Open Heavens February 2021 Monday February 1
Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. 2 Timothy 2:19

Read: 1 Samuel 2:30
Honour is something you give to a man who has everything else that you can think of giving him.
For instance, when a university says they are giving somebody an honorary degree, It is not because the fellow needs the degree to get a job. In fact, honorary degrees are given to those who have already achieve greatness. Now, if you will not honour a man, that may not be a problem, but when you decide to dishonour him, when you decide to bring him reproach, then you are provoking him. If you will not honour God, it is advisable that you don’t dishonour him either. It is advisable that you stay away from anything that has to do with Him at all, including bearing His name, so that your actions will not lead to a reproach on Him. The sons of Eli refused to honour God; to make matters worse, they brought reproach to Him as they made people reluctant to come to the house of God to worship and sacrifice.
Wherefore the sin of the young men was very great before the LORD: for men abhorred the offering of the LORD.
1 Samuel 2:17
God killed them and their father in one day. If a child with a great father is seen on the news for committing a crime, we say that the child has brought shame and dishonour to his family. If you bear the name of God and you still dabble in sin, you are dishonouring Him. If for example, because of your greed, people say pastors are fraudsters, you are bringing a reproach to the body of Christ. It would be better for you not to even say you are a Christian at all, because when God comes down with His wrath, it would be dangerous. You need to recognise the kind of name you carry when you say you are a Christian. Once you announce that you bear that name, the whole world would start watching you. Run away from anything you will do that would make people say “But you call yourself a child of God”. People you don’t even know are watching.
I was on a flight from London to Nigeria one day. The fellow sitting behind me knew me but pretended not to. At the end of the flight, he tapped me and said “I have been watching you since you came in. I saw the way rejected the wine and your behaviour all through and now I
Know you are a true man of God”. Only God knows how many eyes are watching you, and all they are looking for something that will dishonour your Father
Don’t dishonour Him.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 24
Take My Life, And Let It Be
Does your behaviour in your office, home, school, church or anywhere else bring honour or dishonour
Bible in one year:
Leviticus 4-6
Open Heavens February 2021 Tuesday February 2
Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the
Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of his understanding.
Isaiah 40:28
Isaiah 40:27-29
To be everlasting is to be alive forever. This means that one does not grow old. Our God is ageless. He created time therefore it has no effect on Him.
Psalm 90:4 says:
For a thousand years in thy sight are but a yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.
God cannot be contained or restrained by time. Even when it seems as God may be late in showing you can count on Him to do what He says He will, at the right time. The ‘Everlasting-ness’ of God means we should never be afraid for the future, God is in our tomorrow and when we are long gone; He will still be there. We can trust Him to carry us through our lifetime and even keep our children in His care. You don’t have to worry about your children or grandchildren; the Everlasting God will keep them.
God is reliable because He is everlasting. You know that nobody can kill Him, nobody can dethrone Him and nobody can reduce His power. Once you put something in His hands, you can go to sleep knowing it is secure.
God’s ‘Everlasting-ness’ gives us hope of becoming everlasting as well when we are finally conformed to the image of His dear Son Jesus Christ. We also will Live forever because we have His spirit. we
Christians cannot die; when we close our eyes here on earth, we will open them in everlasting life. There
Is no death or any of its cousins like pain and sickness in heaven.
Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto Himself.
Philippians 3:21
you want to have everlasting life? Then you have live holy. Hebrews 12:14 says without holiness cannot see God. Commit to a life of holiness from today.
Open Heavens February 2021
hymn 19
Praise Him,
Praise Him, Jesus
Our Blessed Redeemer
Action point
Praise God because He is everlasting.
Bible in one year:
Leviticus 7-8
Open Heavens February 2021 Wednesday February 3
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord,
Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Matthew 7:21
Matthew 7:21-23
One Bible passage that amazed me when I first read It is Matthew 7:22-23. It says that there will be so- called believers who would have been healing the sick and casting out demons in the name of Jesus here on earth, but on the last day, Jesus will say to them “Get behind me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you Wouldn’t it be such a disappointment to have done so much for God and then on the last day, when you are supposed to receive your crown, He says “I never knew you” ? Since Jesus cannot lie, you then need to really be sure you have a relationship with Him while here on earth.
