Open Heavens February 2021 Wednesday February 10
Memorise The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to
shame. Proverbs 29:15

Read: Proverbs 22:6 Proverbs 29:17
I used to tell my daughter before she got married “When a boy comes to you and starts to say things like “You are the most beautiful thing under heaven, you are the sugar in my tea, I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you, where have you been all these days because as soon as I saw you, my sun began to shine… run!” She asked
Why?”I replied “How do you think I got these lines? I was once your age.
You have been in this world before your children got here.
God brought them through you for a purpose; you should teach them about life before the devil gets to them. When you teach them from home, you have the opportunity to form in them Godly perspectives. If you however wait for their teacher in school or some relative to tell them these things first, it would be hard for you to get them to unlearn any wrong perspective they may have been indoctrinated with.
A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
Proverbs 13:22
The above passage says that if you are good, you will leave an inheritance for your children. Their inheritance does not only have to be material things; you should share your experiences with them too.
In the book of Proverbs, we see King Solomon teaching his Son throughout the book. In Proverbs 1:10-19, he taught his son not to associate with sinners. He taught his son not to give in to their lures to commit sin (v10), he taught him not to do business with them (v14) and he taught him about the dangers of greed (v19). Have you taught your children about the kind of friends they should have and the Kinds they should not have? Have you taught them who they should do business with? Have you taught them about money? Maybe if the children of these days had been taught about the dangers of greed when they were much younger, we would not have so many Internet fraudsters around today. In Proverbs 6, King Solomon taught his son the dangers of fornication and how to avoid strange women have you taught your children the dangers of sexual immorality and how to avoid it? if that child commits fornication or is taken advantage of by an adult because you did not talk to him or her about it, you would have failed in performing your duty as a good parent.
Open Heavens February 2021
Hymn 5: God Give Us Christian Homes
Key Point: if you let a child get the wrong perspective from someone else, it would be difficult to change that perspective later on.
Bible in one year: John 11-12