize a lot to help you grow in faith, and to ensure you keep subscribing to God’s perfect Will, for
your all round success and victory. One of these is the open heavens devotional. This is a daily
devotional written of God through the hands of His servant, Pastor EA Adeboye, who is the General
Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.
Pastor Adeboye does not need introduction again. Here is a patriarch who God Himself raised, and
who God is using greatly to bless lives. Now, note that Pastor Adeboye has been the General Overseer
of the Redeemed Christian Church of God for many years now. Under him, by the grace of God, the
church has grown pretty greatly in all ways – spiritually and physically. Pastor Adeboye has been a real
blessing to many RCCG members all around the world for many years now. As a father that he is, he
has been used of God to help multitudes know God and serve Him better, thereby ensuring their
success in all important facets of life. This is one of the reasons RCCG members really love this man,
and they don’t joke with him. He is a father of millions, a father to millions.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that Pastor Adeboye has not simply been a blessing to members of
RCCG alone. Indeed, he has been a blessing to the whole world. Truth be told, he has been a blessing
to the Body of Christ in general. Now, one of the channels through which Daddy has been blessing
multitudes is through the Open Heavens Daily Devotional. Of course, the open heavens daily
devotional has not been blessing just RCCG members worldwide, but even people from other
denominations. This is pretty good and sweet, because we are all one in Christ Jesus.
It is good to first say all of these, so that you will know that the Open Heavens devotional can still be a
blessing to you even if you are not a member of RCCG. Already, there are tons of people that God has
been blessing through the hand of Pastor Adeboye, and you too can afford to give this great
attention. So, this month, try to follow good things like this. This month, study the open heavens daily
devotional, and you will be blessed too.
In Conclusion Open Heavens Daily Devotional June 2022
while there are different things available out there that can affect your faith even as a
Christian, please, ensure you keep feeding your faith with God’s words. God still speaks, and He can
indeed speak to you via the open heavens daily devotional June edition 2022. Your faith will keep
growing, and you will keep getting closer to the LORD. Thus, you will see that God will continue to lift
you in all you do, and it shall be well with you. As you rise in life, ensure you keep giving all the glory
to the LORD JESUS alone, and you will keep pleasing the good LORD.