You need to check thoroughly if your faith is truly from the heart and not just something that is for show. The fact that you call yourself a believer is not enough,
2 Corinthians 10:18 says
For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.
It is not about what you call yourself; it is about what God calls you. It is possible to be raising the dead and still not be a true believer, because performing miracles is a gift of the Holy Spirit, whereas Jesus said believers are identified by the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is easy to get carried away when you start exhibiting the gifts, but you must pay attention to the fruit if you want to remain a true believer. Check your Life in comparison to the fruit of the Holy Spirit as listed in
Galatians 5:22-24:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
Is your lifestyle in line with this Scripture? If you only read your Bible when you are to preach or teach Bible Study, you are a believer for show. If you can lead a prayer meeting for two hours but cannot pray for thirty minutes in your closet, you are a believer for show. If you only fast when the Church says you should, so that you can also say you participated, yet you don’t declare fasting days for yourself personally, you are a believer for show. If you condemn fornication and adultery publicly, but still indulge immoral thoughts in your heart, you are a believer for show.
Please note: No ‘believer for show will make it to Heaven.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 22
Stand Up, Stand
Up For Jesus
Are you a true believer or just a believer for show?
Bible in one year
Leviticus 9-10
Open Heavens February 2021 Thursday February 4
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.
Isaiah 1:19
Deuteronomy 28:1-13
Many people do not get the benefits God has promised in His word simply because they do not follow the instructions attached to those benefits. My Mathematics background has made it easy to understand this Scriptural principle. In Mathematics, there are always conditions to be fulfilled to solve certain problems. It is the same in the kingdom of God; if you want the blessings, you must first fulfil the conditions.
Today’s memory verse did not just say “if you are willing”, it says you must also be obedient to eat the good of the land. I have been invited to Ministries where the Holy Communion is served in the morning or afternoon and always politely decline from partaking. The Bible says it is the Lord’s Supper, not the Lord’s Breakfast or Lunch. It is very clear; the Communion is to be taken in the evening if you would get the benefits attached.
Some other people also say they have not been getting the benefits of paying tithes as promised in the Bible.
Malachi 3:10 says: “Bring ye ALL the tithes into the storehouse..”
The Scripture says ALL, not some; it also says you are to bring the tithes to His storehouse. If you take it anywhere else or do not bring ALL, you should not expect the benefits meant for faithful tithers.
My Father-in-the Lord once gave this analogy back in the day when the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA was in charge of electricity distribution in Nigeria. He asked “If you find a NEPA pole fallen by the road as you are going to pay your electricity bill, and you decide to use The money meant to settle the bill to fund the repair, would you get a bill waiver at the NEPA office simply because you have used your money to erect their poles? No, you would still be billed because the instruction is clear: you are to pay your bills into a designated account!
Beloved, when you see a blessing in the Bible that you want to claim, check thoroughly for all the conditions attached to it. Fulfill the conditions and then you can enjoy the blessing
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 8
Ho, My Comrades!
See the Signal
Action Point
Make up your mind to always obey God’s commands, if you want his blessings
Bible in one year:
Leviticus 11-13
Open Heavens February 2021 Friday February 5
Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:
1 Peter 1:8
Psalm 16:8-11
Our God is a cheerful God and that is why joy is a fruit of the Spirit.
Psalm 100:4 says when you come into His presence, you are to do so with praise.
