BIBLE TEXT: 1 KINGS 20: 26-29
Let Us Pray!
There is None Holy as the Lord
As the Lord
There is None beside thee
Beside thee
Neither is there is any Rock like our God
There is None Holy as the Lord

Our Father and our God, we Worship You because there is None as Holy as our God.
Thank You because Your Holiness guarantees Your Faithfulness, they guarantees that all Your Promises are Yea and Amen; they guarantees that by Your Grace over us our tomorrow will be alright. Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
Lord, even as Your Children gather again to Worship You; we Pray thar You sent forth Your Words and Your Words will bring us Healings and bring Deliverance to the Oppressed.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
I think you may want to wave at one (1) or two (2) People near you and say: God Day. God Bless You. And then you may Please be seated.
As we continue with our Series and we go on to: “GOING HIGHER – PART 71. And we will be looking at 1 Kings 20: 26-29:
26. And it came to pass at the return of the year, that Benhadad numbered the Syrians, and went up to Aphek, to fight against Israel.
27. And the children of Israel were numbered, and were all Present, and went against them: and the children of Israel Pitched before them like two little flocks of kids; but the Syrians filled the Country.
28. And there came a Man of God, and spake unto the king of Israel, and said, Thus saith the LORD, Because the Syrians have said, The LORD is God of the Hills, but he is not God of the Valleys, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude into thine hand, and ye shall know that I am the LORD.
29. And they Pitched one over against the other seven days. And so it was, that in the seventh day the battle was joined: and the children of Israel slew of the Syrians an hundred thousand footmen in one day.
1 King Chapter 20 is an extremely beautiful Piece of Scriptures.
Yes, the name of Elijah was not mentioned here but we can’t just allow this Particular Chapter go untouched!
The Story tells us about the war between the King of Syria and the King of Israel. They fought earlier before and the children of Israel defeated the children of Syria. And then the Adviser of the King of Syria said to him: Sir, the reason we lost the battle is because we fought this People on a Mountaintop – Their God(s) are God of the Mountain and not God of the Valley. So, the next time that we will fight them, let us fight them in the Valley and we will defeat them.
And God heard them and sent a Man of God (One of the seven thousand (7,000) that God has Preserved) to go and tell the King of Israel – These People said that: “I am a God of the Hill and I am not a God of the Valley”; I will show them. We will fight them in the Valley and I will hand over their entire Army to you.
The Bible described for us Graphically, the kind of Opposition that came against the children of Israel – It says that when the entire Israelites Army were gathered together, they were like two little flocks of kids but the Syrians filled the Land.
And yet when the battle was joined, the children of Israel slew the Syrians an hundred thousand footmen in one day.
So, what we want to discuss briefly today is that: Our God is the God of the Hills as well as the God of the Valleys!
1. We know already that God is Consistent:
Malachi 3:6 says: I am the Lord, I Change Not – That is what the Almighty God said!
Hebrews 13:8 says: Jesus Christ the same Yesterday, and Today and Forever.
Revelation 1:8; it says: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the One who was, the One who is and the One who is to come, the Almighty!
A. We know that the Past, the Present, the Future; they all meet in our God.
B. We know that He does not Change.
C. We know that whatever He has done before, He can do it again.
For Example:
I. We know that He can make a Way where there is no Way.
Because in Exodus 14: 21-28; He made a Way in the Red Sea. Where there had been no Way before, He made a Way.
And then, when we get to Joshua 3: 15-17; He made a Way in River Jordan – Paved River Jordan into two (2).
And then He repeated the same feat again in 2 Kings 2: 6-8 – Again He opened Jordan for Elijah and Elisha to Pass through.
And in the same day, He repeated the same Miracle in 2 Kings 2: 13-14 – This time, He opened the Jordan to Elisha alone because Elijah had been taken up to Heaven.
2. We know that God is Constant Time-Wise – That whatever He has done before, He can do it again!
And I’m Praying for everyone of you trusting God for an Opening; God will make a Way for you – Amen!
I. In 2 Kings 4: 42-44; the Bible tells us that Somebody brought a little bit of food to Elisha and he told his Servant to Present the food to his People so that they could eat. And the Servant said to him: Sir, this little food for a hundred People?
