







Thank You Lord!


You are the Mighty God
The Great I AM
Hallelujah, Hallelujah;

You are the Mighty God
The Great I AM
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.


King of of Glory, the Lord Strong and Mighty. The Lord Mighty in battle, the Lord who has never lost a war, te Lord of Hosts Himself; we Worship You. Accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You for Monday (Day 1), Thank You for Tuesday (Day 2), Thank You for yesterday (Day 3), and Thank You for tonight (Day 4). And Thank You in advance for tomorrow (Day 5). Accept our Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

Even as Your children sang, tonight Prove Yourself. Show the whole world that You are the Almighty God.

Arise tonight Lord, and scatter all the Enemies of Your Children.

In Jesus’ Marvellous Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let your Amen be louder than that of your Neighbour – Amen!

Again, you are going to Prophesy to one (1) or two (2) People and say: Neighbour, I love you; but my Surprise from God tonight will be bigger than yours – Amen.

Thank You Father!

And then you may Please, be seated.
– God Bless You (Amen).

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I have Good News for you: today Fourteen (14) more Babies have been born – seven (7) Boys, seven (7) Girls.

Bringing the total Babies to Forty nine (49) – Twenty one (21) Boys and twenty eight (28) Girls. So the Girls are still leading.

Let the Girls shout Praise the Lord! And let the Boys shout hallelujah – Hallelujah.

… Don’t worry Boys, we will catch up. Don’t worry!

Tonight we are talking on: BEYOND DELIVERANCE.

Acts 8:5-8

5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.

6 And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.

7 For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed.

8 And there was great joy in that city.

There is going to be Great Joy here tonight (inclusive for those reading now on the Label of DMC) – Amen!

Let me hear your Amen loud and clear – Amen!

Now, when we talk of Deliverance we are basically talking about Freedom from Demons; Demonic Forces – Freedom from anything that has to do with the devil.

I. And the Demonic Forces could be just One (1) – Like in Mark 1:23-27.

And it is interesting that God called Demons, ‘Unclean Spirits’.

So there is a link between Dirtiness and Demons.

II. A Demon could be More than one – Like in Luke 8:1-3.

It talks about Mary Magdalene who had seven (7) Demons only.

III. Or the demons could be Thousands – Luke in Mark 5:2-13.

Talking about the madman of Gadara – In his own case, he had a Legion of Demons.

But whether the Demons are one (1) or seven (7) or thousands; there is Someone Who is called The Deliverer. And I am sure you know His Name – JESUS.

Now, let me hear you shout His Name – JESUS!

So when we talk about Deliverance basically, we are talking about Deliverance from Unclean Spirits, from Demonic Forces.

But Deliverance offers you much more than just Freedom from Demons:

1. It offers you Freedom from Harmful Habits.

For example in Mark 5:5, talking about the madman of Gadara, the Bible says he was always cutting himself with stones. He was doing something that was destroying him.

That is why you find People who have found out, that without any doubt “smoking is dangerous – it can kill” but they keep on smoking. You find a Doctor smoking.

I think on one occasion they asked a Doctor, “you know this thing can kill, why are you still doing it?” He said, Yes! Man is going to die by something anyway. So he said, if he is going to die by enjoyment. He calls smoking ‘enjoyment’. He says, what is the Problem?

And believe me honestly, Deliverance can deliver you from Adultery and Fornication (Destructive Habits). Because in 1 Corinthians 3:17, the Bible made it clear: if you defile the Temple of God, God will destroy you. And it says your body is the Temple of God.

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2. Deliverance can give you Freedom from Wrong Association, Wrong Company.

The madman of Gadara was living in the Graveyard, keeping Company with the Dead.

It will interest you to know that in Proverbs 21:16, the Bible says that a Backslider is Living in the Congregation of the Dead.

If you have backslidden, you are remaining in the Congregation of the Dead.

Which is why when it is Altar Call Time tonight; if you know that you are backsliding run away from the Company of the Dead – Come back to God.

1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us that: Evil Communication corrupts Good manner.

That means you are Fellowshipping with the wrong kind of People, you will soon become like them.

The Elders have a saying, “the Sheep that is Fellowshipping with dogs will eat feces”.

