Well, let us lift up our hands to the Most High God and bless His Holy Name. Let’s give Him Glory, let’s give Him Honour, let’s give Him Adoration. Worship the King of Kings, Worship the Lord of Lords, the I am that I am, the Unchangeable Changer.
Bless Him who reigns forever. Give Him Glory for all He has done for you since the beginning of this Year (2022) – Praise His Name for what He did in January, Magnify His Holy Name for what He did in February; Magnify Him for what He did in March.
He is Worthy to be Praised, He is Worthy to be Adored, He is Worthy to be Magnified.
Praise Him for what He is going to do for you tonight, Praise Him for what He will do for you this Month (April 2022). Magnify His Holy Name for all the Wonderful Testimonies we have heard tonight and because our own Testimony is going to be bigger and better and Greater.
Praise His Holy Name – There is no one like Him. He is our Father, our Redeemer, our Healer, our Provider, our Promoter, our All in All. He is Worthy to be Praised.
Thank You Father.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Worshipped – Amen!
I have a Father
Almighty Father
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I have a Father.
Father of fathers, the Father of all mothers, the Father of Children, the Saviour of the whole world.
The One who can do what Nobody else can do, the God of Miracles, Signs and Wonders – Glory be to Your Holy Name. Father, Please accept our Worship in Jesus Name.
Thank You for what You did in January, Thank You for what You did in February, Thank You especially for what You did in March, Thank You for what You are about to do today.
Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus Name.
In a Very Special Way Lord God Almighty, in all our lives tonight let there be Miracles, let there be Signs, let there be Wonders and just let Your Name be Glorified.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Well let Somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
God Bless You – You may be seated!
You may turn to your Right and Left and then Prophesy to your Neighbours and say: God is set to do Signs and Wonders tonight.
Let those who are born in the Month of April Stand Up now!
My Father and my God, I commit all Your Children born in the Fourth (4th) Month of the Year into Your Hands.
From the four (4) Corners of the world, send Help to them – From the East, send Help to them; from the West, send Help to them; from the North, send Help to them; from the South, send Help to them.
From all the Pillars of Heaven, send Help to them and give them a Brand New Beginning.
In Jesus Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Those of you born in the Month of April, shout another Hallelujah – Hallelujah!
God Bless You – You may Please be seated!
1. Next Month (May 2022); by the Grace of God, the Holy Ghost Service Theme will be: “OPEN DOORS”.
The Almighty God will open Doors to everybody here tonight or reading now on openheaven.net – Amen!
2. And then, let all the Workers in The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) remember that they will be having a Meeting immediately after Next Month (May 2022) Holy Ghost Service.
I want to Thank the Almighty God for all my Children who had Ministered tonight – Beginning from the very “Small Ones” to the one who gave the Sermon – They have all done Excellently well.
I think that we should give the Lord a round of applause for all of them.
Definitely, by the Grace of God, our Future is assured when we see our Teenagers Ministering so Powerfully.
I learnt a lot from the Preacher – He said that:
I. The first encounter with Jesus Christ will turn you to a Wonder.
II. And he tells us that the Baptism in the Holy Spirit will help sustain the Wonder.
III. And he then went on to say that Evangelism is essential.
… That is a beautiful one sir – I appreciate you.
Let’s give the Lord a round of applause for these Wonderful Children.
Tonight, I will be as brief as Possible because we still have to anoint all Children especially for the Great risks ahead of them.
Our Bible Text is: Isaiah 8:18 – Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for Signs and for Wonders in Israel from the LORD of Hosts, which dwelleth in Mount Zion.
My son who spoke before me had already defined Signs and Wonders beautifully.
I just want to define Signs and Wonders in the Language of the Market Woman, in the Language that even illiterate will understand.
Signs simply means Proof, Evidence.
In 2 Kings 20:1-11 when God told Hezekiah that he will live and not die…
And I decree tonight to all the children, including myself: you shall live and you will not die – Amen.
Hezekiah requested from the Prophet, give me a Sign give, me an Evidence, give me a Proof; that as you have said I am going to live for another fifteen (15) Years.
And then God gave him a Sign – And the sun went backward (instead of forward) for a certain Period of time.
