BIBLE TEXT: 1 KINGS 21: 27-29
Let Us Pray!

The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Testimonies(Opens in a new browser tab)
I will Praise the Lord
I will Praise the Lord
I will Praise the Lord with my Whole Heart
With my Whole Heart
I will Praise the Lord
Precious People Praise the Lord
I will Love the Lord
I will Love the Lord
I will Love the Lord with my Whole
With my Whole Heart
I will Love the Lord
Precious People Love the Lord
I will Seek the Lord
I will Seek the Lord
I will Seek the Lord with my Whole Heart
With my Whole Heart
I will Seek the Lord
Precious People Seek the Lord
I will Trust the Lord
I will Trust the Lord
I will Trust the Lord with my Whole Heart
With my Whole Heart
I will Trust the Lord
Precious People Trust the Lord
Almighty and Most Merciful Father, The All Sufficient God, The Sovereign One, The One that cannot be Challenged – We Worship You.
Thank You for the Salvation of our Souls, Thank You for Your Word coming to us again and again – Preserving us, Waking us up, Drawing us Closer and Closer to You.
Thank You because we are going to hear from You again today and we know that by Your Grace; the more we hear from You, the more we are Transformed to become more like You.
Father, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Lord today, speak to us again and bring us Closer to even You in Your Great Glory.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Wave your hands to two (2) or three (3) People and said: It is going to be well with you today – Amen. And then you may Please be seated.
As we continue with our Series on Going Higher and move on to Part 76 – “GOING HIGHER – PART 76”.
We want to look at one Strange aspect of our God – The Section of Him that many People don’t Pay too much attention to. As we look at 1 Kings 21: 27-29.
1 Kings 21:27-29:
27. And it came to pass, when Ahab heard those words, that he rent his clothes, and put sackcloth upon his flesh, and fasted, and lay in sackcloth, and went softly.
28. And the Word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying,
29. Seest thou how Ahab humbleth himself before me? Because he humbleth himself before me, I will not bring the evil in his days: but in his son’s days will I bring the evil upon his house.
We want to talk about what happens when God Changes His Mind.
There is a Sayimg: That a Wise Man Changes his Mind at times. It is Only a Fool that never Changes his Mind.
What we call Repentance is actually a Change of Mind – That is the True Meaning of Repentance!
Isaiah 55:7 – The Almighty God says: Let the Wicked Man forsake his Ways, let the Unrighteous Man forsake his thoughts. And then let him return to the Lord and He will Pardoned.
… Let the Wicked repent and God will Change His Mind!
Ahab heard what Elijah said – God ask me to go and tell you the following.
Hey, Ahab said: Oh God, he torn his dress, he began to wear “Sack Clothes”, he began to Fast, he began to walk very humbly before God.
And God says: Ahab! Okay Elijah, because I know you have made up your Mind that this Man is Finished. Have you Noticed something? Because this Man decided to walk humbly before me, at least I will Postponed his Punishment.
Now, we all know that when it comes to the Word of God:
I. Psalms 119:89 says: Forever Oh Lord, thy Word is Settled in Heaven.
In Heaven – Not here on Earth where Somebody may sweep it away!
Here on Earth, I don’t know if you have Noticed it – As Young as I am, I have seen the same Street named after three (3) different People. They call it one name today, tomorrow they Change the name, Next time, they Change the name.
So, if they say that they named a Street after you in this world; they can rob it off tomorrow and put another man’s name there.
That is why when God says that His Words is going to be Settled – It is Settled in Heaven where no Human Being can interfere.
II. Psalms 33: 9-10 says: The reason why the Whole Earth should fear before God is that He spake and it is done.
III. Psalms 33:11 says: The Counsel of the Lord shall Stand.
IV. Numbers 23:19 says: God is not a Man that He should lie, nor the Son of Man that He should repent. Has He spoken, has He not done it? Has He Commanded and will it not Stand firm?
V. Jesus said in Matthew 24:35 that Heaven and Earth shall Pass away, but not even a dot will Pass away from my Word.
VI. And then as if to Crown it all – Psalms 138:2 says: God has Magnified His Words above all His Names.
… That is to tell you how important the Word of God is!
But you must never forget one thing – God is Sovereign!
Psalms 115:3 says: Our God is in the Heavens, He does as He Pleases.
And don’t forget like I said at the Introduction – A Wise Man can Change his Mind. And God is an embroidement of Wisdom.
Daniel 2: 20-22 – He is the One who gives Wisdom to the Wise!
… So, you think that you have Wisdom, you got it from God!
James 1:5 says that if you lack Wisdom, go to God and ask. He is the Only One who can give you Wisdom because He Himself is “Wisdom Personified”.
So, God is trying to tell those of us who are going to “Go Higher”:
I. You must be Wise.
II. You must learn to bend without breaking.
III. You must learn to be Gold and not Iron – Let me explain this!
An Iron is Strong (Very Strong) and that is why it is very Useful – They used it in making Pillars. When we need something that requires Strength, we think of Iron (The Bridge, Pillars et cetera et cetera).