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Psalm 100:4
You cannot praise someone with a frown on your face. In other words, when you come to His presence, you are to come cheerfully. This also implies that if you are always cheerfully praising Him, then you would be living constantly in His presence. God loves being around cheerful people. That is why the moment you give your life to Christ and He starts living within you, He will give you joy. A Professor who I had just led to Christ came to me one day and asked “I hope it is not a problem that since I became born again, I have been feeling this joy within me. I don’t even know why, but somehow I have Just been happy. I said “That is not a problem; it is God’s presence within you that is making you joyful”
Do you still feel the same joy that you felt when you became born again if the joy is gone, then you need to check to be sure the salvation is still there. When David lost his salvation, he wrote in Psalm 51:12:
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.
Are you glad whenever it is time to go to Church? Are you excited to be in God’s presence or do you have to be cajoled before you can go to Church? I remember when I got born again and would watch illiterate market women answering questions during Sunday School with Scripture quotations I had never read. I determined that I had to know the word of God. I was always excited to go for Bible Study. Up until now, that excitement has not reduced. When hear someone preaching the word, I listen with rapt attention and even take notes. Do sermons still shake you Are you still excited to learn more from the Bible? Can you, like
David say: was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.
Psalm 122:1
Does the word of God still excite you or are you growing cold?
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 3
Be Glad In The Lord And Rejoice
Prayer point:
Father, don’t let me ever recover from the excitement of being in Your presence, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Bible in one year:
Leviticus 14-15
Open Heavens February 2021
Saturday February 6
Come my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
Isaiah 26:20
Proverbs 22:3-5
Our Bible reading for today tells us clearly there is a time to hide. Exodus 2:1-2 tells us that Moses was born at a time when all male child born to the nation of Israel were to be killed so his mother hid him. if she had not hidden him for those three months he would have been killed and his purpose for coming to earth would have been truncated. There is a time to hide. In Exodus 12:21-23, the Almighty God told the children of Israel that He would be visiting Egypt that night. He asked them to hide in their homes and not come out. Oh yes, the God we serve is the Almignty God, but He Himself says there is a time to hide. In 1 Kings 17:1-3, after Elijah went before Ahab and prophesied that there would be no rain or dew until he called for it, God told him to hide. The word of God says there is a time to hide.
When I was much younger, my father declined an invitation to join a particular political party because the principal of my school belonged to an opposing party and he didn’t want that to cause problems for me. The party members said “On, so it is because of this boy that you won’t join us. Let us see how old the boy will be before he dies”. He came home, told us and I ran. I was in hiding for thirteen years. If I hadn’t fled then, you probably would not be reading from me today. There is a time to hide. There is also a time to come out of hiding. In Exodus 3:1- 12, after Moses had been hiding for forty years from Pharaoh, God came and told him that it was time to come out. In 1 Kings 18:1, the Almighty God said to Elijah “Go, shew thyself unto Ahab”. I want to believe God for any user of this devotional whose star has been hidden up until this moment that from today, your star will begin to shine.
God has a timetable for each individual; you have to be in constant communion with Him to know what season of your life you are in per time (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Jesus worked by God’s timetable for Him. He stayed in hiding for thirty years until it was time to come out. Don’t come out before your time. Some people feel that because they can preach then they should start a Church. Some think that because they can compose songs then it is time to release an album. God has a timetable for you. lf you come out when you should be hiding, your star could be crushed. Stay in constant communion with God so that when He says “Hide”, you hide and when He says “Come out , you come out.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 16
O God Our Help
In Ages Past
Key Point: if
You come out when you should be hiding, your star
Could be crushed
Bible in one year
John 1-3
Open Heavens February 2021
TOPIC: Sunday February 7
But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another for verily say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.
Matthew 10:23
Genesis 27:41-45
If you are to achieve your purpose on earth, there is a time to run. In our Bible reading for today, Jacob had been mightily blessed by his father. His brother Esau however, wanted to kill him. Jacob fled. If he had not fled, all the blessings would have been wasted. In samuel 19:9-12, when David was playing for King Saul who threw a spear at him and missed, David fled. If he hadn’t fled at that time, he might never have become the king of Israel.