I. A wonder, like Somebody said is that which causes you to Wonder.
II. A wonder is that which causes you to open your mouth wide involuntarily and find it difficult to close.
III. A wonder is a happening beyond expectation; beyond imagination.
Like in Daniel 6:19-27, the Bible tells us that a Man spent a night in the den of hungry lions, and came out alive – That is a Wonder!
In the Testimonies we heard tonight, there are many Wonders:
I. A Woman had been married for thirty-two (32) Years and God answered her – That is a Wonder!
II. A child spent thirty (30) minutes inside the river, he could not be reached. But the ocean vomited the Child – That is a Wonder!
You see, I’m beginning again to sense that because so many Great Miracles are happening among us, we are no longer Paying too much attention to them.
I don’t know how anybody could hear some of these Testimonies and remain seated – When you hear what only the Almighty God can do.
If you stay in the River for five (5) Minutes, you are supposed to die – A child was there for thirty (30) Minutes; a woman was barren for thirty-two (32) years; Somebody touched the dress that somebody else wore and Miracles began to happen.
Why don’t you shout Hallelujah to God – HALLELUJAH.
You will receive your own Wonder tonight – Amen.
Oh Please, be seated! – God Bless You.
Children are Proofs, they are Evidences that God is a Miracle Working God; that God is a covenant keeping God; that God is a Defender of the defenseless; that God is a Burden Bearer.
… And we can go on and on!
When they brought little children to Him and some People were driving away the little children; the children are defenseless. And it was the adults who were saying ‘get away from here!’
Jesus turned around and rebuked the People. He said, leave the little ones alone, bring them close to me – He defended them.
The Defender of the defenseless will defend Somebody here tonight- Amen.
God is a Carrier. He can carry you and carry your burdens. He can carry your sorrows, He can carry your Problems – Provided you will make yourself as little as a Child.
God is a Carrier, and children are Evidence.
When I lost my son last Year, I was deeply in sorrow. I got a text from one of my daughters, that suddenly turned the tide.
What she wrote was simply this – DADDY LET GOD CARRY YOU.
… That Changed everything!.
Is there anybody here tonight with any Problem? May the Almighty God carry you – Amen.
… Not only did he carry them,
… Gently, as a Sign of Love.
Children are Evidence that God is a God of Love. And we know that if He loves you, you will become More Than a Conqueror.
I have always said it; and when I say it People argue with me – God loves me more than anybody else.
Do you agree? – No Sir!
… I know you won’t agree!
When I tell you that God loves me more than you, what do you reply? – “God loves me more than you, Sir!”
Which means we all agree He loves us. And if He loves us, we are More Than Conquerors.
From children we see Evidence that it doesn’t matter how great the forces against us, we shall Overcome.
How many Conquerors are there today? – The openheaven.net family and all those reading this Message now.
Let me hear you shall Triumphantly Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH!
But tonight (because I want to be brief) I want to look at Some Children in the Bible that are clearly Signs from God.
1. Let me start with ISAAC – Isaac is a Sign, an Evidence that God can Reverse the Irreversible.
Why? – Because by the time the mother conceived him the mother’s womb had already died.
In Genesis 21:1-7, Sarah said, who would have believed that Sarah will have a son?
That is why she called him Isaac – God made me Laugh!
I Pray for everyone of you here tonight and all of you reading on the Label of openheaven.net – In all your homes, there will be Constant Laughter – Amen.
2. JACOB is a Sign that God can Love you even before you were Born.
In Romans 9:10-13, the Bible tells us that before Jacob was born God had already said: “Jacob I love” – Loved before he was born.
3. JOSEPH is a Sign that when God gives you a Dream, the Dream, no matter how ridiculous, the Dream will come to Pass.
In Genesis 37:5-11, Joseph had a set of Dreams – In the first Dream, he saw all his brothers coming to bow down before him. It was a very ridiculous Dream; Particularly when you follow the History:
How he was sold into Slavery, how he ended up in Prison, how the People that he thought would help him forgot him.
But in Genesis 50:15-23, the Bible says when his father died all his brothers came, fell down before him and said: “We are your Servants.”
Let me use the Language of my children (laughs) – I hear them say: “I decree and declare …
… I think one of these days I will ask them where they got the ‘declare’ from.
In my own case, I simply Decree – In the Name that is above every other names; every Dreams God has given you will come to Pass – Amen.