Why? – Because Iron doesn’t bend easily. You tried to bend it too much, it will break – It rather breaks than bend too much.
But Gold – Oh Gold will bend this way, bend that way but it will not break.
Gold is not breaking but it is not as Strong as an Iron and yet it is so Precious!
What makes Gold Precious is that it knows when to bend and how to bend!
This is a Lesson for those of you learning how to “Go Higher”.
Let me give you one (1) or two (2) Examples:
1. 1 Samuel 25: 2-42 – It tells us the Story of a Man called Nabal. He has a lot of flocks. David and his men were Protecting this man’s animals free of Charge in the Wilderness.
Then it was Harvest Time and this man was sharing his Sheep and there is Plenty of food and so on. And then David sent to him – When we have been looking after your flocks free of Charge. Now that there is Plenty, will you send us some flocks?
You know the Story – The man sent back his Servant saying: Who is David? Who is the son of Jesse? Who begged him to look after my Sheep? I’m not going to give any food to that Fellow. Everyone goes about now and they don’t even have Masters.
David said: Is that so? Alright then, we will show him as we have Power to wipe him out. And David got his men ready and they were on the way.
But the wife of Nabal heard what the husband has done and she said Oh God, this man is going to finish our entire family.
Quickly, she got on an Ass and rode to come and meet David with food and everything – She came and bow down before David: Please, don’t do it for your Future sake because you are going to be King. Don’t let this man spoil your CV (Curriculum Vitae).
David said: I Change my Mind.
You know that David ended up marrying that man’s wife – Because when the man heard that David was already on the way to wipe him out, he had an Heart Attack and didn’t recover.
2. In Acts 15: 36-40 – There was this Young Man called John Mark. When Paul was going on his First Missionary Journey; this man was one of those who decided to go along with him.
But when the boy got to the field and saw that things were not so good o; he ran back.
And so when Paul wanted to go on the Second Missionary Journey – Himself and his Partner, The son of Comfort.
The son of Comfort said that we will take John Mark with us but Paul said no way. Not this Fellow who ran from the battlefront.
The Bible says that they argued so fiercely that the two (2) Best friends separated. And Paul had to tell Silas to go on his own. But years Past, Paul matured and he realised that I made a mistake.
In 2 Timothy 4:11; when he was writing to Timothy, he said: Only Luke is with me, send Mark to me as he is Profitable.
You know, the boy John Mark that Paul said bring him back to me, came, was mentored by Paul and he is the one who wrote the Gospel according to Saint Mark.
Learn to be Gold – The God that we serve can Change His Mind. If He can Change His Mind, then what right have you to say that I can’t Change my Mind?
Let us look at instances when God Changes His Mind for Good!
1. Isaiah 38: 1-38 – God sent to Hezekiah. Oh, King, thus said the Lord: Put your house in order, you are going to die.
Hezekiah said: Hey, that from God? The Prophet said Yes.
He (King Hezekiah) turned his face to the wall and bombarded Heaven with Prayers – God, you know how I served you wholeheartedly. I have been a Good Boy. And you know what? I don’t want to ďie yet.
Before the Prophet left the Courtyard of the Palace, God Changed His Mind and sent the same Prophet back – Go and tell him that I have heard his cry, I have seen your tears, I will give you fifteen (15) Extra Years.
I Pray for Someone here listening to me today or reading now on the Label of DMC – Your Appointment with Death shall be Postponed – Amen!
2. Jonah 3: 1-10 – It will be a Good Exercise for you to read the entire Book of Jonah.
There was a town called Nineveh – Oh, that City was “Absolutely Rotten”. And like we have learnt; Anointing is for Warning.
So, God called Jonah – You are my Mouthpiece, I want you to go to Nineveh, tell them that destruction is knocking at the door.
You know the Story – Jonah said: No, not those People. If I warned them, I know You God — You warned them now, you will Change Your Mind. Wipe them out, we don’t need that kind of City in this world. I’m not going to tell them.
I like Jonah – God asked him to go East, he decided to go West. Jumped into a boat and he was going to Tarshish and forgot that the God we served is everywhere.
You know the rest of the Story – God told the Wind to blow and the Sea became rough and Oga (Jonah) was sleeping fine until the Sailors came and wake him up and said: You are sleeping?
He said why won’t I sleep? Don’t you see what is happening?
So, he stood up and said: I know what is happening and why it is happening? Throw me aboard – He will rather die than tell those People.
So, they threw him overboard but he has forgotten that God controls even the Whales. And one Whale swallowed him up and refused to digest him because God says you are just to keep him there and not for food.
He later repented in the belly of the fish and God says he (Jonah) can’t swim, so fish go and vomit him on the Beach.
When he (Jonah) landed on the Beach, God said: Okay, will you now go to where I send you? He said that I will go.
He went to Nineveh and announced what God has said and everyone in the City repented – Including “Sucking Children” and animals.
And God said: Alright, I Change my Mind.
Jonah was angry – I know that is what you will do. God says that is your own headache now.