There is a time to flee. In Matthew 2:13-15, the Bible tells us that the Almighty God told Joseph to flee with Jesus. You may think “But where were the angels? They should have been around to protect Him.” God said “flee because there is a time to flee. Once in a while, the Almighty God
Himself will tell you “I am your refuge, but for now, I say run
When I was a young Pastor in the RCCG and the Lord began to move mightily in my life, the persecution from Some other pastors of the Church became so much at a point that I had to flee the University of Lagos to the University of llorin where I continued with my lecturing job. I fled Once, a Pastor wrote me a letter full of insults, which read to my Father-in-the-Lord-the then General Superintendent. Rather than discipline the Pastor as I had expected, he asked me to go and plead for the man’s forgiveness, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong. I was shocked and to be honest, it was hard for me to do.
Thank God I obeyed because some time later the Pastor confessed that, having concluded that he was going to hell, he had also resolved to take me along with him. My Father-in-the-Lord had seen that this was not a fight to face, but rather one to flee.
When it is time to flee, flee! When you are dealing with false brethren, it is time to flee. The elders have a saying that if the enemy within cannot kill you, neither can the one without. Samson’s brethren were the ones who presented him bound to the Philistines in Judges 15:9-13.
When the devil could not get him through them, he decided to bring one of his daughters into Samson’s internal circle and thus got him that way. When the devil is determined to bring a fellow down, he will enter into one of the fellow’s brethren like he entered into Judas. Had it not yet been Jesus’ time to be crucified, He would have fled.
Flee false brethren; they are not the ones actually fighting you, it is the devil using them. If at all you engage them, don’t forget: the internal enemy is more dangerous than the external one.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 12
In Christ Alone
prayer point
Father, expose all false brethren around me and help me to flee when it is time to flee in Jesus name
Bible in one year:
John 4-5
Open Heavens February 2021
Monday February 8
Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
2 Timothy 2:22
Genesis 39:7-12
Whatever you know or suspect will annoy God, the Almighty God says that if you rob Him of His tithe, He would curse you. if I were you, I would vehemently avoid a curse from God, because if God curses you himself who would cancel the curse? Don’t spend His tithe! Flee fornication.
Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth
fornication sinneth against his own body.
1 Corinthians 6:18
In the above passage it says clearly that you must flee fornication. God said if the devil comes against you, resist him and he will flee (James 4:7) but when you find someone who wants to lead you into fornication, don’t wait to fight, flee! In Genesis 39:7-15, when the wife of Potiphar tried to get Joseph to commit adultery with her, the Bible says that Joseph fled. You must flee fornication because the Bible says that when someone has been committing sin for long and God says “This fellow has become an abomination; I want to destroy Him, He will arrange for the fellow to commit adultery. Once he commits adultery, he is finished.
The mouth of strange women is a deep pit: he that is abhorred of the LORD shall fall therein.
Proverbs 22:14
Therefore, whenever you are beginning to feel tempted to commit adultery or fornication, you should cry to God and say “Lord, what have I done to become an abomination to you? Please forgive me” then flee whatever was drawing you to sexual immorality in the first place.
The wife of one of my Pastors once reported to me that her husband’s secretary had been cooking and bringing him meals in the office every day. I sent for the man and he confirmed his wife’s report. I said “Go back and sack that secretary”. He did, but then reemployed her two weeks later. When I heard, I told him “You are about to destroy yourself. Before long, the man and his secretary-a married woman went to start their own Church. Soon after, the Secretary chased him out of the Church that they both founded. After that, her husband discovered that two of their sons were the biological children of the so-called Pastor her former boss. In short, Everything started to go down for the man when he refused to flee the source of adultery. It does not matter how hard it is: flee fornication so that you Would not be destroyed.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 7
Have You Been
To Jesus
Key Point
Adultery and fornication are not things to joke win at all. if you have ever done it in the past, cry to God today to Forgive you.
Bible in one year
John 6-8
Open Heavens February 2021
Tuesday February 9
Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.