4. SAMUEL is Evidence that out of Barren Womb can come a Prophet.
In 1 Samuel 3:11-20, the child Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and didn’t allow any of his word to fall to the ground. And the whole Nation knew Samuel has been raised up to be a Prophet in Israel.
Not only did he become a Prophet, he became a King Maker – The first King Maker in Israel – 1 Samuel 10: 1-25.
Out of a barren woman’s womb can come a Prophet and a King Maker.
I believe very firmly that out of the People here gathered and all those reading on the Label of openheaven.net, Somebody is going to rise up and become a Prophet – Amen.
5. JOHN THE BAPTIST is an Evidence that a Child can be a Latecomer.
You don’t have to be the first born!
Oh, God has a Special Place for first borns – John the Baptist was a first born but his Parents were old.
But according to Matthew 11:11 – Coming from the mouth of Lord Jesus Himself, the Bible tells us that of all men born of a woman there was never arisen a Greater than John the Baptist .
You can be a latecomer (I mean to the world) but that does not mean you will end late.
As a matter of fact, I Decree concerning all my children, none of you will end Small – Amen.
Now let us go to WONDER.
… Don’t worry God will help me to say everything that is needed to be said as briefly as Possible.
I will just give you Two (2) Examples of Children that are Wonders – There are many others:
1. SAMSON – You know the Story in Judges 13:1-25.
Ha! Thank You Father!
The Lord asked me to tell somebody, He Said Because of your Children, I will show you Mercy – Amen.
When Samson was to be conceived an Angel came and told the Parents – You are about to have a Child who will begin to deliver the Nation.
Allow me to Decree that among those who are here tonight and all of you reading on the Label of openheaven.net – There will be a National Leader – Amen.
By the time you read Judges 15:11-16, you see a man using the jawbone of an ass to kill a thousand (1,000) Soldiers of the enemies – That is a Wonder!
It is a Wonder because, if hundred (100) People rush at a man, even if he is carrying AK-47, he might be able to shoot and kill about ten (10) of them before others will pull him down.
But in this case, a thousand (1,000) People.
Ask yourself the Question: “What were they looking at when he was killing them?
It was simply because God wanted to show us an example of a Wonder
Before the end of this Year (2022), one of your children will achieve a Wondrous feat – Amen.
2. MARY is another Example of a Wonder.
When you read Luke 1:26-38, you see a Girl receiving a Miracle that is Unique – A Virgin conceiving.
Not only is the Miracle Unique, it is Unique forever.
Oh, there has been Testimonies of the barren conceiving; Testimonies of the Dead being raised, etc. But when you hear of these Testimonies today you will hear another one tomorrow.
We have heard of Someone tonight, who was barren for thirty-two (32) Years. It’s most likely, before the end of this Year you will hear another one bigger than that – Amen.
… Please say Amen to it – Amen!
But only once have we ever heard of a Virgin conceiving – It is a Wonder of all Ages!
I Pray for Someone here today and all those reading on the Label of openheaven.net that the day you share your Testimony, everybody will Stand and Shout – Amen.
Everybody will say: we have never heard this type before – Amen.
Who is that fellow going to be? – The openheaven.net family Members!
Your Hallelujah should be the loudest – HALLELUJAH.
And then we have children who are a Combination of Sign and Wonder – Maybe I will take just Two (2) Examples because of time.
1. SOLOMON: When you read 2 Samuel 12:24-25, the Bible says when Solomon was born God loved him.
Now that is a Sign that God can Love Unconditionally.
You say why? – The father has just committed adultery, the mother was an adulteress of the worst type; that led to the death of her husband.
And then the two (2) of them met and gave birth to a boy (Solomon); and the Bible says God loved him.
I’m sure I have told you before, when I got to that Passage in the Bible I had to say to God – “Daddy Please, don’t be angry I am Your son. I just don’t understand this one. How can You love this fellow?”
Then He asked me a Question (laughs) – “Is your mother the first wife of your father?
I said no more Questions! I shut my mouth immediately.
God can love the Unlovable.
I know some of you are born Angels. Some of you have never done anything wrong before; you are Holy from the day you are born – Congratulations!
But there are some People like me, we were rotten until God found us. He saved our Souls and turned us to Vessels unto Honour in His Hands.
If there is anybody like that here, or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net, let me hear you shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!
