1. Thank You so much Lord for Preserving me this far in Year 2022.
– I am grateful for all the times You Healed me, Provided for me, and Protected me this Year.
2. Father, Please don’t let anything stop me from seeing Year 2023.
– Let me see the New Year in Joy, in Jesus’ Name.
3. Father, Please disappoint every enemy that has determined that I will not reach my Goal in 2023, in Jesus’ Name.
4. Father, Please don’t let any bad habit cross into Year 2023 with me, in Jesus’ Name.
– Whatever would hinder me from moving forward in 2023, I will leave behind in this Year, in Jesus’ Name.
5. Father, Year 2023 will be far better than 2022 for me in Jesus’ Name.
– I will experience Numerous Breakthroughs in the New Year, in Jesus’ Name.
6. Father, Please go ahead of me to make every crooked Path in 2023 Straight;
– And help me escape every trap of the enemy in the New Year, in Jesus’ Name.
7. Father, I ask for Greater Grace to live Holy and serve You better in Year 2023 than I did this Year in Jesus’ Name.
8. In 2023 Lord, Please bless the works of my hands and let me flourish in Jesus’ Name.
– Let all that I lay my hands on Prosper in the New Year, in Jesus’ Name.
9. Father, every Good Thing You started in my Life in 2022, Perfect it in 2023 in Jesus’ Name.
– Don’t let me have any Unfinished Projects in my Life, in Jesus’ Name.
10. I speak Blessings, Greatness, Prosperity, Promotion and Celebration into 2023 for myself (mention your full name) in Jesus’ Name.
– (Mention your full name) – you will Prosper in 2023.
– You will be first amongst your Peers in 2023.
– 2023 is your Year of Great Exploits, in Jesus’ Name.
11. Father, all the Prayers I will Pray in 2023, Please answer them Speedily in Jesus’ Name.
– Please hear me every time I call on You in the New Year, in Jesus’ Name.
12. Your Personal Prayer Requests for the Year 2023.