1 Corinthians 10:14
Deuteronomy 4:23-24
Our God is a jealous God. He hates to share you with any other god. That is why you must flee idolatry. idolatry means worshipping idols.
Anything you regard higher than God is an idol you are doing it consciously or not. This is why you need to check who you are worshipping at every point in time some people, it is their jobs, They dont joke with their jobs at all; even when it clashes with God’s will, their job is priority. Jesus said:
No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Luke 16:13
The moment your source of income has become so important that it takes priority over God, you are serving an idol. Many people purposely leave most of their money at home and take just a little amount to Church because they know that God can ask them to give more than they planned for. When God tells some people to sow a seed that they don’t want to sow, they quickly tell their spouse because they know he or she will disagree, then they go back to God and say “Lord, you see that I wanted to Sow, but my spouse refused. You forget that God can see your heart (Proverbs 16:2). When God told Abraham to sacrifice
Isaac to Him, Abraham could have quickly told Sarah, knowing that Sarah could hide the boy. He however kept mute; he didn’t even say anything to the boy who was to be sacrificed. That is a heart that puts no other thing before God.
God does not want any other position in your heart but number one. The moment something else is competing with Him, He excuses Himself. He said you should either be hot or cold; if you are lukewarm, He will spew you out of His mouth (Revelations 3:16).
l once told a brother that we were going for evangelism on a Monday and would like to use his car. He immediately replied that he needed the car to go to work. I then assured him that all the vehicles we needed were already prepared it was just a test. He couldn’t even take public transportation to work for only one day so that the word of God could be preached to lost souls.
At one point or the other, God will ask you to choose between His will and something or someone you love much. I hope you choose God.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 14
Jesus My Lord,
My God, My All
Is God really number one in your life?
Open Heavens February 2021
Wednesday February 10
The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to
Proverbs 29:15
Read: Proverbs 22:6 Proverbs 29:17
I used to tell my daughter before she got married “When a boy comes to you and starts to say things like “You are the most beautiful thing under heaven, you are the sugar in my tea, I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you, where have you been all these days because as soon as I saw you, my sun began to shine… run!” She asked
Why?”I replied “How do you think I got these lines? I was once your age.
You have been in this world before your children got here.
God brought them through you for a purpose; you should teach them about life before the devil gets to them. When you teach them from home, you have the opportunity to form in them Godly perspectives. If you however wait for their teacher in school or some relative to tell them these things first, it would be hard for you to get them to unlearn any wrong perspective they may have been indoctrinated with.
A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
Proverbs 13:22
The above passage says that if you are good, you will leave an inheritance for your children. Their inheritance does not only have to be material things; you should share your experiences with them too.
In the book of Proverbs, we see King Solomon teaching his Son throughout the book. In Proverbs 1:10-19, he taught his son not to associate with sinners. He taught his son not to give in to their lures to commit sin (v10), he taught him not to do business with them (v14) and he taught him about the dangers of greed (v19). Have you taught your children about the kind of friends they should have and the Kinds they should not have? Have you taught them who they should do business with? Have you taught them about money? Maybe if the children of these days had been taught about the dangers of greed when they were much younger, we would not have so many Internet fraudsters around today. In Proverbs 6, King Solomon taught his son the dangers of fornication and how to avoid strange women have you taught your children the dangers of sexual immorality and how to avoid it? if that child commits fornication or is taken advantage of by an adult because you did not talk to him or her about it, you would have failed in performing your duty as a good parent.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 5
God Give Us
Christian Homes
Key Point:
if you let a child get the wrong perspective from someone else, it would be difficult to change that perspective later on.
Bible in one year
John 11-12
Open Heavens February 2021
Thursday February 11
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31
Matthew 18:23-34
God is great and He has great plans for His children. However, there are many, people who work against the plan of God for their lives.
Romans 8:31 says:
What shall we then say to these things? If
God be for us, who can be against us?