… Solomon is a Sign that God can Love the Unlovable.
And then he was also a Wonder:
He was a Wonder because when God asked him to ask for something, he asked for Wisdom.
He was a Wonder because if this fellow who knew that he was not Wise, which means he was a bit dull had enough sense to offer a thousand (1,000) Burnt Offerings to God; and then when God said ‘what do you want in return?’ He said just give me Wisdom.
And the Almighty God turned around – Gave him Wisdom, gave him Understanding, gave him Wealth beyond Imagination, gave him Peace all the days of his life, gave him everything he never asked for.
… Solomon was a Wonder!
There might be one (1) or two (2) Wonders here or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net – I am one of them! And so is The openheaven.net Family Members.
I told you before, the day my father bought an Umbrella; we celebrated in my family; I told you before, for the first eighteen (18) Years of my Life, I had no Pair of shoes. But look at me today!
It shows that when God wants to be Wonderful, He can choose any one.
Is there anyone here today or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net, believing that before the end of this Month he will become a Wonder? – Yes, openheaven.net FAMILY.
If you are that one let me hear you Shout Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH.
Solomon, the son of a terrible combination was loved before the time he was born and God turned him to a Wonder.
… The other fellow that I will mention – Who is a combination of Signs and Wonders is:
When you look at Luke 1:26-37 – You know the Story. He was born of a Virgin.
Oh Lord, Thank You! Thank You Father.
Let me say Amen to this before I tell you – Amen!
Daddy says: Stars differ from Stars in Glory; but He asked me to tell Someone: The Glory of your son will be the Greatest among the Stars – Amen.
Jesus is Sign that there is Nothing God cannot do.
That is why I Thank God for one of the Songs the Choir rendered – There is Nothing God cannot do.
There is one word that is never found in the Dictionary of God – That is the word ‘impossible.’
And those of you who are close to me and who have been with me for quite a while, you would have discovered that I too, don’t want to hear the word impossible. RCCG APRIL 2022 HOLY GHOST SERVICE THEME: SIGNS AND WONDERS MINISTERING: PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
When we came here to the Redemption Camp and one Young Man got Born Again. And he said: “I want to bring my friends to the Convention.” And the Convention was a week away! “Where am I going to house them?”
And the Dormitories in those days were like Somebody described it – “Chicken Beds”.
You know, put some wood into the ground, put roof on top and build a wall up to a metre – That was our dormitory!
“How do you keep out the mosquitoes?” Someone asked.
Well, we just round the thing with Mosquito nets.
But he was “Big man!” He looked at the Dormitory and said ‘not me!’
I said well, Sagamu is not far away you can stay there.
He said, most of the Programs will be at Night. I said to him, we will build you a house if you bring the Money. He said Money is not the Problem. We said don’t worry.
He said in seven (7) days? He said that is impossible! I said you have mentioned the wrong word. Seven (7) Days later the house was ready. All the Engineers said No, that house won’t last! It has no crack from 1983 till now – Not a Single crack.
And they said Oh well, it is because it is not a Storey building.
I said fine, we will show you what God can do. We will build one that is not a bungalow – One-Storey building. And we did it in 18 days.
They said it cannot be done. Ha! go to the School that they call RHS (Redeemer’s High School), you will find the building there – No crack all these Years.
Is there anything in your Life that is looking impossible? As the Lord lives, by the Holy Ghost Service of Next Month (May 2022) you will share your Testimony – Amen.
… Jesus is a Sign that there is Nothing impossible with God.
But then of course, HE IS A WONDER.
I don’t need to tell you that!
You have to be a Wonder to be able to raise Somebody who has been dead four (4) days (John 11:39-44) – Lazarus had been dead four (4) days. Dead and rotten.
He spoke a word – He didn’t go into the tomb, He didn’t lay hands on him, He just called him out. He spoke a word from the Wonder of wonders, the Dead came out completely alive.
I speak a Word to your Life right now, everything Good in your Life that the devil has killed will come back to Life today – Amen.
He said in John 10:15-18, Nobody took my Life from me, I laid it down on my own accord because my Father loves me – That is a Wonder!
He is a Wonder because He got the Name that is above every other names. The Greatest Name of all – Philippians 2: 9-11
Ha! Thank You Father!
