DAY 7 – Mon, Jan 17th, 2022. THANKSGIVING FOR FRESH AIR.

BIBLE TEXT: Ps 126:1-6.
The Lord is giving us a first of its kind prophesy in this New Year “FRESH
AIR”. We believe, it’s already being fulfilled. Brethren we need to give
quality thanksgiving to God our father in heaven for this rare privilege and
1. Father, thank you for your grace and mercy that we enjoy everyday in Jesus
name. Lam 3:22-23.
2. Father, thank you for creating us in your image and your likeness in Jesus
name. Gen 1:26.
3. Father, thank you for giving us the power of dominion over all your creations
in Jesus name. Gen 1:28.
4. Father, thank you for the forgiveness of our sins and iniquities in Jesus
name. 2Chro 7:14.
5. Father, thank you for the gift of everlasting life in Jesus name. Joh 3:16.
6. Father, thank you for the grace to have confidence in you in Jesus name.
Psa 27:3.
7. Father, thank you for breathing on me and making something significant
out of my life (Breath more on me, don’t let me die ordinary)
8. Father, thank you for breathing on me and for your wind blowing in my
9. Father, thank you for your breathe on me and for restoring unto me every
blessing (opportunity) that I have lost.
10.Father, thank you for breathing on me. Thank you for giving me a booster
(the second dose) of your power that I might reach the top quickly and
11.Father, thank you breathing on me. Thank you for keeping the air fresh and
not allowing your fire go out in my life.
12.Father, thank you for fighting all my battles and for giving me rest
roundabout in Jesus name. 1 ki 5:3-4, 2Chr 20:30
13.Father, thank you for giving me joy and honour and gladness in Jesus
name. Est 8:16-17.
14.Father, I thank you for the new job, contracts, favour, promotions,
connections, healing, progress, etc. you have set aside for my life this year
in Jesus name. Isa 64:4
15.Father, I thank you for your divine freshness that is taking over from
every form of dryness, rottenness in my life this year in Jesus name.
Eze 33:1-10