Open Heavens Online
Open Heavens Online – A Daily devotional by Pastor Adeboye General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, read this devotional and have an encounter with Jesus through the word of God, daily open heavens prayer, Hymn and Open Heavens Bible reading in one year.
Wise people believe in the supernatural. Those who are able to partner adequately with God to gain control of the spiritual will be able to bring realities from the spiritual realm into the material world. And so, such persons will continually have an edge in this world, ruling their world and experiencing an open heaven every moment of their lives.

The Bible says:
“In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.” 1 John 3:9
That means, it is possible for a person to keeping going all about the place, breathing, working and all, but isn’t living. It means without Jesus Christ, one won’t know what it means to live up to God’s expectations, won’t fulfil their true potentials, and won’t live their true destiny.
The Open Heaven devotional is one of the gifts of Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye to our world. Pastor Adeboye is not just the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, but can also be regarded as a Pastor of the world.
Indeed, Open Heavens is no longer just a RCCG thing, as there are lots of Christians from other denominations that are always blessed from the messages. There are tons of benefits and blessings that are attached to the open heaven devotional. It is so superb that there is open heavens online, and you can get to read them daily irrespective of where you are in the world.
Several RCCG churches use devotional all over the world. In fact, RCCG in Dundee (in the United Kingdom) is one of the churches that ensured a place for it on their website.
Benefits Of Open Heavens Online
There are lots of superb things God has been doing with the Open Heavens devotional in the lives of His children all over the world. Open Heavens Online – A Daily devotional by Pastor Adeboye General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, daily prayer, Hymn and Bible reading Interestingly, testimonies always trail the open heavens! Yeah, open heavens testimonies abound!
On October 5, a woman was giving a testimony about what God is doing in her life through the devotional, and she made mentioned of the growth in wisdom, knowledge and understanding, not to be ignorant of the devices of the evil around us, through the help of the Holy Spirit. Here is what she said:
“To God be the Glory for Daddy G O! Great things He has done in his life! Thank You Father, God Almighty, His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, Helping on this life journey to grow in wisdom, knowledge, understanding and also not to be ignorant of the evil devices around us. God’s word is True and in Faith, growing spiritually knowing that my Redeemer liveth forevermore!”
On March 9, someone else expressed his gratefulness for the several true and real life experiences that are usually contained in the Open Heavens devotionals, and he was of the opinion that such can teach lessons that will make the life of the reader better, and to get them to heaven.
“Awesome & very inspiring!. This is a must have. Applies to day to day & every aspect of our daily lives. Plenty of true & real live experiences that we can learn from to better ours & make heaven”
Giving her own testimony of the impacts of Open Heavens on May 6, a woman called Christine talked about how the messages recharges her life (and that of her family) every day.
“Open heaven very powerful book me and my family have, we have it like devotion every morning it’s recharging your life every day! Amen”.
It is good when people give testimonies of what God is doing in their lives with the Open heavens devotional. Don’t forget that in one of the devotionals, there is a topic called “THE POWER OF TESTIMONY”. There, the man of God, Pastor Adeboye, quoted Revelations 12:11 as the memory verse:
“And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
According to Pastor Adeboye: “Testimonies are assets in prayers that authenticate the reality of what God will do in your life. The power of testimonies put you above your problems and destroys all lies and deceits of the devil concerning all that the Almighty God has promised you.”
He also highlighted Psalms 119:111:
“Thy testimonies have I taken as an heritage forever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart”
There are lots of benefits we get from feeding ourselves with the Word of God each day. Study and meditate on the Bible, and allow God to also shed more light into your life via the open heavens daily devotional. Scriptures says that: “And have put on the new nature, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.” (Colossians 3:10). Did you see the “in knowledge” part? That is just it. Knowledge of the things of God is crucial for the renewing of your new nature, and you must continue getting more and more.
Don’t forget that you can get it at various platforms, both in hard copy and soft copy. Of course, it is not difficult getting these.
Irrespective of your denomination, it is advisable you read the open heavens daily. Yeah, rccg open heavens is easy to come across. In fact, you should be looking towards rccg open heaven devotional 2020 now, as the year will be one filled with lots of blessings from God to His children. Read open heavens January – December of the year, and be consistent with it.RCCG House Fellowship Leader’s Manual 24 November 2019(Opens in a new browser tab)
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