1. Thank you Daddy!
… God asked me to tell you a Story. Quite an interesting Story:
When I was a Teacher at Oke Igbo Ifetedo Grammar School, that is in Ondo State Nigeria; I was the Games Master. So I took our Boys to Akure for the Games. There I met a man (another Games Master). And as we normally we would do, we were boasting before the Match: “My Team will defeat yours. It is with a basket that we will carry home your own goals, et cetera, et cetera.”
Anyway, we just met briefly and then we Parted after the Game.
Years Passed, when I came to the University of Lagos to do my Masters. I was almost finishing when one day I saw this man. “Hello, how are you? Et cetera, et cetera. Where are you now?” He said “I am working with the Federal Ministry of Education.”
I said “You People!” He said “what’s wrong with us?” I said “I applied to you for a Scholarship and you didn’t even invite me for Interview. Even if you are not going to give me. At least you could have invited me.” He said “you applied?” I said “Yes.” He said “what Course are you doing?” I said “you know I am doing Mathematics.”
He said “Ha, we are looking for Somebody in Mathematics to give a Scholarship to. We don’t know what happened to your Application.” I said, is that so? You want me to re-apply?” He said no, wait. Few days later, I got a Letter from the Federal Ministry of Education giving me Scholarship and backdating it to the very first time I applied.
The Lord asked me to tell you that Story – He said “I have Repositioned Someone who will help you” (Amen).
2. Thank you Father!
… I know this is going to be a very Special Night in the beginning of a Special Year (2024):
The Lord wants me to tell you another Story.
Some People say “I tell Stories.” It because I have seen a bit. I have been around for more than eighty (80) years.
Way back in 1962, there is a Place called College of Agriculture in Akure (I believe it is still there).
In those days, Young People will go there, Study for two (2) years, you will become ‘an Agric Officer’. And when you Graduate, they will give you a Motorcycle.
The name of the motorcycle then was ‘Triumph’. When you see a young man (some of the older men will remember) sitting on ‘Triumph’ and then the ‘vuum, vuum’, no girl could resist him because the girl will want to sit at the back of a man riding ‘Triumph’.
So the Local Government that I belonged to then – Ile-Oluji/Okeigbo Local Government Council, decided that they wanted to give Scholarship for Someone to go the ‘College of Agric.’ And two (2) of us applied: One fellow from Ile-Oluji and myself from Oke Igbo. We had Interview and the Interview was very Simple. But in any case, they wanted to choose one man and they chose the other man. I was sad!
Three (3) years Passed and I met that man that we struggled together (the one who won). Of course by now, he was riding his ‘Triumph’ and I was in my Final Year in the University. When I told him that I was in my Final Year in the University, he said “Oh God! I thought I was a Winner: I didn’t know I was a Loser.”
Daddy asked me to tell you the Story. And He said, the fellow concerned will understand. He said “last year (2023) you lost a River, this year, I will give you an Ocean.” (Amen).
3. Thank You Father!
This is a heavy one.
The Lord says there is Somebody here tonight, or reading now on the Label of who is afraid of Promotion – Because you know what the enemies did to destroy your former Boss.
But Daddy asked me to tell you, “I will Promote you and Protect you” – Amen.
4. Thank You Father!
The Lord asked me to tell you yet another Story – You have heard the Story before.
Forty (40) years ago now or so, I went to visit our Church in Ilorin (Kwara State Nigeria).
When I was about to leave, the Midwives came to me and said Sir, we have a Problem, we have a case: A woman came to deliver and told us that she has a Covenant that the Day of Delivery will be the Day she will die. We said, if that is the case then why did you come to our Maternity Center? She said, “well, I have Changed my Mind.”
In any case, we Prayed and I left – I left on Wednesday, on Saturday, I was of Course back in Lagos and the Brethren came from Ilorin to say, “Sir, the woman you Prayed for, shortly after you left gave birth to a baby. But we discovered there’s yet another baby in the womb and we have been Praying since then, the second baby has not come.”
By now it was Saturday – I’m telling you the truth, my Stomach trembled. I had to put up a bold face – “Is that why you came all the way from Ilorin? Don’t you know that the same God in Lagos is the same God in Ilorin?” Go back my Beloved People, before you get home the second baby would have come.”
I gave them a bottle of Coke or so each and sent them back.
As soon as they left, I ran to my Prayer Room. I fell on my face before God and said: Oh God, this is the Day of Trouble. You asked me to call on you in the Day of Trouble, help me now.
God spoke and said, “Ha, ha! you mean you didn’t believe what you said?” I said I believed but I sent them away so that I can come and discuss the issue with You.
… God have Mercy on General Overseers – Amen!
God said, “Okay, if you believe then go and eat.” “Ha! No oo today is Saturday, Lord you know I am Fasting for tomorrow’s Service.” God said, go and eat if you believe.
Well, I ate. Like I have always told those of you who heard the Story before: Whether the food went through my mouth or through my nose, I can’t recall.
But before they got home, the woman had delivered not just another baby but two (2) more – Hallelujah!
The Lord asked me to tell you that Story because He said there’s Someone here inclusive those reading now on this blog, who is crying to him for two (2) Special Miracles. He says, “I will give you three (3) – Amen.
The Great Mouth of the One who taking you to the Top of the Mountain is Declaring His Spoken Words to you “FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOP” and He will Speedily fulfill His Words in our lives!
The RCCG (Redeemed Christian Church of God) Holy Ghost Service is a special event within the RCCG community that occurs once a month. It’s a night of intense worship, prayer, and teaching, aimed at fostering spiritual revival and growth among believers.
These services often take place on the first Friday of every month at the Redemption Camp in Lagos, Nigeria, and are also streamed globally, allowing RCCG members worldwide to participate.
The Holy Ghost Service typically features passionate worship sessions led by renowned gospel artists, fervent prayers, and a sermon delivered by the General Overseer of RCCG or other anointed ministers. The atmosphere is charged with a sense of spiritual fervor, drawing thousands of worshippers seeking divine encounters, healing, deliverance, and empowerment from the Holy Spirit.
Each Holy Ghost Service often has a specific theme or focus, addressing various spiritual aspects or needs of the attendees. The teachings and messages delivered during these services aim to inspire faith, encourage righteousness, and empower believers to live a victorious Christian life.
The RCCG Holy Ghost Service is not just a religious event; it’s a spiritual movement that seeks to bring believers closer to God, create a platform for deeper intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and equip them for impactful Christian living. These gatherings serve as a unifying force for the RCCG community, fostering a sense of fellowship and shared spiritual experiences among believers worldwide.