Proverbs 13:20 tells us clearly that if you walk with Wise People, you will be Wise; “but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

If your friends are fools and you keep on associating with them, the Bible says destruction is waiting.

… But Deliverance offers you more than that;

3. It offers you a Restoration of your Destiny.

Before you were born God had a Plan for your Life.

He said, Before I formed you in the belly I knew thee; and before you came forth out of the womb I had already set you apart for a Purpose – Jeremiah 1:5

But then many People come into the world and they deviate; and their Destiny becomes truncated.

But Deliverance can restore your Destiny.

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For example, in the case of the madman of Gadara we were talking about, Nobody would have thought that madman was born to be an Evangelist. But when Deliverance came and he said: Lord, I will go with You wherever You go; the Lord said, No! Go and fulfill your Purpose! – Your Purpose is to be an Evangelist.

I have Good News for Somebody here tonight inclusive all those reading now  your Destiny that is being truncated shall be fully Restored – Amen.

Some of you have heard the Story before; of a young man – Brilliant young man. A student of Medicine at the University of Ibadan. His father fought with another man – He wasn’t there when they were doing their fighting and the other man Placed a curse on the father and said, “by the time I finished with you, Nobody will ever remember you ever came to this world.”

4. Incidentally, Deliverance can Take you Out of any Family Curse.

So let me use the opportunity of tonight to say that if there are any Generational Curses in your family; by the Authority of the One who is called the All-Sufficient God, I destroy it – Amen.

And as soon as that man Pronounced the curse; less than two (2) weeks later, the man he fought with died. So all the children came home to bury their dad. And the eldest of the children had just returned from Germany, and bought a new car.

On the way, after the burial of the father, the car had an accident, and the boy died!

They brought the News back home, the mother heard the News, collapsed and died! The children came to bury their mother, on their way back, another accident and the eldest sister in the family died and on and on!

Until one day, the man who Placed the curse saw this young man – The last one left, Student at the University of Ibadan, College of Medicine. And said “Ha! There remains one! This one is still living – Before I killed this one, I will torture him a bit.”

I decree today that, that “Sworn Enemy” of your family, by the time you get back home, he would be gone – Amen!

So he did something and the boy became crazy. Got back to the Campus, gathered all his books together and all his clothes and set them on fire.

Of course, they took him to Psychiatric Hospital and loaded him with drugs. And they said he can now go back to School but he has burnt all his Properties.

So he went home to see if he could get some money from his father’s farm. And that man saw him again: “Oh! You are still around?” He added Petrol to the fire. The boy returned to the Campus and things got worse.

To cut the long Story short, after a long while something told that boy: Your case is not Natural, it is not for drugs. You need to come in contact with the Lord of Hosts.

So they brought him to this Camp. By the time we saw him, his eyes were crimson red – Because he had not been able to sleep for days.

By the Special Grace of God, he gave his Life to Jesus Christ. The Almighty God intervened and somehow we were able to support him and he finished his Doctorate Degree.

Today, he is an Evangelist.

I decree to Someone here listening to me inclusive all those now reading : As a result of what God will do in your Life tonight, you will fulfill Destiny – Amen.

But Deliverance offers you more.

If you read Exodus 12:30-32, when God was to deliver Israel from Egypt, Pharaoh said something: “Go and serve God as you wish.

5. Deliverance gives you the Ability and the Means to Serve God as you Wish.

For example, Deliverance makes available to you, the Wealth that you need to serve God.

I know there are some People here inclusive all those reading now on the Label of DMC who would love to build a Church for God once every year. It is only they don’t have the means. I am decreeing tonight that the Power to do whatever you want to do for God easily, you’ll receive it tonight – Amen.

It was Deliverance that turned Mary Magdalene to a Divine Treasurer.

“Poverty is a curse; Prosperity is a Blessing.”

That is one of the reasons why the devil does not like anything that would cause you to Prosper.

I am telling you, Poverty is not Good – If you agree with me say Amen – Amen.

I have been Poor; by the Grace of God; I am not that Poor any more. I have known what it is to walk barefooted till you reach the age of eighteen (18) – That’s not good!

Poverty is a curse.

And today, in the Name of the One Who saved my Soul; in the Name of the One who called me, I decree: Poverty will become a Stranger to you – Amen.