Many people answer the question above by saying “Nobody”, and I always wonder which Bible they are reading, because in my own Bible, the answer was not given. The Bible was silent about the answer. Let us therefore look at it logically. If God be for us, can the devil be against us? Definitely not, because James 4:7 says that if we submit to God, then we can resist the devil and he will flee. If God be for us, Can demons be against us? No way, because Mark 16:17 says we are to cast demons out. If God be for us, can witchdoctors be against us No, because Isaiah 54:17 says no weapon formed against us shall prosper. If God be for us, there is only one fellow who can be against us: ourselves.
Disobedience is the major thing that makes many people work against themselves even when God is for them. Disobedience has destroyed many destinies in the past. God is the master sculptor. When a sculptor wants to make a masterpiece and the wood decides to break off where it shouldn’t, he may then be left with no choice than to toss it into the fire as firewood.
Unfortunately, this is the reality of many people God had destined for greatness. If you refuse to obey God, He will not force you, but your actions may make His original plan not come to pass anymore. This is why you must obey God to the letter at all times, no matter how difficult it may appear. Facing difficulties while obeying God is far better than the anguish of an unfulfilled destiny caused by disobedience to His word.
Beloved, I leave you with this passage:
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
1 Peter 5:6
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 24
Take My Life,
And Let It Be
Key Point:
The cost of indiscipline is far higher than that of discipline.
Bible in one year:
John 13-16
Open Heavens February 2021
Friday February 12
Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death.
2 Samuel 6:23
Read: 2 Samuel 6:16-23
Michal is the only woman recorded in the Bible who never gave birth to a child in her lifetime.
We see the reason in our Bible reading for today.
David had just triumphantly brought in the Ark of the Covenant to Israel and was coming home to bless his household when Michal welcomed him with mockery.
How do you welcome your husband when he gets home from work? Is it with honour or contempt like Michal?
Many years ago when I wasn’t as popular as I am now, a very distinguished person visited Our home while I was away. When I arrived, I greeted him and went into my room to pray. My wife joined me and we prayed together as we normally do. When she came out afterwards, She apologised to the guest for leaving him all by himself but he said “No Ma’am, I have seen such a great example today
Dear wife, your husband deserves far more honour from you than any dignitary anywhere. Always welcome him home like a king who has returned to his palace. The home should be where he refreshes himself before he goes out again to face the world; help him to feel refreshed. Make him always happy to return home, not sad that he has to come and face a nagging wife again. Some men spend long hours at the office, not because they are working but because they want to spend less time at home. Don’t make your home like that.
It is a terrible thing for a wife to mock her husband. The Bible says you are to submit to your husband as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:22). If you mock your husband, you are mocking your own head and if it is not well with the head, it cannot be well with the body. Your husband’s current financial state doesn’t matter, don’t mock him. Even when he makes a mistake, do not mock him. There are certain Blessings that can come to you through your husband, but you keep mocking him, the blessings will not flow from him to you. On that faithful day when David had dance So much for God, the anointing on him must have been Special. He was coming home to bless his family, which included Michal. Her barrenness could have ended that day. However, instead of a blessing, she got a curse.
Your husband is the priest of your home; he is representing God in that home.
It is dangerous to mock a representative of God. Learn from Michal.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 3
Be Glad In The
Lord And Rejoice
Action Point
Make a commitment today that you will always honour your husband.
Bible in one year:
Leviticus 16-18
Open Heavens February 2021
Sunday February 14
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Mathew 18:19
Matthew 18:18-19
1. Father, thank You for my marriage. Please breathe afresh upon my marriage in Jesus name.
2. Today decree that my marriage will fulfill God’s divine purpose in the mighty name of Jesus.
3. Father, please make our home Your abode and never leave us in Jesus’ name.
4. Lord, You said in Your word that if two of us shall agree concerning a thing, You will do it. Please
Lord, whatever my spouse and I agree on, let nothing hinder us from getting it in Jesus’ name.
