

September 11, 2022

Unit 3: IT’S TIME


Study 2: Time To Depend On God
Text: Esther 4:1-5:8
*Key Verse: Esther 4:14 …who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (KJV)*
Many teens passionately pursue such things as acceptance, achievement, and peer relationships. But today’s study will challenge them to pursue something even great: God’s purposes, including a more intimate relationship with Christ. Through your teachings and example, you can inspire your students to trust God in dealing with difficult circumstances in life.
As you prepare for this week’s study, spend some time waiting on God yourself. Ask the Lord to prepare your students’ hearts and intensify their openness toward and hunger for Him. Mention each student by name, and pray for any physical, spiritual, and emotional needs you are aware of, asking God to intervene. Then pray for any problem you may be facing, and ask God to empower you with His Spirit as you present this week’s study.
As you encourage students to trust and seek God, let them know you’ve been going to Him on their behalf, asking that He cause them to excel in all good things, spiritually and otherwise. It will help them know you care about their needs. It will also help them realize that seeking God is more than a Sunday school topic; it’s an important part of the Christian lifestyle.
*>>The Basic Message:* Explain to students…
When we trust God and pursue His direction, He will provide the strength and guidance we need.
Trying to solve problems on our own leads to fear, frustration, and failure.
Seek God’s solution for any problem you may be facing and have faith in His ability to help.
*>>Activity Option:* Have the class discuss the following questions:
• What are some things you were afraid of as a child that no longer frighten you? [Hint: Answers might include such things as imagined monsters under the bed, loud noises, and the doctor’s office.]
• Why do you no longer fear these things? [Guide: Point out that as we grow, we come to understand that many childhood fears are
unfounded. Talk about now our perspective influences our fears.
• What are some things you’re afraid of now? How can trusting and communicating with God help calm your fears? [Guide: Encourage students to examine situations from an eternal perspective. Explain that it’s natural to fear things we’re uncertain about. But as we draw closer to God and get to know Him better, we’ll begin to see things from His perspective. As we become more aware of His presence and provision, we’ll better understand that we can trust Him to help us today and guide us in the future.]
*>>Study Overview:* Explain that today’s study considers..
• How Esther, Mordecai, and other Jewish people relied on God for a solution to a serious crisis.
• How the story of Esther demonstrates God’s faithfulness and provision for His people.
• How we can begin seeking God and following His plans with renewed faith and fresh excitement.
*>>Inform and Discuss*
*a. We can depend on God when we’re in distress.*
Read or have a volunteer read and summarize Esther 4:1-3. [Hint: Mordecai responds to the king’s order by tearing his clothes, putting on sackcloth, sprinkling himself with ashes, and wailing loudly. Other Jewish people react in a similar manner. Many immediately begin fasting as they look to God for help. Though these actions may seem strange to us, they were typical of signs of mourning and distress in Old Testament times. A modern comparison might be the custom of wearing black for funerals.]
1. Why do you think Mordecai stood outside the king’s gate? [Hint: It’s possible that Mordecai stood as close as he could in hopes of getting Esther’s attention. No one in sackcloth was allowed to enter the king’s courtyard – Esth 4:2.]
2. How does the king’s treatment of those who mourn compare to God’s? [Hint: The king’s rule was apparently to keep mourners out of sight, but God welcomes us just as we are sad, afraid, bewildered, distressed, or joyful. Jesus Himself promises to comfort those who mourn- Matt 5:4.]
*b. We can depend on God when in a hopeless situation.*
Read or have a volunteer read Esth 4:4-17. Mordecai saw Esther’s unique position as God’s way of preserving the Jews. Both Mordecai and Esther knew that the penalty for appearing before the king uninvited was death unless a royal pardon. But on account of the danger the Jews faced, Esther took the risk and did that which was thought impossible, after she and other Jews had fasted for three days.
1. Read or have a volunteer read Esther 4:4-17. Why do you think Esther wanted to fast for three days before going to the king? [Hint: Fasting – in Old and New Testaments – is typically accompanied by prayer (Ezra 8:23; Neh 1:4; Acts 13:3). In biblical terms, one of the main purposes for calling a fast is to set aside time for and give more attention to prayer. Esther, Mordecai, and the other Jews understood that God was their only Hope.]
2. Discuss how the following spiritual disciplines can help us to “seek God” and truly depend on Him: prayer, fasting, worship, Bible study, church fellowship and discipleship.
3. How do these spiritual disciplines work together to do the following: i. Draw us closer to God, helping us develop a deeper relationship with Him. ii. Renew our minds or change our way of thinking. ii. Make us more like Christ.
*>>Note:* No one can keep us from talking to God – Heb 4:16. Believers must take advantage of the opportunity available through Christ to secure and develop personal relationship with God.
*c. When we depend on God, we can have confidence.*
1. What are some situations in which doing the right thing might seem frightening or intimidating? [Hint: Answers might include sharing Christ with someone who is opposed to the gospel, standing up for Christian
principles when others. in the group are willing to compromise, and obeying God when He asks you to do something you’ve never done before.]
2. What emotions do you think Esther was feeling as she prepared to approach the king? Would you have been afraid? Why or why not [Hint: She was probably afraid.]
3. How can we keep fear from hindering our work for God? [Guide:Everyone is afraid at times, but we should choose to do right regardless of our feelings or emotions. Remind students that spending time in God’s presence will give them the confidence they need to serve Him in every situation.]
4. Read or have a volunteer read and summarize Esth 5:1-8. How can we see God at work in this passage of Scripture? [Hint: When Xerxes raised his sceptre, Esther almost realized God had responded to the plight of His people and was working on their behalf. We shouldn’t separate the king’s mercy from divine will.]
*>>lnvolve Them:* Divide the students into pairs or small groups and have them discuss how they would complete each of the following statements:
• If I could ask God one thing, it would be…
• My biggest spiritual struggle is…
• My relationship with God would be better if I..
• A situation I really need God’s help is…
*>>Guide:* Encourage them to consider how they would benefit from seeking and depending on God more. Have them pray for one another. Remind them to continue praying for one another’s personal needs and spiritual growth throughout the week.
*>>inspire Them:* Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study (pg 044), explaining WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.
*>>Ministry Activity:* Invite students to spend few minutes in prayer. Encourage them to ask God to help them become more dependent on Him and to give them a greater hunger for His presence and His Word. You may want to circulate around the room and pray with each student individually.
Close the study by reminding students that the first step in seeking God is coming to know Him in a personal way. Invite students who are not living for Christ to make Him the Forgiver of their sins and the Leader of their lives.
Pray with any student who responded.
*>>Ask Yourself..*
1. Can students name some of the ways they can seek God as well as some of the benefits of depending on Him?
2. Can they explain what the story of Esther reveals about the importance of relying on God?
3. Do they express renewed desire to trust and seek God?

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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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