The Almighty God said, it is to Sinners that God has ordained travail – To Struggle and have Nothing to show for it.

You are working hard, working like an Elephant and eating like an Ant – That is not Good.

What your God says is, I wish above all things that you will Prosper and be in Health; even as your Soul Prospers.

If there is any one who should be doing very well, it is Someone whose Soul is Prospering.

If you are a True Child of God, doing the Will of God, you shouldn’t Lack. Poverty is a curse; and Poverty will become a Stranger to your family – Amen!

Oh! I am sure some of you will say: “what about those People who are not Christians and they have a lot of money?”

Oh sure! If you Study the Bible very well, the Word of God says clearly: the Prosperity of fools will destroy them.

The Bible says, it is the Blessings of the Lord that maketh rich and adds no sorrow.

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You will Prosper! And you won’t know sorrow – Amen.

However, Prosperity can take you much, much deeper.

I have already talked about Restoration of Destiny as one of the things that you get when you are delivered.

But some of the things that I really like (and I won’t take too long tonight, because I want you to Pray) is that, Deliverance can turn you to Becoming a Terror to the devil.

You used to run from Witches and Wizards, Deliverance can turn the tide so that they will now become those who would be running away from you!

6. You can become Someone who will be Moving Mountains.

Acts 13:6-12, Paul was Preaching the Gospel, which was his Life Assignment. And then a Sorcerer decided to block the way. The Bible says, Paul full of the Holy Spirit looked at him and said, I am talking and you are hindering me? He said, I decree that you will be blind for a while.

… Up till today I don’t know why he added “for a while.”

And immediately, the Fellow became blind and moved out of the way. And the Governor that Paul was Preaching to got converted.

*I know atimes, when we Pray and make some decrees, some People feel, “Are you not being “Too Violent”?”

But if Somebody says I will not reach my Goal, should I allow him to stay? NO!

So I decree: Antone who will not allow you to reach your Goal shall be Uprooted – Amen.

One of my sons (some of you have heard this Testimony before) – Great Child of God, doing Mighty Things for God, was living in the same house in Ikeja with a Witch – He was living in a flat Upstairs and there was this Witch living in the flat below (very famous one). Big, big Officers of Law were coming to her for Power.

And my son came and told me. I said, what are you doing? You are Upstairs, the devil is downstairs, move the devil! “Excuse Sir, aren’t you forgetting that the Bible says we must be Gentle as a Dove?” I said, I see!

So if I get to my bedroom at Night and I open the bedsheet and one way or the other, I found that a Poisonous snake had found its way under the bed sheet; what you are asking me to say is, “Oh! Thou Creature of God, you are welcome.” Sleep on, but don’t worry, I will be sleeping somewhere near you.”

Is that what you will do? No! What would you do? Command the Mountain to move!

So after sometime I didn’t see my boy. When I saw him, there were rashes all over his body. “What happened?” He said the Witch reported him to one of the Police Officers – That she is convinced that the boy upstairs must be a Highway Robber; that People are always coming to his Place at Night to discuss.

People were coming to Pray – She said they were coming to Plan how they will rob.

So the Policemen arrested my boy, threw him into detention. It took a while before they said, this Fellow is always Praying, he can’t be an Armed Robber.

When my son came to me; I said: served you right! Harmless as Dove, go back, continue to be harmless as a Dove with the Witch underground. The next time she is going to report you, you won’t come out.

He got home and commanded the Mountain to move and the Mountain moved!

Do I hear Somebody say: In the Mighty Name of Jesus, every Mountains blocking my way, move tonight – Amen.

Amen! Don’t worry, the time to Pray would come. Please, be seated!

There is something I like much more than moving occasional Mountains, it is that;

7. Deliverance can move you to a Level where you become a One-Man-Army for the Lord.

As you found in the Bible Text that I read to you (Acts 8:5-8) – Only one boy (Philip) went to a City; when he arrived there every Demons started running away.

Single boy! Became an Army of God, flushed out all evil forces in the town.

The result? – There was Great Joy in the City.

I am believing God for you, that after this Convention, you will visit your Village, you will visit your Towns and drive out all the Demons there – Amen.