And I think I will love to say Amen to this also – Amen!
The Lord asked me to tell Someone – He says: Don’t worry, your Labour over your Children will not be in Vain – Amen.
Now the Text we read said – “I and my children…” – Before he mentioned the children he mentioned the Parents.
Ha! Thank You Again Lord!
The Lord said the fellow concerned with this Particular one will understand.
He asked me to tell you: Don’t worry, I will Rebuild- Amen.
“… I and my Children.”
Let’s look at maybe just one (1) Parent who was a Sign and a Wonder before his children followed in his footsteps.
I will take only DAVID – David is a Sign that when God decides to Promote you, it will be without an end.
God can Promote you continuously forever.
In 1 Samuel 16:11-13 – You know the story.
Samuel came to Jesse’s house to anoint a King. Nobody even remembered to call David forward.
But God had decided, this is my King! So they went to bring him from the bush.
You know some People never think you can become anything; but in the Name that is above every other names, you will shock them – Amen.
And then we move on to 2 Samuel 2:1-4, David became King over Judah; then we move on to 2 Samuel 5:1-3, David became King over the whole Nation of Israel.
And then we move on to Mark 10:46-52, the Bible says Bartimaeus said “Jesus, Thou Son of David…”
David moved from being a King among his own brothers to becoming a King over Judah; to becoming King over Israel; to becoming the father of the King of kings.
Your Promotion begins tonight; and it will continue steadily until we see Jesus Christ in Glory – Amen.
Was David a Wonder?
Well, you know the Boy who used a catapult to kill Goliath. You know him, in the cave of Adullam he was Captain over a handful of Vagabonds and he turned them to Mighty Men.
David was a Sign and a Wonder; no wonder then Solomon his son; coming after him became a Sign and a Wonder.
But then don’t let me spend much time. I think you have already heard enough.
… Because I don’t want the children to fall asleep before Anointing them.
There are Two (2) Kinds of Signs and Two (2) Kinds of Wonders
And I think I have shared that one with you: Good Wonders and Evil Wonders.
That is why the Bible started by saying “I” and then my children.
Meaning: if I am Good Sign and Good Wonder, then my children will also be Good Sign and Good Wonders.
Let’s take the Example of ABRAHAM – Genesis 18 17-19.
God said: Can I hide anything from Abraham knowing that this Man is going to guide his children in the Way of the Lord?
Abraham is a Good Sign – A Sign that the Almighty God can reverse the reversible; that He can make the Old Young again.
Abraham is a Sign that God is Faithful – That when He Promises, He will fulfill it.
Abraham was a Wonder also.
if you want to know how Wondrous he is, read Genesis Chapter 14. And you will see when the enemies captured his Relative (Lot).
His servants alone were enough to form an Army that rescued his brother from those who captured him.
Abraham was not just a Sign, he was a Wonder.
And you will realised what then followed in Genesis 22:1-18. Because Abraham was a Sign and a Wonder he trained Isaac in the Way the Lord.
When God said go and offer a Burnt Offering to me. On the way, it was Isaac who reminded the father- Daddy, we cannot go to Worship God without an Offering. Where is the Ram?
You know the rest of the Story!
At the end of the day, God said: Abraham, in Blessing I will bless you. But as far as your children are concerned, I will Multiply.
When the father is Good Sign and Good Wonder, children will automatically become Good Sign and Good Wonder.
Why? – Because when you train a child in the way he should go, when he is old, he won’t depart.
But then there is another side of the Story – You consider GEHAZI.
In 2 Kings 5:20-26; Gehazi saw that his Master was more interested in Signs and Wonders; in being a Vessel unto Honour in the Hands of God than in Money.
Gehazi is a Sign that it is Possible for Somebody to be sleeping and waking up with Miracles and not be interested at all.
Gehazi is a Sign that we see in the world today – Many, many People who call themselves Servants of the Most High God; who are in it for nothing other than the money. RCCG APRIL 2022 HOLY GHOST SERVICE THEME: SIGNS AND WONDERS MINISTERING: PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE
… As it was then, it is now!
And he (Gehazi) became a Wonder because, instead of getting Double Portion of Anointing, he got Leprosy. And the Bible says, the Leprosy came on him immediately. As soon as the Master finishef speaking.
He became a Wonder.
