Ancient of Days, the One who has No Beginning or No Ending, the Lord of Host, the King of Glory, the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the Ending, the One Who was, the One Who is, the One Who is to come, the Almighty.
The God of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), we bless Your Holy Name. Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Thank You for Seventy (70) Years of Your Favour, Thank You for Mighty Things that You have done in our Church, Thank You for what You are doing now, Thank You for forty (40) Years of Convention on this Campground.
Thank You for days of “Small Beginning”, Thank You because we know that You are taking us a Great and Higher Place.
Thank You for all those who are here tonight, Thank You for those who are connected to us all over the world or reading now on the Label of OPENHEAVEN.NET. Accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Tonight, Glorify Your Name, do what You alone can do. Let everybody leave here with a New Testimony this Morning.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
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