Let me tell you a Story, and I will mention names because it’s a true Story anyway!

The Late Orimolusi (the one before the Present one) happened to be, not just to be my son in the Lord, but my friend. And his Salvation was solid – I mean solid! Saved, Sanctified, Delivered and Baptized in the Holy Spirit.

So he told the People in his Town – And this is a True Story; you can check to be sure I’m telling you the Truth.

He said: Now, I am a Child of God, I am not just an “Ordinary Oba” – Not just an “Ordinary Traditional Ruler” – No more idol worshipping in my Town. And the People laughed at him.

And at the time he was saying that, the Egungun (Masquerade) Festival was just some weeks away! They told him we have been doing this before your father, not to talk of you. We will celebrate our Egungun (Masquerade) Festival. He said fine, we shall see!

Then about three (3) weeks to the date when the Festival was to be celebrated, the High Priest, who would lead the celebration died. So the People said, no Problem! There is a Successor. So another fellow became High Priest. But ten (10) days or so to the celebration the new High Priest died. And the People said, no Problem! There is somebody who can succeed that one. And so they told him, it’s your turn! He said, I refuse! They said, why not? He said, the God of Orimolusi will kill me.

I hereby decree, anybody who raises any hand or foot against your God shall die – Amen.

NOTES: The “Orimolusi” is the name of the First-Class King and he is the Supreme Head of Ijebu-Igbo (Headquarters of Ijebu North LGA Ogun State). Oba Sami Adetayo, the Ikupakude IV, was the name and Identity of the King in Question as at then and he joined his Ancestors on May 28, 1994. And after 28 years of interregnum occasioned by Legal battles and fierce Contest over the Royal Father Stool, Ogun State Governor Dapo Abiodun on the 5th of January 2022 installed the New and current “Orimolusi” of Ijebu Igbo, Oba Lawrence Adebajo.

What are the Requirements for you to be a One-Man-Army for God – A Terror to the devil?

James 4:7 says, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

….he will do what? He will flee!

1. Let your Submission to God be Total.

You must be able to say, like Jesus said in John 14:30, The Prince of this world has come and has found nothing in me.

I am a Christian, a Child of God, hundred Percent (100%) with nothing added.

Submit like that to God, you will resist the devil, the devil will flee.

I am a small boy! And if I am a small boy now, you can imagine how small I was some forty (40) years ago.

You have heard the Story – About forty (40) years ago, the same Orimolusi of Blessed Memory (Oba Sami Adetayo; The Ikupakude IV) invited me to Ijebu-Igbo for a Thanksgiving Service.

Because some of his children had returned from Abroad and he wanted to celebrate; and I went.

And just as the Service was about to begin, a lot of his Chiefs (of those days) came! And they came in the Regalia of their various cults. The Ushers saw them coming and they said to me and said: Sir! Are we going to allow these People into the Church?

I said of course, bring them to the front row where it will be easy for my God to reach them quickly.

And I Changed my Sermon – I was going to Preach on, “O that Man whould Praise the Lord.” I Changed my Sermon to “What happened on Mount Carmel.”

… You know what happened on Mount Carmel!

I rounded up the Sermon by saying: Brethren, I came here with my wife and my son, in this Particular car number so and so.

I said, I give you a Challenge – If you can make one of my tyres go flat, I will serve your god, if you can’t do that? You must serve my God.

Then I made the Altar Call; and the Head Chief who incidentally also happened to be the Leader of all the Members of the Secret Society was the first to come forward.

He came and of course, when they saw their Leader going, others followed.

At the end of the Service, Orimolusi said to me, “E.A” – I said, Kabiyesi. Because we were close, you know? He called me “E.A” (as my initial). You saw my Chief Assistant, the highest man next to me coming forward when you made the Altar Call? I said Kabiyesi, I saw him.

He said, maybe he didn’t understand what you said ooo – Maybe he thought you were asking for Somebody who needs Prayers for Healing. He said, let’s follow him up. I said good, let’s go!

So we got to him and Kabiyesi said, do you know what you have just done? He said I do! Why?

He said, Ha! You see a small boy like this Challenging all of us; who does not know there must be Somebody behind him?