And the Man of God said: Give it to them – They will eat, they will be Full and there will be leftovers. And that is exactly what happened. That was in the Old Testament.
II. In the New Testament in John 6: 5-13; we found out that with five (5) loaves of Bread and two (2) Fishes; the same Almighty God repeated that same Miracle. He Multiplied the Bread, Multiplied the Fish and thousands ate and they still have twelve (12) Baskets leftover.
He is the same Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!
He can turn something “Little” to something “Big”. He can Provide Miraculously as He has done it before and He can do it again!
And for those of us facing Scarcity right now; I’m decreeing in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ that your “Little” will soon become “More Than Enough” – Amen!
But more importantly is that: He is not only Constant in Time, He is Constant in Space – He is Constant on the Mountaintop and He is Constant on the Valley. The same God on the Mountaintop is the same God on the Valley below!
So, it doesn’t matter where you are; “God is Constant”.
In Genesis 39: 1-6; the Bible tells us that in Portiphar’s House — And Potiphar was a Great Man and a Great Officer of Pharaoh!
I. So, I can imagined that his house was a Mansion – God was there with Joseph.
II. When Joseph was Prospering and he was heading the entire Establishment of Potiphar – It was God.
III. When Joseph landed in Prison, in Genesis 39: 21-23 in Prison – God was still with Joseph.
He is the God of the Hill – When everything is going fine; He is God in the Valley – When things are not “So Beautuful”.
A. On Mount Carmel in 1 Kings 18: 36-46; God was God:
I. When Elijah Prayed and Fire fell.
II. When Elijah Prayed and rain fell.
III. When Elijah ran a race and he outrun the Chariots of the King – It was God!
IV. When he got to the Valley below in Jezreel in 1 Kings 19: 1-8; God was still there.
VI. When the enemies was roaring, saying that by tomorrow you will be dead.
VII. When Elijah was so Low that he was considering Suicide, God was still there ready to feed him, ready to encourage him, ready to get him going again.
It doesn’t matter where you are now: Are you on the Mountaintop? Are you Praying and God is answering by Fire? Are you getting results as soon as you make Request?
Don’t forget that if you ever find yourself in a Low Situation; when it doesn’t appear as if God is near; when the enemies seems to be the one who is calling the shots – Just remember that the God of the Mountain is the same God in the Valley!
In Matthew 17: 1-9; on the Mountain of Transfiguration when the Almighty God was transformed before Peter, James and John and His Glory was dazzling, everything was so beautiful that Peter said: Oh, I wish that we just stay here.
When they got down to the Valley below in the same Matthew 17: 14-18, and they found that the other Disciples left behind were Struggling with a demon trying to cast him out and nothing was happening! God still showed up.
Many atimes when we come to a Convention or to a Congress, and everybody is around and Miracles were happening and we are hearing beautiful Testimonies – Oh, we feel High.
When the Convention is over, the Congress is gone and we are back home; occasionally we find ourselves facing some Problems and we begin to wonder – Is the God on the Mountain same as the God in the Valley.
I believed that God is asking me to ascertain to you today that: The God on the Mountain is the same God on the Valley!
I want you to know that wherever you are – When the Glory is Shinning and everything is beautiful and you are shouting Hallelujah and you are Praising God. If at any time, you find yourself in a situation completely different from the one you knew before – The God of the Mountain is the God of the Valley!
The Influence of the Most High God links the Hill Top and the Valley below. It controls every situation and it is everywhere at all times!
In Exodus 17: 8-13 – You know the Story very well.
When the Amelekites came to attack the children of Israel and Moses went to the Mountaintop, took Aaron and Hur with him and Joshua was in the Valley below fighting.
You know the Story – As long as Moses was raising his hands to the God of the Heavens, Victory was being wrought downstairs.
When you have a battle to fight, when it looks as if you don’t even know how you can ever overcome; it may be a Good Idea to go to the Hill Top and cry to the God of the Hills and He will give you results in the Valley below!
The Bible tells us that He is seated in the Heavens and from there He is controlling the Earth!
Isaiah 66:1 says: Heaven is my Throne, the Earth is my footstool.
That tells you that the God we are serving is “So Big” that while He may be seated in Heaven, His Legs were firmly Planted on the Earth. And from where He is in Heaven, He is controlling whatever is going on here on Earth.