3. John 2: 1-12 – In the Wedding in Cana of Galilee, they ran out of Wine. The mother of Jesus Christ came to Jesus Christ and say: They lack Wine. And Jesus Christ said that my Time has not yet come.
That is a Plain Language – Yes, I realised that you are my Mum, I realised that I was brought into this world to be a “Miracle Worker” but everything has its own Time.
But you know the rest of the Story – In less than one (1) hour, He Changed His Mind and brought the Future into the Present.
I Pray for Someone today – That whatever God has for you that you have to wait for Years to get from Him, the Almighty will bring it to today – Amen!
4. Matthew 15: 21-28 – There was the case of a woman – A Samaritan, who was not of the Tribe of Israel. And she came to Jesus Christ – My daughter is grievously vexed of the devil, have Mercy on me.
Jesus Christ ignored her and when finally Jesus Christ wanted to answer her, He said that I’m not sent but to the house of Israel. You are not included in my Plan.
The woman kept on begging – Jesus Christ called her a dog, you can’t have a Miracle. The woman kept on begging.
And God did something – He brought Salvation to her years ahead of Time. The time for the Gentiles did not come until in Acts Chapter 10. Long time after the Lord Jesus Christ had died and resurrected.
But this woman was able to get God to Change His Mind, Specifically for her Purpose.of
It is my Prayer today or as you read now on the Label DMC that you will Pray in such a way that the Almighty God will Change His Mind against any evil that might be destined for you – Amen!
That all the Prayers that we have been Praying all these Years that has not been answered will be answered today – Amen!
But then, there are occasions when God could Change His Mind for “Not Good” a result.
1. 1 Samuel 2:30 – God said; told Eli, I’m the one who said that you and your father’s room house will Stand before me forever but now I say be it far from me because only those who honour me will I honour and those who despise me will I lightly esteemed.
A family of Priest, God now said that everybody in that family will now beg before they can eat.
2. In 1 Samuel 13: 7-14 – There is a King called King Saul. The Man of God told him that wait for me I will be back in seven (7) days time.
King Saul couldn’t wait, he thought that God was too slow, he thought that God should have arrived by now; and so he decided to do the work of a Priest whereas he was a King.
The Bible said that as soon as he finished Sacrificing, Samuel arrived and said to him – Your family is supposed to be the family of Kings in Israel forever but God now say no more.
Those of us who wants to “Go Higher” in the Lord; we need to understand Him fully – He can Change His Mind!
When He is Changing His Mind concerning you; may it be for Good – Amen!
If it is already over with you; my Prayer is that even if God is going to Change His Mind, it will be to move you from Glory to Glory – Amen!
If things are hard for you now, I Pray that even before this Day is over; God will Change His Mind for Good for you – Amen!
The Conclusion is found in Ezekiel 33: 13-19:
I. God said: If I say to the Righteous – Righteous Man, you are going to live. And then the Righteous Man said: Now, God has already Prophesised Good concerning me and began to gamble into sin. He said that he will die.
II. He said that: If I say to the Wicked Man – Wicked Man, you are going to die and the Wicked Man said that I Change my Mind, I Change my Way. God says then I will Change my Mind too and you will live.
1. Backsliders, I hope that you are listening or reading now on the Label of DMC – You have been Born Again, you are on your way to Heaven and now you began to live like the child of the devil – You are heading for Hell.
2. And those of you who are not yet Children of God and without any doubt, you are heading to Hell. But if you will Change your Mind today and cling to Jesus Christ – You will miss Hell, you will live and make it to Heaven.
The Choice is yours!
If you choose to be on the Side of the Lord, whatever evil in your Destiny shall be removed.
So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ – You want Him to save you, you want Him to rearrange your Destiny from evil to God.
Please, bow your Head now and cry to Him that: Lord, Please save my Soul, whatever evil that is in my Future, Please Change it to Good. I repent and I will serve You for the rest of my Life.
Go ahead, Pray that Prayer and I will join you now by Praying for your Salvation.
Thank You Almighty God. In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You once again for Your Words.
I want to Thank You because You are Sovereign – You can do whatever You like in the course of Heaven.
For these People who has decided to surrender their lives today; Please Lord on their behalf: Change Your Mind and rather than sending them to Hell, let them become Partakers of Heaven.
Let Your Blood wash away their sins, save their Souls, give them a New Soul. Move them from being a Child of the devil to being a Child of God.
Receive them into the Family of God. And from now on, anytime they cry to You, Please answer them by Fire.
And every Backsliders Lord – Those who are on their way to Heaven before but now on their way to Hell; Please Father bring them back to Yourself.
And concerning all Your Children who are Living Holy, doing Your Will; my Father and my I Pray that You just move us from Glory to Glory.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
Now, I rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ today. I can assure you that every evil concerning you now is Cancelled – Amen!
Please, contact me so that I can continue to Pray for you.
And contact the Pastor of the nearest The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you – Tell them that I sent you and they will tell you what to do Next.
God Bless You – Amen!!!