When you leave here, the Lord of Hosts will be behind you – Amen!

… He said, it is the One behind him that I surrendered to!

Submit to God absolutely and then you resist the devil and he will flee from you – That is what the Bible says.

2. Then if you are to be a One-Man-Army for God, you must be ready for a Life of Self Discipline.

You must be ready for a Life that you will keep yourself under Perfect Control.

In Matthew 17:14-21, there was a boy who was being tormented by a Demon. And they brought him to the Disciples and they couldn’t cast the Demon out. But Jesus came and threw away the Demon.

So later on the Disciples came to the Lord and said Sir, why couldn’t we cast him out?

I. And the Lord said well, because of your Unbelief;

II. Because this kind does not come out, except with Fasting and Prayer.

You are my children so I can tell you the Truth – Your life must become a Life of Fasting and Prayer.

You can’t be overloaded with Pounded yam everytime and expect the devil to take you serious.

You must learn to say No to the flesh from time to time.

That’s what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:25-27. He said, I keep my body under.

I tell the body, Hey! Sit down.

That is why you find that in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), one of the things we are noted for is Fasting.

And from time to time, I call you to Fast.

Some of you of course obey – I don’t know about the rest.

But in the Name that’s above every other name, as you follow my foot steps you will be Greater than I – Amen!

Some of you have heard the Story before (don’t worry, I am about to Close) – I went home to my Village in Ifewara (Osun State Nigeria) several years ago. I was on holidays! And when I am on holidays I don’t think Fasting – Holidays mean you do what you don’t normally do. You rest, you eat.

And I went home (my home), and they Prepared me Pounded yam – My favourite food; with bush meat and combination Okro soup.

As usual, I Prayed before I eat – “Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus …”

And God said clearly: Son, don’t eat!

Ha! This is my home, Nobody is going to Poison me here – My People love me, my family, they love me and I am not Fasting today, as I am on holidays.

God said again, Son, don’t eat!

I am confessing to you; I said this Pounded yam, I am going to eat this one.

So I ate. I am a Human Being like you now! – Pray that God will help me.

I have just finished eating when a Messenger came and said one of my Elder sisters, living not too far away had been struck from head to toe with Small Pox.

… Thank God Small Pox is forgotten now!

But in those days, it was a terrible disease – It can kill you. If it doesn’t kill you, it will deform you.

O God! I ran to where my sister was.

When I saw her, I was shaking. And I heard God say, “I told you not to eat yet.” I ran to the back of the house, put my hand deep into my throat and vomitted the Meal.

You don’t cast out Small Pox with your belly full of Pounded yam!

I apologised to God and then came back and dealt with the Small Pox.

Before the following Morning, my sister was Completely Whole again.

You must be willing to live a Disciplined Life.

3. And of course, you don’t face the devil unless you are Full of the Spirit.

We are going to be Praying tonight. And one of your Prayers tonight is that God will fill you to Overflowing with the Holy Spirit – He is Willing, if you are Willing.

In Conclusion: How can you become a terror to the devil if you are not Born Again?

Because the Bible says clearly in 1 John 3:8, He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this Purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

You are committing sin? It says the devil is your owner. And so how are you going to be commanding your owner to move? He will just slap you on the head.

I mean, you remembered Acts 19:13-17 – When seven (7) sons of Sceva said to a man who had Demons, devil we command you in the Name of Jesus that Paul Preaches, get out!

The devil said, what kind of nonesense is this? I know Jesus, if He commands me to leave, I will leave. I know Paul, who are you? Then he tore their clothes.

If your Salvation is not Genuine, I beg you to come and give your Life to Jesus. Because very soon, we are going to be Praying. And at a Stage, one of our Prayers will be a “Prayer in Agreement”.

Those of us who are full of the Holy Spirit, those of us who are True Children of God, we are going to Command every Demons here tonight inclusive those who are now reading on the Label of DMC, to get out!

… And Believe me honestly, they are going to obey!

When the Demons begin to fly out, if they find someone who has not been washed in the Blood of the Lamb, they will say, Ha! No Problem, we are just exchanging houses.


So if you have not been Born Again, if you have not been saved, if your Salvation is not Genuine; if you have been Pretending all this while. Or you are Backslidden and living in the Congregation of the Dead; you better run forward now, come and give your Life to Jesus Christ.