Remember Philippians 2: 9-11; assures us that at the Name of Jesus Christ, every knees should bow; not only in Heaven but right here on Earth.
Oh Yes, Jesus Christ is seated in the Heavenly Places according to Ephesians 1: 17-23 – He is seated in the Heavens but He is controlling what is going on here.
As a matter of fact, when He says that at His Name, all knees should bow; it is not so much about those who are in Heaven – Nobody disobeys Him in Heaven. The devil has been driven out. What He is getting you to understand is that: Every knees here on Earth must bow to the One who is seated in the Heavenly Places. And His influence is all-encompassing from Heaven, to the Earth and even to underneath the Earth.
As you are “Going Higher” in the Lord, you need to get one thing absolutely right – Between every Hills, there is usually a Valley. And to go from one Hill Top to another, you may need to Pass through a Valley.
Elijah was on Mount Carmel in 1 Kings Chapter 18 and then in 1 Kings Chapter 19: 1-8; he was in Jezreel in the Valley below.
But by the time you read 1 Kings 19: 8-18; he was again on another Mountain – The Mountain of Horeb called the Mountain of God.
On Mountain Carmel, he was there to demonstrate the Power of God; in Jezreel, he came face to face with the Representative of the devil.
By the end of the Story, he was on Mount Horeb – The Very Mountain of God Himself.
You must Note that as you Pass through this Journey, on your Way to Heaven; there will be times on the Mountain, there could be times in the Valley but the same God who was with you on that Mountain. He will be with you in the Valley and then take you even to a Higher Mountain still.
You know very well that in Matthew 16: 13-19; Jesus Christ said to Peter when He made that Great Statement – He said: Ha, you are blessed. Flesh and Blood has not revealed this to you. You are well done, you are in Contact with God.
But then, you know that it wasn’t long after that one that Peter had to go out and weep bitterly when he found himself in a Great Valley – Matthew 26: 69-75.
But it wasn’t too long after that Peter was Preaching a Single Sermon that won three thousand (3,000) Souls on the Day of Pentecost.
I am here to encourage you today wherever you are or reading now on the Label of DMC – God is there!
If you are going through a “Night Season”; just remember that weeping may endure for the Night; but Joy comes in the Morning – The God of the Mountain is also the God of the Valley!
Before we Pray, if you don’t have God by your side – Whether you are on the Mountain or you are in the Valley; you are on your own. And it can be a very terrible thing to be on your own, Particularly when you feel you are on the Mountaintop, when you think that you are in Control of every situations because after the Mountain, the Valley will come.
And if God is not on your Side on the Mountain, He won’t be on your Side in the Valley.
That is why you must surrender your Life to Jesus Christ; that is why you must invite Him into your Life so that whether on the Mountain or the Valley; you will have a Companion.
So, if you will love to surrender your Life to Jesus Christ, I will love to Pray with you now. If you will bow your Head and call on Him and say: Please, come into my Life. From now on, whether on the Mountaintop or in the Valley below, I want to be sure that you are with me.
If you want to Pray that Prayer – Calling on Him for Salvation; Please bow your Head wherever you may be and I will Pray with you for the Salvation of your Soul.
Please, do so now – Call on Him and say: Lord, Please come into my Life, take over from now so that for the rest of my Life, I will have the Assurance that You are with me.
Call on Him now and I will Pray with you at this moment.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
My Father and my God, I want to Thank You for Your Words and I want to Thank You for all the People who has decided that they want You now in their lives, that they are surrendering completely to You.
Father, Please receive them, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, receive them into the Family of God and Please Father be with them for the rest of their lives so that whether they are on the Mountaintop or in the Valley below; You will always be there.
Thank You my Father and my God.
And I’m Praying for Your Children – Those who are rejoicing now; Please let them know that if anything should go wrong, You are still there for them.
And if they are in trouble right now, my Father and my God; Please show up too so that you can move them into a Higher Mountain.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen!
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
I want to rejoice with those of you who has given your Life to Jesus Christ. I want you to Please Contact me as soon as Possible and I Promise you that I will be Praying for you.
Please Conract the nearest The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) to you – Tell the Pastor that you have just given your Life to Jesus Christ and He will tell you what to do next.
God Bless You! Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!!!