One moment he was going into the Presence of his Master; a Second moment he was coming out, covered with Leprosy.
And then the Bible says, the Man of God said, the Leprosy of Naaman will cleave on to Gehazi and his Seed forever.
Who you are Places a Great Role in what your children will become.
I. If you are Good Sign and Wonder, your children will become Good Signs and Wonders.
II. If you are an evil Sign and Wonder, God have Mercy on your children!
Unless God in His Infinite Mercy comes in through another means and make those children Born Again (in spite of you); So that they become Brand New Creatures; so that they join the family of God they will have Problems.
Before many of us met the Lord Jesus Christ, we were suffering under curses that have been Placed on our grandfathers and grandmothers; our great-great-great ones!
But God in His Infinite Mercy showed us the Way to Salvation – and we left that line and moved into the Line of Jesus Christ.
So I am appealing to those of us who are Parents here tonight or reading now on the Label of openheaven.net– If you know you are still living in sin, for the sake of your children (even if it is not for your own sake). For the sake of your children, come and give your Life to Jesus Christ today. Let His Blood wash away your sins, so that any evil curses that you have inherited or any evil curses that you may want to Pass on to your children might be wiped away by the Blood of the Lamb.
And for you children: if you are already Old enough to understand what I am saying (even if your Parents don’t want to give their lives to Jesus) come and give your own Life. So that you can leave the Line of sickness, sorrows, failures, frustrations, almost succeeding and shame.
It depends on the Link that you have.
Parents, for the sake of your children, if you have not given your Life to Jesus Christ, come and do so now! Children, if you are Old enough to understand what I am saying (even if your Parents are not willing to give their Life) come and give your own.
The Bible says if you are in Christ you will become a Brand New Creature; then pls things can Pass away and all things can become New.
That is why the Almighty God said something in Deuteronomy 30:19-20:
I call Heaven and Earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you Life and Death, Blessing and Cursing: therefore choose Life, that both thou and thy Seed may live: That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey His Voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto Him: for He is thy Life, and the Length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the Land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.
… Your Choice will determine what will happen to your children.
So, if you want to give your Life to Jesus Christ; do so now – Cry to Jesus Christ for the Salvation of your Soul and I will Pray with you and you will have a Brand New Beginning
Now those of you are clapping, thank you!
But remember, Jesus is not begging you to Clap. So if your want to clap, you clap. If you don’t want to clap you don’t have to worry. He has more than enough People who are clapping for Him all over the world.
This is a Great Day of Decision – If you are a Child of the Living God Oh, your children will end up well. If you refuse Christ, may the Lord have Mercy on your children.
And if your Children understand what it means: if there is a curse on the family and you don’t get out of that quickly, it is likely to flow over to you. But you can break loose and begin a New Life today!
I Decree that those who are clapping today will always have something to clap about – Amen.
The Almighty God will Honour your Decision today; He will have Mercy on you – Amen.
Glory be to God!
Now those of you who are ready to Genuinely Surrender your Life to Jesus Christ say:
Lord, Please have Mercy on me. I want to be for a Good Sign and a Good Wonder. Save my Soul, let Your Blood wash away all my sins.
Lord God Almighty, I want to be for Signs and Wonders as well as my children after me. Save my Soul Lord, forgive me, let Your Blood wash away every sins in my Life.
Go ahead, cry to God!
And the rest of us Please, let’s stretch our hands to these People and intercede for them – That the Almighty God will have Mercy on each and every one of them, and wash them clean with His Precious Blood.
So that there will be Nothing at all to stand between them and the Miracles, Signs and Wonders of God.
Thank You Father! Thank You Almighty. In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Father Almighty, we want to give You all Glory and Honour for Your Words. And Thank You for all these People who have responded to the Altar Call.
Father, Please receive them, have Mercy on them, forgive all their sins, let Your Blood wash away their sins, saved their Souls Lord and receive them into the Family of God.
Every curse in their families Lord Please, keep far away from them. And from this moment onward, anytime they call on You answer them by Fire.
And let them from today become People who are for Signs and Wonders.
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah!
I want to rejoice with those of you who just surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ. I want to assure you that by the Grace of God, I will keep on Praying for you. So I’m going to need your names, your Address and your Prayer Requests.
God Bless You!