5. Lord, uproot anything or anyone You have not planted in and around my home in Jesus’ name.
6. Father, silence every strange voice speaking over my spouse and my marriage in Jesus’ name.
7. In the name of Jesus, I separate myself spouse from every generational curse.
8. Father, let Your Light shine in my family so that Your name may be glorified in our lives
9 Father, please let all be well with my family in Jesus’ name.
10. Father, please bless my spouse abundantly in Jesus’ name.
11. Father please let all members of my family reign with You in Your kingdom.
12. Your special prayer request for your marriage.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 5
God Give Us
Christian Homes
Father, I thank You for my marriage. Thank You for my spouse, our family and all that You have been doing in our lives.
Bible in one year
Leviticus 22-23
Open Heavens February 2021
Saturday February 13
For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and
thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.
Isaiah 54:5
Hosea 2:2-5
The relationship between God and man can be likened to that of a husband and his wife. Paul confirms this when he enjoined husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church (Ephesians 5:25). This is why God punishes anyone caught in spiritual adultery. For example, He punished the Israelites in Judges 2:11,13-14:
And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim: … And they forsook the Lord, and served Baal and Ashtaroth. And the anger of the Lord was hot against lsrael, and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them, and he sold them into the hands of their enemies round about, so that they could not any longer stand before their enemies.
Just like a man could be jealous over the relationship of his wife With another man, when we serve other gods besides Him, God becomes very jealous (Exodus 20:5). The spiritual adultery committed by the children of Israel can be likened to the relationship between Hosea and Gomer a professional harlot-turned-wife. The patience of Hosea with Gomer (who was always going back to her whoredom like a dog that goes back to its vomit) also illustrates God’s patience with His people who court the friendship of the world.
1 John 2:15 says:
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
Our love cannot be shared between God and the temporary things of this world. Jesus confirms this in Luke 16:13, where He said: No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Attempting to love God and the world at the same time will lead to rejection and shame (Revelation 3:15-16). Beloved, beware of spiritual adultery, as it would only lead to eternal damnation. Stick to Jesus Christ, the Lover of your soul.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 14
Jesus My Lord,
My God, My All
prayer Point
Father, please forgive me of any spiritual adultery I might have committed against You.
promise to remain faithful to You until the very end.
Bible in one year:
Leviticus 19-21
Open Heavens February 2021
Monday February 15
Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
Matthew 4:7
Numbers 14:22- 30
Many years ago, I visited a zoo in lbadan, Nigeria and I was told the story of a certain prophet who Jumped into the lion’s cage to prove that he had the same power as Daniel. The lions ate him up in spite of the huge cross he carried with him. One major difference between that man and Daniel is that the latter did not jump into the lions’ den to tempt God; he was thrown into it for praying to God. God however, didn’t only save Daniel; He also prospered him and wiped Out his accusers (Daniel 6: 1-26).
Mark 16:18 says:
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover
Does this mean that you should deliberately drink poison No. What God is saying in the passage above is that if someone tries to poison you, the poison will not harm you. It is foolishness to tempt God. This is the trap the devil set before Jesus Christ in Matthew 4:5-7, when he told Him to jump off the pinnacle of the temple, reminding Him that the Bible says God’s angels will not allow His foot to be dashed against a stone. Jesus escaped this trap by quoting Deuteronomy 6:16:
Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God…
Tempting God provokes His wrath and also limits what
He wants to do in the life of His children.
How oft did they provoke him in the wilderness, and grieve him in the desert!
Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.
Psalm 78:40-41
As we see in our Bible reading today, the children of Israel tempted God in the wilderness with their unbelief, murmuring and idolatry. This limited God’s plans for their lives and prevented them from entering the Promised Land with the exception of Caleb and Joshua who had faith in Him. It is indeed foolishness to tempt God.
Are you tempting God?
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 21
Rock Of Ages Cleft For Me
Prayer point:
Lord, please forgive me for every time I have tempted
You and help me never to do it again.
Bible in one year:
Leviticus 24-25