So that you would be save, His Blood would cover you and then you would be secured when Deliverance time comes.

If you are ready to Genuinely Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ do so now!

And this is not a joking matter – No question of shame there. If you are backslidden come now.

Begin to Pray: Ask Jesus to have Mercy on you, ask Him to save your Soul tonight inclusive all those reading now on the Label of DMC; Wash you clean in His Blood. Give you Genuine Salvation.

Call on Him wherever you are now – It is a very important time.

Tell Him: I want to do Your Will, I want to serve You from now on.

All these days that I have been serving the devil what have I gained?

I am coming to You Lord, wash me Clean in Your Blood. Be my Lord, be my Saviour, I will serve You for the rest of my Life.

And the rest of us, let’s stretch our hands towards these our Brothers and Sisters and intercede for them – Let’s Pray that the One Who saved our own Souls would save their Souls also. Please. Pray for them Brethren, Pray for them!

Thank You Father, Thank You Jesus. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Saviour, I want to Thank You for Your Word. I want to give You all Glory and Honour for those who have come forward to Genuinely Surrender their lives to You today.

Father Please, receive them, have Mercy on them. Please, save their Souls, let Your Blood wash away their sins, receive them into the Family of God.

And Please Lord, don’t let the devil have anything to do with them again.

From now on, anytime they cry unto You; Please answer them by Fire!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

I rejoice with those of you who have just Surrendered your lives to Jesus Christ. I want to Promise you that from today I will begin to Pray for you.

So I am going to need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.

God Bless You!


Now it’s time to Pray!

1. First of all you would want to make sure that there is no Unclean Spirits hibernating anywhere in your System.

And we are going to do that, copying from Acts 16:25-end – Paul and Silas were chained hands and feet. But then they began to Praise God. And God has Promised, when I find People who are Worshipping me in Spirit and in Truth, He said, I will pay them a visit.

And when God paid them a visit, there was an Earthquake; forced open every chains, forced open every Prison-Door.

You are going to spend the first five (5) Minutes tonight, and it’s up to you how you’ll use it: you are going to Praise God violently.

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You are going to Praise Him so Mightily, that God will locate you from this huge crowd. And when the Almighty God pays you a visit, no Demon can Stand.

So Stand on your feet, begin to Praise the Almighty God like you have never done before.

Thank You Lord. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

2. The Bible says if a Demon goes out of a man, he goes around looking for somewhere else to stay. And if he cannot find one, then he comes back to check if the old house is still vacant. And he goes out to bring seven (7) more wicked Demons than himself.

Say Father, fill me to Overflowing with Your Holy Spirit so that no Demon will find any Place to come back to.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

3. Lift up your voice and say: Father; turn me to a Terror to the devil. Turn me to a One-Man-Army against the devil. Go ahead cry to the Almighty God.

Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

4. You are going to Pray now like a Warrior.

So in one accord let’s lift our voices to the Almighty God and say: Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, we Command every Demons here tonight to let go of their Victims. Go ahead, cry to the Almighty God!

Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

5. There is a famous saying that says, “Charity begins at home.”

You are going to Command now that the devil would take his dirty hands off every Members of your family.

Lift your voice to the Almighty God and say: Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I hereby Command – Satan take your dirty hands off my family. Go ahead, cry unto the Almighty God!

Hallelujah! Thank You Father. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


Lord of Hosts, the One Who reigns for ever; the One Who said, “let there be Light” and there was Light. I Worship You tonight. Please, accept my Worship, in Jesus’ Name.

I Stand before You tonight, as Your Representative to these People. You are the One Who said I will decree a thing and it would be established unto me.

I here decree: Every one of you today, be Free!

Be free from Demons, be free from Curses, be free from Harmful Habits!

Go and fulfill Destiny! Become Terrors to the devil.

From now on, when the devil sees you coming, the devil will run and you will reach your Goal.

You will become a Mighty Army against Forces of Darkness.

And it shall be well with you!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name I have decreed – Amen.

Well, if you believe that, then go ahead – Praise the Lord, Magnify His Holy Name. Just Bless His Name Name!!!

Thank you so much for staying all through to read.

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Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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