DATE: 30TH JUNE, 2022
Let’s begin to honour the Only One who can make you Complete, the One who has the Capacity, the Grace to make sinners to be cleansed by His Blood, the One that can cleanse and make somebody to be Complete.
Let’s give Him all the Praise, Honour and Adoration, it is not common. The God of Completion we magnify Your Holy Name.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!
Kindly be seated.
We want to Thank God for the Praise Team of The School of Disciples (SOD); ably led by the Assistant National Coordinator of The School of Disciples (SOD) – Pastor Juwon Ariyo.
You can see the diverse kinds of Gifts when it comes to Discipleship – You can be a Teacher as well as being a Prophet; you can be a Psalmist as we have seen here today – Pastor Juwon Ariyo can never be tired of Leading Praises.
We want to say that the Lord will bless your Team (The School of Disciples (SOD) Praise Team) and your Presence shall never cease in the Name of Jesus – Amen!
Brethren, Greater Works!
Tell your Neighbour – Do you know what? Today is the Happiest Day of my Life. I can see the Glory of God coming upon the Campground and the Glory of God is coming upon me in Jesus Name – Amen.
Kindly be seated!
The School of Disciples (SOD) Convention 2022 has started indeed!
We want to say: Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!! for the Glorious Match Pass Parade and for the Coordinators who managed it. You can see that everything is turning around for the Disciples in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) – This is our first time of doing Match Pass Parade like this (Hallelujah).
I am going to read “My Welcome Address” to you before I invite the Principal of The School of Disciples (SOD) to come forward for the “First Talk” of The School of Disciples (SOD) Convention 2022; tagged “Complete in Him (Jesus)”.
Glory and Honour to the Almighty God – It is another Refreshing Season where the Disciples and all Stakeholders come together to Fellowship and the Renewal of Strength.
This Promises to be the Best to the Glory of the Lord.
With all sense of Humility, we appreciate and celebrate our father-in-the-Lord, the Principal of The School of Disciples (SOD), our Coach, our Teacher, our Mentor, our Lover, the Lifter of our Head – We celebrate you sir!
The Vision you had years ago, the Lord has kept it, the devil has not been successful in bringing it down and till the Lord comes, so it shall remain in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ – Amen.
I will like to acknowledged the efforts of The School of Disciples (SOD) Stakeholders who has been working tirelessly to see to the Progress and the sustainability of the School Globally – I mean Coordinators all over the world inclusive Nigeria (Clap for yourselves).
Words are not enough to enumerate the Supports, the Assistance, and the Cooperations received from all our fathers – The Continental Overseers, Deputy and Assistant Continental Overseers, Assistant General Overseers (AGO’s) – Serving and Retired, Continental and Intercontinental Officers, all Pastors in Charge of Regions, Provinces, Zones, Areas, Parishes and their Assistants; Ministers and Workers of The Mission. The Almighty God will reward you accordingly and your Labour will never be in vain in Jesus Name – Amen!
With all gladness in my heart, I wish to acquaint you all with the Genesis of The School of Disciples (SOD) for Record Purposes:
The School of Disciples (SOD) was born out of Passion for Souls as well as numerous Revelations given to the Principal – Our father-in-the-Lord, Pastor E.A Adeboye to raise an Endtime Army who will be addicted to Soul Winning and The Defender of The Truth in this Perilious Endtime of the world.
The First Set of Students resumed in January 1985 and it was meant to be a Lifelong Program. The “Only Lecturer” that was lecturing then is the Principal – Our Daddy GO, who wrote and taught the Student.
Then we used to have what we called ‘Manual Labour’ – Tidying up of the Redemption Camp and cutting Grasses and doing so many other things that are expected of the Disciples.
Nevertheless, due to the enormous tasks of The Mission’s Assignment and Global Demands and the Schedules of the Principal – Our dear father, Pastor E.A Adeboye; the duration of the Theoretical Aspect of the Training was reduced to only ten (10) Years, though the Practical Aspects continues – No Man Graduate from The School of Disciples (SOD).
Jesus Christ said that we should be like Him in all things – 1 John 3: 1-3
Equally in the Year 1998, this duration was adjusted and we now have Accelerated Discipleship Program (ADP) to accommodate this Jet Age.
Presently, we now have various diverse ways of Training both the Online and the Onsite Students; to ensure that this Training is available to everybody.
Our Core Objectives is to draw Believers closer to God and train them to become “Combatant Soldiers of The Cross” that are addicted to Soul Winning, being like Jesus Christ and always ready to meet with Jesus Christ who is coming any moment from now.
Therefore, I am glad to Welcome you all to this Year School of Disciples (SOD) Convention 2022 with the Theme: “Complete in Him (Jesus)”.
I. Jesus Christ is who you need for your Needs to be met – Matthew 6:33
II. He is the Hope of Glory – Colossians 1:27
III. His Wish for you is All-Encompassing – 3 John 1:2
IV. Without Him, we can do Nothing – John 15: 5-6
Beloved, the Almighty God is here again to bless us and we are fortunate to have our father in the House. And the Hosts of Heaven are heavily loaded and Prepared to feed us to Overflow.
My Question is:
I. Are you ready to be Blessed?
II. Are you ready to Receive)
III. Are you ready to start the Journey of Completion?
Yes, for every Members of The DMC!
The Lord will make all of us Complete in Him – Physically, Mentally, Maritally, Spiritually and Emotionally. And at the end of the day, we shall all reign with Him – Amen!
Welcome! Welcome!! Welcome!!! to The School of Disciples (SOD) 2022 Convention!
God Bless You All – Amen!
At this time – With a Standing Ovation; all of us we are going to welcome our father, our Teacher, our Mentor, our Coach to our midst!
And we are going to sing this Song as our father-in-the-Lord will be coming now!
Complete, Complete, Complete in Him
We are Complete in Him
Complete, Complete, Complete in Him
We are Complete in Him
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.