You may want to write down your Prayer Points now:
1. Thank God for every Child, every Children.
2. You want to ask the Almighty God that those who don’t have Children yet (The Barren); God will remember them – So that by this time Next Year (April 2023), God will remember them – Amen!
3. Tell God that if there is any curse in your family that is still destroying the family; that the Almighty God in His Mercy will terminate it tonight.
That God will help you (Mention your name) to bring Salvation to every Members of your family so that the curse on your family will be terminated.
4. Ask God to Please turn you to a Sign to your Generation and a Wonder to the world.
5. Ask God to Please turn your Children (If you have any) to Signs and Wonders.
If you don’t have your own Children yet; Pray that Prayer for your Brothers and Sisters – That God should turn your Brothers and Sisters to Signs and Wonders.
The Prayer will be for fifteen (15) Minutes.
If you have your Children with you, do the Prayers where you are seated.
If you don’t have your Children, the Altar is Open – Praise God!
Pray for the barren, that Generational curses will be terminated, that God will help you to bring Salvation to your family and God should make you Signs and Wonders.
Do the same thing for your Brothers and Sisters – Fifteen (15) Minutes Only.
Pray with all your hearts!
In In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
All those who are Trusting God for the Fruits of the Womb, by this time Next Year your children will be here, too – Amen.
And in all our families were Generational Curses are still ravaging; there will be an end tonight – Amen.
And the Almighty God Who saved our Souls, in His Infinite Mercy will empower us to bring Salvation to every Members of our family – Amen.
He will turn each and everyone of us to Signs and Wonders – Amen.
We will be Signs to our Generations and Wonders to the world – Amen.
He will do the same for our children and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren – Amen.
He will do the same for our Brothers and Sisters and other Relatives – Amen.
Before the end of this Month there will be something in our lives that will be a Wonder – A Good Wonder to the world – Amen.
So shall it be, in Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Praise the Lord – Hallelujah.
As Part of our Teaching to the children, when we bring the children out for Anointing put an offering in their hands. Let them learn from early in Life that you don’t come to God empty-handed.
So the Ushers will make arrangements so that as the children are being Anointed they will be dropping their Offering.
Since we are all children too, as we are being Anointed, we will do the same.
Now there are various Sections so that we’ll be able to finish on time for the Anointing Service. So you locate where you see Pastors ready to Anoint.The Oil had been Prayed over.
I will begin the Anointing Service straight away as the Choir will begin to Worship the Almighty God.
Thank you Pastors! Thank you very much.
Now you are going to Pray with Confidence – Because of the Anointing, you are going to Command the devil and say: In the Name of Jesus, Satan take your dirty hands off my children.
… Go ahead talk to the Almighty God
Thank You Lord! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
So shall it be in Jesus’ Name – Amen.
Well let’s be seated from just a minute or two.
As it is our Customs, we want to Thank God for what He has done today.
Has anyone been blessed at all today? – Yes Sir! DMC FAMILY has been blessed.
If you have been blessed, let God hear your shout of Hallelujah – HALLELUJAH.
And so you take our Thanksgiving Offering with you, dance to the nearest Basket and then we Pronounce the Final Blessings on us.
And in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ; whatever evil devil may be Planning against your family is cancelled – Amen.
Over to you Band!
Dance to the nearest basket drop your office (ONLINE) and then we will Pray!
For two (2) Minutes, if there is anything Specific that you want God to do for you before the end of this Month of April 2022, go ahead tell Him now!
Something Specific, something that you will know only God could have done this!
Thank You Father! In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
My Father and my God, under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit I Decree that everything Your children have requested for now be givien them within a week!
As a Sign to the world that there is Nothing too hard for You; everything Your children have asked for now, within one week, make available to them!
When we meet Next Month (May 2022); Oh Lord, let there be Outstanding Testimonies!
Please, receive the Offering of Your children. Sanctify it, use it for Your Glory.
And I Pray Lord God Almighty, that the enemy will stay away from the Finances of Your children.
As Your children will be going; I Decree that every dangers on the way be removed now!
It shall be well with all of you! God will take care of you; He will take care of your children and forever you will be shouting for Joy.
Even before we meet again, there will be “OPEN DOORS” for you!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.
Let me hear you shout your Biggest hallelujah so far – HALLELUJAH..
Thank you so much for staying all through to read.