BIBLE TEXT: Gen. 1:28, Joh15:5
INTRODUCTION: Productivity is one of the mandate God gave to His
children. it is not negotiable; it is a command. and if you are a true child of
God all you need to do in order to be productive is to abide in the Lord who
gave the command,
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1. Father, thank you for the grace to be among the living in Jesus name. Lam.
2. Father, have mercy and forgive us every sin we have committed that has
negatively affected our career in Jesus name. Psa. 51:1
3. Father, let the anointing for obedience and prosperity fall upon us as it
was with Abraham in Jesus name Gen. 24:35.
4. Father, please deliver our nation from the spirit of unproductivity in Jesus
5. Father, you are the source of productivity, we hide in you; help us to be
productive in our career in Jesus name.
6. Father, in our career help us to be faithful, for it is required of a steward to
be found faithful in Jesus name. 1Co. 4:2.
7. Father, help us in our nation to pursue our career according to your
standard for the glory of Your name in Jesus name Col 3:17, 23.
8. Father, in all our career let us seek the kingdom of heaven first in the name
of Jesus. Mat. 6: 33.
9. Father, help us to abide in you at all-time never to allow anything to
disconnect us in Jesus name Joh. 15:5.
10. Father, in this evil day, please strengthen us to walk wisely making the
best use of our time in Jesus name Phi 4:13,
11. Father, in our career grant us wisdom so that our light will shine brighter
than our mates to your glory in Jesus name. Dan 1:20, Mat. 5:16.
12. Father, as your hand was with Isaac let you hand be with us for favor in
Jesus name. Gen 26:2
13. Father, help us to always think of being a blessing to others in the name
of Jesus. Eph. 2:10.
14. Father, give us a heart committed to serve like Jesus in Jesus name Mat.
15. Father, no matter how hard the situation, may we never quit or give up
in trusting in you in Jesus name. 2Ch 15:7.