Open Heavens In August 2022
As we proceed in this year, you should look back and see if you are were God wants
you be right now. Are you growing and moving in all important ways of life? Are you
stagnant, or just still far behind? I have to say this that the problem with many people
is that they don’t even know what God wants for them. Indeed, they don’t know what
the Lord is even saying right now.

You can however always train your spirit to keep getting more and more familiar with
how God speaks. One of the ways to achieve this is to keep engaging certain good
spiritual materials like the open heavens daily devotional. The open heavens daily
devotional August 2022 is already available, and you can actually start engaging it
when it is time. You have different options too. You can either decide to get the
hardcopy, or access the soft copies online as appropriate.
- Open Heavens Daily Devotional July
- Open Heavens In August 2022
- Open Heavens Daily Devotional June 2022
Open Heavens In August 2022
If you want to live the kind of life that God wants for you this year, then you must live
your life listening to the LORD and obeying Him in all His ways. You can actually
know what the LORD is saying per time, and you will continue to flourish without
stress. But, are you currently listening to the voice of God? As a person, you can hear
different things from different sources and things (actually, there are so many things
vying for your attention).
However, I want you to know certain things. You see, you are an unusual creature.
You are not ordinary. You are that a spirit who has a soul and is clothed with a body
of flesh. And you should know that you are created by God, and you are a child of
God. Therefore, though you can hear and capture different voices and opinions from
different sources, both seen and unseen, be wise and careful. I want you to know that
your progress are greatly influenced by your actions and inactions. Hence, what you
allow get into you matters so greatly.
Don’t focus on things not of God again. There are tons of things currently speaking
and trying to influence your decisions out there. If you follow opinions not of God,
you can only expect what is unpleasant. Why? Because we are created by GOD, and
He only should be our source. Yes, all we do and won’t do should revolve around
what He is saying.
And if you are one of those speaking if God has been speaking, as well as how He
even speaks, let me tell you these things. God is always speaking to us. After all, we
are His children, and He is a very good and responsible Father too. He loves us so
much, and He always wants nothing but the best for us. Since He is aware that He is
the One that can help us flourish truly at all sides, He has been trying to inform us of
the things we must know.
To easily know God and His voice, our human spirit must be regenerated. This is
actually possible through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, you can easily
understand the voice of your Master. Also, when He makes you know something, you
are wise to do it. You have to however make the decision to start ignoring other
voices not of the LORD.
Now, God speaks to us His children via His word. As you engage and study and
meditate on the Bible, you grow in the things of God, and you are able to know what
the LORD is saying and how He speaks. This way, when something else contrary is
speaking, you discern, and ignore them quickly. Contrary voices can come via
different channels. They can come through the media. They can come through peers
and friends. They can come through the government and those in authority. They can
come through different means. However, when you are familiar with how God
speaks, you can always overcome, in Jesus Name.
Also, God can take advantage of certain spiritual materials like the open heavens daily
devotional to speak to you. Yes, He can use such channels to communicate light and
truth to you His beloved son and daughter. God loves us so much, and He is always
eager to make us know things that will help us. So, with good channels and platforms
like the open heavens daily devotional, God can help you know His Perfect Will per
time, and you will be blessed indeed.
God can give you light through a channel like the open heavens daily devotional.
While studying, He can communicate the light and truth that can transform your life
forever. You only have to give yourself to these things, and your life will not be the
same again.
Now, how is that so? It is simply because, the person God is using to write this daily
devotional, in the person of God’s own servant Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, is a
genuine man of God. Pastor Adeboye is indeed of God. He is a lover of the Lord
Jesus Christ, and he is a man of the Spirit. As you should know already, here is a man
that God has been using to bless a whole lot of lives all around the world. With
materials like the open heavens daily devotional, you too can be transformed on
another level entirely.
In conclusion, do you have the open heavens August 2022 edition now? Don’t forget,
God has a whole lot to share with you and to inform you. You can see to it that you
give good attention to what God is saying for the month, and your life will become a
wonder indeed. God bless you in all you do. Just ensure you keep obeying God’s
word. Don’t be a reader alone, but most importantly, a doer. It is well with you in
Jesus Name. amen.